• Talisman door bbslist set

    From Apam@21:1/130 to SNEAKY on Wed Dec 30 17:42:00 2020
    SNEAKY wrote to PAULIE420 <=-

    command = "RUNDOOR"
    data = "//home//ian//talisman//doors//bbslist//bbslist"
    hotkey = "1"

    cd //home//ian//Talisman//doors//BBSList
    ./BBSList.linux.x86_64 -D $1

    For your shell script on raspberry pi you want to use the arm binary

    Something like

    cd /home/ian/Talisman/doors/BBSList
    ./BBSList.linux.arm32 -D $1

    then save it as bbslist.sh and make sure the file is executable by

    chmod +x bbslist.sh

    for the menuitem, change the data to point to the sh script, and
    you should be good to go.

    Note: for / you don't need double, that's only for \

    As for windows, I'm not really sure what's going on. I don't think
    it works in local mode, but it should (I think) work connecting to
    the BBS locally. It looks like you're doing everything right.


    ... DalekDOS v(overflow): (I)Obey (V)ision impaired (E)xterminate

    --- EzyQwk V3.00 01FB001F
    * Origin: Tiny's BBS - telnet://tinysbbs.com:3023 (21:1/130)
  • From Sneaky@21:1/115 to Apam on Thu Dec 31 09:22:00 2020
    Hi Apam

    cd //home//ian//Talisman//doors//BBSList
    ./BBSList.linux.x86_64 -D $1

    For your shell script on raspberry pi you want to use the arm binary

    Something like

    cd /home/ian/Talisman/doors/BBSList
    ./BBSList.linux.arm32 -D $1

    Thank you for this.

    then save it as bbslist.sh and make sure the file is executable by

    chmod +x bbslist.sh

    and for this 2.

    for the menuitem, change the data to point to the sh script, and
    you should be good to go.

    cool, will let you now how I go with it

    Note: for / you don't need double, that's only for \


    As for windows, I'm not really sure what's going on. I don't think
    it works in local mode, but it should (I think) work connecting to
    the BBS locally. It looks like you're doing everything right.

    I can telnet into my bbs from another computer, enter into the doors/bbslist and your bbs is in the list, press T (telnet) and the login screen does appear but I just can not type any login name like for sneaky type s then n but
    s came up go again back 1 and s cames up again, so I am hoping it will work in my rasberry pi rasbian unix.

    Thank your for help

    Ian S 6th choice Core Talisman BBS Nz

    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (21:1/115)