As previously announced, there are two modifications scheduled for V2 and V3 DATs:
1. The first change, updated digital certificates included in the DATs, has been RTW since November 8, 2016 and will be included in every subsequent DAT.
2. The second change (phase 2) will involve dual-signing of DATs using two digital certificates:
For the second change, we are providing an opt-in customer evaluation period via, scheduled to start November 21, 2016 and continuing until December 31, 2016.
The planned go-live date for the second change is mid-January 2017.
Impact of these changes?
These changes are not expected to impact customers or their installed products, but it is recommended that customers use the DAT Change 2 Evaluation period to test and evaluate this second DAT change prior to it being deployed to their live environment.
For customers who opt in to evaluate these changes, feedback can be provided to Intel Security via the DAT-Evaluation group in the McAfee Community forums:
To learn more about these changes, why they may occur, and how you can prepare for them, please see KB87709:
Intel and TPG unveil strategic partnership to create an independent McAfee. Read the Sept. 7, 2016 stakeholder letter.
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For support issues access Technical Support, ServicePortal, and the Knowledge Center. Enterprise (formerly Platinum) customers should contact their SAM for high severity issues. Visit the Intel Security Community for product user groups and discussions.
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