• My Friday Nets

    From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Fri Apr 14 00:01:40 2023
    Note: This info was updated on March 7, 2023.

    You can find yours truly, Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, on this net today. A
    list of all the nets that I can be found on during the week is at the
    hyperlink on my QRZ bio -- look for the link that notes "Nets Where
    WX4QZ is Net Control".

    Nets on The QuadNet Array utilize the modes of D-Star, DMR+, WIRES-X,
    and Fusion, together on one site. Go to openquad.net for more details,
    and connection options. Note that the QuadNet Array no longer offers connections via Echolink, or Brandmeister via DMR.

    Nets on The Sunflower Network utilize the modes of AllStar, D-Star,
    DMR, Echolink, Fusion, HamShack Hotline, M17, P25, and TGIF. For more
    details and connection options, go to sunflowernet.us

    All times are in the US Time Zones. During US Daylight Savings Time
    in the U.S., Pacific Time and Mountain Standard Time (Arizona stays on
    MST year round) are identical.




    Net Name: Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) CQ100 Net.
    Meets on: CQ100 on 14.347 Mhz
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Harold Braun, VE3CD
    Net Time: 11am Eastern, 10am Central, 9am Mountain, 8am Pacific

    Comments: You do not have to be a member of the QCWA to check into the net. However, if you were first licensed as an amateur radio operator, anywhere
    in the world, anytime in 1998 (as of 2023) or earlier, and are currently licensed, you can join the organization. Go to www.qcwa.org for more

    While it's on the same frequency as the 20 meter HF Net (14.347 Mhz), this
    net is on CQ100, and NOT on RF. That net is at 2000 UTC every Sunday. Plus,
    the CQ100 is for ALL licensed amateur radio operators who have a CQ100 membership. The 20 meter HF net requires hams to have a General Class or
    higher amateur radio license. QCWA Membership is NOT REQUIRED to checkin
    to ANY of their nets.

    CQ100 is $39 a year, with a 30 day free trial for new CQ100 Users. Usage
    is free from 0000 to 2359 UTC on Sunday. Paid Members also get the QSO-TV add-on for sending pictures over CQ100. You can do voice and digital with CQ100, including Morse Code, PSK31, etc. It simulates RF operation on
    several HF bands, but no RF actually occurs...so, it's classed as a
    VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) mode.

    Further details are at qsonet.com


    Net Name: Trains And Railroads Net
    Meets On: The QuadNet Array
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Paul Frey, K9PTF
    Net Time: 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central, 6pm Mountain, 5pm Pacific

    Comments: The only requirement to checkin, is that you're a licensed
    amateur radio operator, with privileges to transmit on the modes that
    are offered by the QuadNet Array.

    The net is done in honor of its predecessor, that ran on Echolink in
    the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area for over 8 years...and is in loving
    memory of my late uncle, K3VRM, for giving me my love of ham radio,
    and trains. He was the only other ham radio operator in my family,
    and the youngest engineer ever hired on by the Penn Central Railroad.

    On checkins, please advise if you are "Short Time", or want to be just
    "Listen Only". If either is the case, once ackowledged, you can secure
    your station at your leisure, and go on your way.

    Methods to checkin are as follows:

    1) On the QuadNet Array, via D-Star, DMR+, TGIF, WIRES-X, or Fusion.
    Go to openquad.net for connection options.

    2) Via the IM Utility with Netlogger (netlogger.org).

    3) Via the QCWA Facebook Page.

    4) Via email to wx4qz@arrl.net

    Checkin methods 3 and 4 are automatically noted as "short time".

    There is no penalty if you don't know the answer to the railroad trivia.
    And, if you get it right, you get the satisfaction of doing so. Also,
    net participants are welcome to email the Conductor (item 4 above), with
    a main and a bonus railroad trivia question. That will be forwarded to
    the Brakeman, Paul Frey, K9PTF...or the contributor can read the question,
    and keep tally on who got the answer right or wrong. They will be given
    credit for the question, but will need to stay on the net until the round
    of final comments begins.

    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Fri Apr 21 07:02:36 2023
    Note: This info was updated on March 7, 2023.

    You can find yours truly, Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, on this net today. A
    list of all the nets that I can be found on during the week is at the
    hyperlink on my QRZ bio -- look for the link that notes "Nets Where
    WX4QZ is Net Control".

    Nets on The QuadNet Array utilize the modes of D-Star, DMR+, WIRES-X,
    and Fusion, together on one site. Go to openquad.net for more details,
    and connection options. Note that the QuadNet Array no longer offers connections via Echolink, or Brandmeister via DMR.

    Nets on The Sunflower Network utilize the modes of AllStar, D-Star,
    DMR, Echolink, Fusion, HamShack Hotline, M17, P25, and TGIF. For more
    details and connection options, go to sunflowernet.us

    All times are in the US Time Zones. During US Daylight Savings Time
    in the U.S., Pacific Time and Mountain Standard Time (Arizona stays on
    MST year round) are identical.




    Net Name: Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) CQ100 Net.
    Meets on: CQ100 on 14.347 Mhz
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Harold Braun, VE3CD
    Net Time: 11am Eastern, 10am Central, 9am Mountain, 8am Pacific

    Comments: You do not have to be a member of the QCWA to check into the net. However, if you were first licensed as an amateur radio operator, anywhere
    in the world, anytime in 1998 (as of 2023) or earlier, and are currently licensed, you can join the organization. Go to www.qcwa.org for more

    While it's on the same frequency as the 20 meter HF Net (14.347 Mhz), this
    net is on CQ100, and NOT on RF. That net is at 2000 UTC every Sunday. Plus,
    the CQ100 is for ALL licensed amateur radio operators who have a CQ100 membership. The 20 meter HF net requires hams to have a General Class or
    higher amateur radio license. QCWA Membership is NOT REQUIRED to checkin
    to ANY of their nets.

    CQ100 is $39 a year, with a 30 day free trial for new CQ100 Users. Usage
    is free from 0000 to 2359 UTC on Sunday. Paid Members also get the QSO-TV add-on for sending pictures over CQ100. You can do voice and digital with CQ100, including Morse Code, PSK31, etc. It simulates RF operation on
    several HF bands, but no RF actually occurs...so, it's classed as a
    VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) mode.

    Further details are at qsonet.com


    Net Name: Trains And Railroads Net
    Meets On: The QuadNet Array
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Paul Frey, K9PTF
    Net Time: 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central, 6pm Mountain, 5pm Pacific

    Comments: The only requirement to checkin, is that you're a licensed
    amateur radio operator, with privileges to transmit on the modes that
    are offered by the QuadNet Array.

    The net is done in honor of its predecessor, that ran on Echolink in
    the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area for over 8 years...and is in loving
    memory of my late uncle, K3VRM, for giving me my love of ham radio,
    and trains. He was the only other ham radio operator in my family,
    and the youngest engineer ever hired on by the Penn Central Railroad.

    On checkins, please advise if you are "Short Time", or want to be just
    "Listen Only". If either is the case, once ackowledged, you can secure
    your station at your leisure, and go on your way.

    Methods to checkin are as follows:

    1) On the QuadNet Array, via D-Star, DMR+, TGIF, WIRES-X, or Fusion.
    Go to openquad.net for connection options.

    2) Via the IM Utility with Netlogger (netlogger.org).

    3) Via the QCWA Facebook Page.

    4) Via email to wx4qz@arrl.net

    Checkin methods 3 and 4 are automatically noted as "short time".

    There is no penalty if you don't know the answer to the railroad trivia.
    And, if you get it right, you get the satisfaction of doing so. Also,
    net participants are welcome to email the Conductor (item 4 above), with
    a main and a bonus railroad trivia question. That will be forwarded to
    the Brakeman, Paul Frey, K9PTF...or the contributor can read the question,
    and keep tally on who got the answer right or wrong. They will be given
    credit for the question, but will need to stay on the net until the round
    of final comments begins.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Fri Apr 28 00:01:26 2023
    Note: This info was updated on March 7, 2023.

    You can find yours truly, Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, on this net today. A
    list of all the nets that I can be found on during the week is at the
    hyperlink on my QRZ bio -- look for the link that notes "Nets Where
    WX4QZ is Net Control".

    Nets on The QuadNet Array utilize the modes of D-Star, DMR+, WIRES-X,
    and Fusion, together on one site. Go to openquad.net for more details,
    and connection options. Note that the QuadNet Array no longer offers connections via Echolink, or Brandmeister via DMR.

    Nets on The Sunflower Network utilize the modes of AllStar, D-Star,
    DMR, Echolink, Fusion, HamShack Hotline, M17, P25, and TGIF. For more
    details and connection options, go to sunflowernet.us

    All times are in the US Time Zones. During US Daylight Savings Time
    in the U.S., Pacific Time and Mountain Standard Time (Arizona stays on
    MST year round) are identical.




    Net Name: Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) CQ100 Net.
    Meets on: CQ100 on 14.347 Mhz
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Harold Braun, VE3CD
    Net Time: 11am Eastern, 10am Central, 9am Mountain, 8am Pacific

    Comments: You do not have to be a member of the QCWA to check into the net. However, if you were first licensed as an amateur radio operator, anywhere
    in the world, anytime in 1998 (as of 2023) or earlier, and are currently licensed, you can join the organization. Go to www.qcwa.org for more

    While it's on the same frequency as the 20 meter HF Net (14.347 Mhz), this
    net is on CQ100, and NOT on RF. That net is at 2000 UTC every Sunday. Plus,
    the CQ100 is for ALL licensed amateur radio operators who have a CQ100 membership. The 20 meter HF net requires hams to have a General Class or
    higher amateur radio license. QCWA Membership is NOT REQUIRED to checkin
    to ANY of their nets.

    CQ100 is $39 a year, with a 30 day free trial for new CQ100 Users. Usage
    is free from 0000 to 2359 UTC on Sunday. Paid Members also get the QSO-TV add-on for sending pictures over CQ100. You can do voice and digital with CQ100, including Morse Code, PSK31, etc. It simulates RF operation on
    several HF bands, but no RF actually occurs...so, it's classed as a
    VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) mode.

    Further details are at qsonet.com


    Net Name: Trains And Railroads Net
    Meets On: The QuadNet Array
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Paul Frey, K9PTF
    Net Time: 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central, 6pm Mountain, 5pm Pacific

    Comments: The only requirement to checkin, is that you're a licensed
    amateur radio operator, with privileges to transmit on the modes that
    are offered by the QuadNet Array.

    The net is done in honor of its predecessor, that ran on Echolink in
    the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area for over 8 years...and is in loving
    memory of my late uncle, K3VRM, for giving me my love of ham radio,
    and trains. He was the only other ham radio operator in my family,
    and the youngest engineer ever hired on by the Penn Central Railroad.

    On checkins, please advise if you are "Short Time", or want to be just
    "Listen Only". If either is the case, once ackowledged, you can secure
    your station at your leisure, and go on your way.

    Methods to checkin are as follows:

    1) On the QuadNet Array, via D-Star, DMR+, TGIF, WIRES-X, or Fusion.
    Go to openquad.net for connection options.

    2) Via the IM Utility with Netlogger (netlogger.org).

    3) Via the QCWA Facebook Page.

    4) Via email to wx4qz@arrl.net

    Checkin methods 3 and 4 are automatically noted as "short time".

    There is no penalty if you don't know the answer to the railroad trivia.
    And, if you get it right, you get the satisfaction of doing so. Also,
    net participants are welcome to email the Conductor (item 4 above), with
    a main and a bonus railroad trivia question. That will be forwarded to
    the Brakeman, Paul Frey, K9PTF...or the contributor can read the question,
    and keep tally on who got the answer right or wrong. They will be given
    credit for the question, but will need to stay on the net until the round
    of final comments begins.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Fri May 5 00:01:30 2023
    Note: This info was updated on March 7, 2023.

    You can find yours truly, Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, on this net today. A
    list of all the nets that I can be found on during the week is at the
    hyperlink on my QRZ bio -- look for the link that notes "Nets Where
    WX4QZ is Net Control".

    Nets on The QuadNet Array utilize the modes of D-Star, DMR+, WIRES-X,
    and Fusion, together on one site. Go to openquad.net for more details,
    and connection options. Note that the QuadNet Array no longer offers connections via Echolink, or Brandmeister via DMR.

    Nets on The Sunflower Network utilize the modes of AllStar, D-Star,
    DMR, Echolink, Fusion, HamShack Hotline, M17, P25, and TGIF. For more
    details and connection options, go to sunflowernet.us

    All times are in the US Time Zones. During US Daylight Savings Time
    in the U.S., Pacific Time and Mountain Standard Time (Arizona stays on
    MST year round) are identical.




    Net Name: Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) CQ100 Net.
    Meets on: CQ100 on 14.347 Mhz
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Harold Braun, VE3CD
    Net Time: 11am Eastern, 10am Central, 9am Mountain, 8am Pacific

    Comments: You do not have to be a member of the QCWA to check into the net. However, if you were first licensed as an amateur radio operator, anywhere
    in the world, anytime in 1998 (as of 2023) or earlier, and are currently licensed, you can join the organization. Go to www.qcwa.org for more

    While it's on the same frequency as the 20 meter HF Net (14.347 Mhz), this
    net is on CQ100, and NOT on RF. That net is at 2000 UTC every Sunday. Plus,
    the CQ100 is for ALL licensed amateur radio operators who have a CQ100 membership. The 20 meter HF net requires hams to have a General Class or
    higher amateur radio license. QCWA Membership is NOT REQUIRED to checkin
    to ANY of their nets.

    CQ100 is $39 a year, with a 30 day free trial for new CQ100 Users. Usage
    is free from 0000 to 2359 UTC on Sunday. Paid Members also get the QSO-TV add-on for sending pictures over CQ100. You can do voice and digital with CQ100, including Morse Code, PSK31, etc. It simulates RF operation on
    several HF bands, but no RF actually occurs...so, it's classed as a
    VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) mode.

    Further details are at qsonet.com


    Net Name: Trains And Railroads Net
    Meets On: The QuadNet Array
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Paul Frey, K9PTF
    Net Time: 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central, 6pm Mountain, 5pm Pacific

    Comments: The only requirement to checkin, is that you're a licensed
    amateur radio operator, with privileges to transmit on the modes that
    are offered by the QuadNet Array.

    The net is done in honor of its predecessor, that ran on Echolink in
    the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area for over 8 years...and is in loving
    memory of my late uncle, K3VRM, for giving me my love of ham radio,
    and trains. He was the only other ham radio operator in my family,
    and the youngest engineer ever hired on by the Penn Central Railroad.

    On checkins, please advise if you are "Short Time", or want to be just
    "Listen Only". If either is the case, once ackowledged, you can secure
    your station at your leisure, and go on your way.

    Methods to checkin are as follows:

    1) On the QuadNet Array, via D-Star, DMR+, TGIF, WIRES-X, or Fusion.
    Go to openquad.net for connection options.

    2) Via the IM Utility with Netlogger (netlogger.org).

    3) Via the QCWA Facebook Page.

    4) Via email to wx4qz@arrl.net

    Checkin methods 3 and 4 are automatically noted as "short time".

    There is no penalty if you don't know the answer to the railroad trivia.
    And, if you get it right, you get the satisfaction of doing so. Also,
    net participants are welcome to email the Conductor (item 4 above), with
    a main and a bonus railroad trivia question. That will be forwarded to
    the Brakeman, Paul Frey, K9PTF...or the contributor can read the question,
    and keep tally on who got the answer right or wrong. They will be given
    credit for the question, but will need to stay on the net until the round
    of final comments begins.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Fri May 12 00:02:16 2023
    Note: This info was updated on March 7, 2023.

    You can find yours truly, Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, on this net today. A
    list of all the nets that I can be found on during the week is at the
    hyperlink on my QRZ bio -- look for the link that notes "Nets Where
    WX4QZ is Net Control".

    Nets on The QuadNet Array utilize the modes of D-Star, DMR+, WIRES-X,
    and Fusion, together on one site. Go to openquad.net for more details,
    and connection options. Note that the QuadNet Array no longer offers connections via Echolink, or Brandmeister via DMR.

    Nets on The Sunflower Network utilize the modes of AllStar, D-Star,
    DMR, Echolink, Fusion, HamShack Hotline, M17, P25, and TGIF. For more
    details and connection options, go to sunflowernet.us

    All times are in the US Time Zones. During US Daylight Savings Time
    in the U.S., Pacific Time and Mountain Standard Time (Arizona stays on
    MST year round) are identical.




    Net Name: Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) CQ100 Net.
    Meets on: CQ100 on 14.347 Mhz
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Harold Braun, VE3CD
    Net Time: 11am Eastern, 10am Central, 9am Mountain, 8am Pacific

    Comments: You do not have to be a member of the QCWA to check into the net. However, if you were first licensed as an amateur radio operator, anywhere
    in the world, anytime in 1998 (as of 2023) or earlier, and are currently licensed, you can join the organization. Go to www.qcwa.org for more

    While it's on the same frequency as the 20 meter HF Net (14.347 Mhz), this
    net is on CQ100, and NOT on RF. That net is at 2000 UTC every Sunday. Plus,
    the CQ100 is for ALL licensed amateur radio operators who have a CQ100 membership. The 20 meter HF net requires hams to have a General Class or
    higher amateur radio license. QCWA Membership is NOT REQUIRED to checkin
    to ANY of their nets.

    CQ100 is $39 a year, with a 30 day free trial for new CQ100 Users. Usage
    is free from 0000 to 2359 UTC on Sunday. Paid Members also get the QSO-TV add-on for sending pictures over CQ100. You can do voice and digital with CQ100, including Morse Code, PSK31, etc. It simulates RF operation on
    several HF bands, but no RF actually occurs...so, it's classed as a
    VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) mode.

    Further details are at qsonet.com


    Net Name: Trains And Railroads Net
    Meets On: The QuadNet Array
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Paul Frey, K9PTF
    Net Time: 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central, 6pm Mountain, 5pm Pacific

    Comments: The only requirement to checkin, is that you're a licensed
    amateur radio operator, with privileges to transmit on the modes that
    are offered by the QuadNet Array.

    The net is done in honor of its predecessor, that ran on Echolink in
    the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area for over 8 years...and is in loving
    memory of my late uncle, K3VRM, for giving me my love of ham radio,
    and trains. He was the only other ham radio operator in my family,
    and the youngest engineer ever hired on by the Penn Central Railroad.

    On checkins, please advise if you are "Short Time", or want to be just
    "Listen Only". If either is the case, once ackowledged, you can secure
    your station at your leisure, and go on your way.

    Methods to checkin are as follows:

    1) On the QuadNet Array, via D-Star, DMR+, TGIF, WIRES-X, or Fusion.
    Go to openquad.net for connection options.

    2) Via the IM Utility with Netlogger (netlogger.org).

    3) Via the QCWA Facebook Page.

    4) Via email to wx4qz@arrl.net

    Checkin methods 3 and 4 are automatically noted as "short time".

    There is no penalty if you don't know the answer to the railroad trivia.
    And, if you get it right, you get the satisfaction of doing so. Also,
    net participants are welcome to email the Conductor (item 4 above), with
    a main and a bonus railroad trivia question. That will be forwarded to
    the Brakeman, Paul Frey, K9PTF...or the contributor can read the question,
    and keep tally on who got the answer right or wrong. They will be given
    credit for the question, but will need to stay on the net until the round
    of final comments begins.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Fri May 19 00:01:40 2023
    Note: This info was updated on March 7, 2023.

    You can find yours truly, Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, on this net today. A
    list of all the nets that I can be found on during the week is at the
    hyperlink on my QRZ bio -- look for the link that notes "Nets Where
    WX4QZ is Net Control".

    Nets on The QuadNet Array utilize the modes of D-Star, DMR+, WIRES-X,
    and Fusion, together on one site. Go to openquad.net for more details,
    and connection options. Note that the QuadNet Array no longer offers connections via Echolink, or Brandmeister via DMR.

    Nets on The Sunflower Network utilize the modes of AllStar, D-Star,
    DMR, Echolink, Fusion, HamShack Hotline, M17, P25, and TGIF. For more
    details and connection options, go to sunflowernet.us

    All times are in the US Time Zones. During US Daylight Savings Time
    in the U.S., Pacific Time and Mountain Standard Time (Arizona stays on
    MST year round) are identical.




    Net Name: Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) CQ100 Net.
    Meets on: CQ100 on 14.347 Mhz
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Harold Braun, VE3CD
    Net Time: 11am Eastern, 10am Central, 9am Mountain, 8am Pacific

    Comments: You do not have to be a member of the QCWA to check into the net. However, if you were first licensed as an amateur radio operator, anywhere
    in the world, anytime in 1998 (as of 2023) or earlier, and are currently licensed, you can join the organization. Go to www.qcwa.org for more

    While it's on the same frequency as the 20 meter HF Net (14.347 Mhz), this
    net is on CQ100, and NOT on RF. That net is at 2000 UTC every Sunday. Plus,
    the CQ100 is for ALL licensed amateur radio operators who have a CQ100 membership. The 20 meter HF net requires hams to have a General Class or
    higher amateur radio license. QCWA Membership is NOT REQUIRED to checkin
    to ANY of their nets.

    CQ100 is $39 a year, with a 30 day free trial for new CQ100 Users. Usage
    is free from 0000 to 2359 UTC on Sunday. Paid Members also get the QSO-TV add-on for sending pictures over CQ100. You can do voice and digital with CQ100, including Morse Code, PSK31, etc. It simulates RF operation on
    several HF bands, but no RF actually occurs...so, it's classed as a
    VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) mode.

    Further details are at qsonet.com


    Net Name: Trains And Railroads Net
    Meets On: The QuadNet Array
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Paul Frey, K9PTF
    Net Time: 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central, 6pm Mountain, 5pm Pacific

    Comments: The only requirement to checkin, is that you're a licensed
    amateur radio operator, with privileges to transmit on the modes that
    are offered by the QuadNet Array.

    The net is done in honor of its predecessor, that ran on Echolink in
    the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area for over 8 years...and is in loving
    memory of my late uncle, K3VRM, for giving me my love of ham radio,
    and trains. He was the only other ham radio operator in my family,
    and the youngest engineer ever hired on by the Penn Central Railroad.

    On checkins, please advise if you are "Short Time", or want to be just
    "Listen Only". If either is the case, once ackowledged, you can secure
    your station at your leisure, and go on your way.

    Methods to checkin are as follows:

    1) On the QuadNet Array, via D-Star, DMR+, TGIF, WIRES-X, or Fusion.
    Go to openquad.net for connection options.

    2) Via the IM Utility with Netlogger (netlogger.org).

    3) Via the QCWA Facebook Page.

    4) Via email to wx4qz@arrl.net

    Checkin methods 3 and 4 are automatically noted as "short time".

    There is no penalty if you don't know the answer to the railroad trivia.
    And, if you get it right, you get the satisfaction of doing so. Also,
    net participants are welcome to email the Conductor (item 4 above), with
    a main and a bonus railroad trivia question. That will be forwarded to
    the Brakeman, Paul Frey, K9PTF...or the contributor can read the question,
    and keep tally on who got the answer right or wrong. They will be given
    credit for the question, but will need to stay on the net until the round
    of final comments begins.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Fri May 26 00:01:40 2023
    Note: This info was updated on March 7, 2023.

    You can find yours truly, Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, on this net today. A
    list of all the nets that I can be found on during the week is at the
    hyperlink on my QRZ bio -- look for the link that notes "Nets Where
    WX4QZ is Net Control".

    Nets on The QuadNet Array utilize the modes of D-Star, DMR+, WIRES-X,
    and Fusion, together on one site. Go to openquad.net for more details,
    and connection options. Note that the QuadNet Array no longer offers connections via Echolink, or Brandmeister via DMR.

    Nets on The Sunflower Network utilize the modes of AllStar, D-Star,
    DMR, Echolink, Fusion, HamShack Hotline, M17, P25, and TGIF. For more
    details and connection options, go to sunflowernet.us

    All times are in the US Time Zones. During US Daylight Savings Time
    in the U.S., Pacific Time and Mountain Standard Time (Arizona stays on
    MST year round) are identical.




    Net Name: Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) CQ100 Net.
    Meets on: CQ100 on 14.347 Mhz
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Harold Braun, VE3CD
    Net Time: 11am Eastern, 10am Central, 9am Mountain, 8am Pacific

    Comments: You do not have to be a member of the QCWA to check into the net. However, if you were first licensed as an amateur radio operator, anywhere
    in the world, anytime in 1998 (as of 2023) or earlier, and are currently licensed, you can join the organization. Go to www.qcwa.org for more

    While it's on the same frequency as the 20 meter HF Net (14.347 Mhz), this
    net is on CQ100, and NOT on RF. That net is at 2000 UTC every Sunday. Plus,
    the CQ100 is for ALL licensed amateur radio operators who have a CQ100 membership. The 20 meter HF net requires hams to have a General Class or
    higher amateur radio license. QCWA Membership is NOT REQUIRED to checkin
    to ANY of their nets.

    CQ100 is $39 a year, with a 30 day free trial for new CQ100 Users. Usage
    is free from 0000 to 2359 UTC on Sunday. Paid Members also get the QSO-TV add-on for sending pictures over CQ100. You can do voice and digital with CQ100, including Morse Code, PSK31, etc. It simulates RF operation on
    several HF bands, but no RF actually occurs...so, it's classed as a
    VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) mode.

    Further details are at qsonet.com


    Net Name: Trains And Railroads Net
    Meets On: The QuadNet Array
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Paul Frey, K9PTF
    Net Time: 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central, 6pm Mountain, 5pm Pacific

    Comments: The only requirement to checkin, is that you're a licensed
    amateur radio operator, with privileges to transmit on the modes that
    are offered by the QuadNet Array.

    The net is done in honor of its predecessor, that ran on Echolink in
    the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area for over 8 years...and is in loving
    memory of my late uncle, K3VRM, for giving me my love of ham radio,
    and trains. He was the only other ham radio operator in my family,
    and the youngest engineer ever hired on by the Penn Central Railroad.

    On checkins, please advise if you are "Short Time", or want to be just
    "Listen Only". If either is the case, once ackowledged, you can secure
    your station at your leisure, and go on your way.

    Methods to checkin are as follows:

    1) On the QuadNet Array, via D-Star, DMR+, TGIF, WIRES-X, or Fusion.
    Go to openquad.net for connection options.

    2) Via the IM Utility with Netlogger (netlogger.org).

    3) Via the QCWA Facebook Page.

    4) Via email to wx4qz@arrl.net

    Checkin methods 3 and 4 are automatically noted as "short time".

    There is no penalty if you don't know the answer to the railroad trivia.
    And, if you get it right, you get the satisfaction of doing so. Also,
    net participants are welcome to email the Conductor (item 4 above), with
    a main and a bonus railroad trivia question. That will be forwarded to
    the Brakeman, Paul Frey, K9PTF...or the contributor can read the question,
    and keep tally on who got the answer right or wrong. They will be given
    credit for the question, but will need to stay on the net until the round
    of final comments begins.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Fri Jun 2 00:01:44 2023
    Note: This info was updated on March 7, 2023.

    You can find yours truly, Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, on this net today. A
    list of all the nets that I can be found on during the week is at the
    hyperlink on my QRZ bio -- look for the link that notes "Nets Where
    WX4QZ is Net Control".

    Nets on The QuadNet Array utilize the modes of D-Star, DMR+, WIRES-X,
    and Fusion, together on one site. Go to openquad.net for more details,
    and connection options. Note that the QuadNet Array no longer offers connections via Echolink, or Brandmeister via DMR.

    Nets on The Sunflower Network utilize the modes of AllStar, D-Star,
    DMR, Echolink, Fusion, HamShack Hotline, M17, P25, and TGIF. For more
    details and connection options, go to sunflowernet.us

    All times are in the US Time Zones. During US Daylight Savings Time
    in the U.S., Pacific Time and Mountain Standard Time (Arizona stays on
    MST year round) are identical.




    Net Name: Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) CQ100 Net.
    Meets on: CQ100 on 14.347 Mhz
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Harold Braun, VE3CD
    Net Time: 11am Eastern, 10am Central, 9am Mountain, 8am Pacific

    Comments: You do not have to be a member of the QCWA to check into the net. However, if you were first licensed as an amateur radio operator, anywhere
    in the world, anytime in 1998 (as of 2023) or earlier, and are currently licensed, you can join the organization. Go to www.qcwa.org for more

    While it's on the same frequency as the 20 meter HF Net (14.347 Mhz), this
    net is on CQ100, and NOT on RF. That net is at 2000 UTC every Sunday. Plus,
    the CQ100 is for ALL licensed amateur radio operators who have a CQ100 membership. The 20 meter HF net requires hams to have a General Class or
    higher amateur radio license. QCWA Membership is NOT REQUIRED to checkin
    to ANY of their nets.

    CQ100 is $39 a year, with a 30 day free trial for new CQ100 Users. Usage
    is free from 0000 to 2359 UTC on Sunday. Paid Members also get the QSO-TV add-on for sending pictures over CQ100. You can do voice and digital with CQ100, including Morse Code, PSK31, etc. It simulates RF operation on
    several HF bands, but no RF actually occurs...so, it's classed as a
    VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) mode.

    Further details are at qsonet.com


    Net Name: Trains And Railroads Net
    Meets On: The QuadNet Array
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Paul Frey, K9PTF
    Net Time: 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central, 6pm Mountain, 5pm Pacific

    Comments: The only requirement to checkin, is that you're a licensed
    amateur radio operator, with privileges to transmit on the modes that
    are offered by the QuadNet Array.

    The net is done in honor of its predecessor, that ran on Echolink in
    the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area for over 8 years...and is in loving
    memory of my late uncle, K3VRM, for giving me my love of ham radio,
    and trains. He was the only other ham radio operator in my family,
    and the youngest engineer ever hired on by the Penn Central Railroad.

    On checkins, please advise if you are "Short Time", or want to be just
    "Listen Only". If either is the case, once ackowledged, you can secure
    your station at your leisure, and go on your way.

    Methods to checkin are as follows:

    1) On the QuadNet Array, via D-Star, DMR+, TGIF, WIRES-X, or Fusion.
    Go to openquad.net for connection options.

    2) Via the IM Utility with Netlogger (netlogger.org).

    3) Via the QCWA Facebook Page.

    4) Via email to wx4qz@arrl.net

    Checkin methods 3 and 4 are automatically noted as "short time".

    There is no penalty if you don't know the answer to the railroad trivia.
    And, if you get it right, you get the satisfaction of doing so. Also,
    net participants are welcome to email the Conductor (item 4 above), with
    a main and a bonus railroad trivia question. That will be forwarded to
    the Brakeman, Paul Frey, K9PTF...or the contributor can read the question,
    and keep tally on who got the answer right or wrong. They will be given
    credit for the question, but will need to stay on the net until the round
    of final comments begins.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Fri Jun 9 00:01:42 2023
    Note: This info was updated on March 7, 2023.

    You can find yours truly, Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, on this net today. A
    list of all the nets that I can be found on during the week is at the
    hyperlink on my QRZ bio -- look for the link that notes "Nets Where
    WX4QZ is Net Control".

    Nets on The QuadNet Array utilize the modes of D-Star, DMR+, WIRES-X,
    and Fusion, together on one site. Go to openquad.net for more details,
    and connection options. Note that the QuadNet Array no longer offers connections via Echolink, or Brandmeister via DMR.

    Nets on The Sunflower Network utilize the modes of AllStar, D-Star,
    DMR, Echolink, Fusion, HamShack Hotline, M17, P25, and TGIF. For more
    details and connection options, go to sunflowernet.us

    All times are in the US Time Zones. During US Daylight Savings Time
    in the U.S., Pacific Time and Mountain Standard Time (Arizona stays on
    MST year round) are identical.




    Net Name: Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) CQ100 Net.
    Meets on: CQ100 on 14.347 Mhz
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Harold Braun, VE3CD
    Net Time: 11am Eastern, 10am Central, 9am Mountain, 8am Pacific

    Comments: You do not have to be a member of the QCWA to check into the net. However, if you were first licensed as an amateur radio operator, anywhere
    in the world, anytime in 1998 (as of 2023) or earlier, and are currently licensed, you can join the organization. Go to www.qcwa.org for more

    While it's on the same frequency as the 20 meter HF Net (14.347 Mhz), this
    net is on CQ100, and NOT on RF. That net is at 2000 UTC every Sunday. Plus,
    the CQ100 is for ALL licensed amateur radio operators who have a CQ100 membership. The 20 meter HF net requires hams to have a General Class or
    higher amateur radio license. QCWA Membership is NOT REQUIRED to checkin
    to ANY of their nets.

    CQ100 is $39 a year, with a 30 day free trial for new CQ100 Users. Usage
    is free from 0000 to 2359 UTC on Sunday. Paid Members also get the QSO-TV add-on for sending pictures over CQ100. You can do voice and digital with CQ100, including Morse Code, PSK31, etc. It simulates RF operation on
    several HF bands, but no RF actually occurs...so, it's classed as a
    VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) mode.

    Further details are at qsonet.com


    Net Name: Trains And Railroads Net
    Meets On: The QuadNet Array
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Paul Frey, K9PTF
    Net Time: 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central, 6pm Mountain, 5pm Pacific

    Comments: The only requirement to checkin, is that you're a licensed
    amateur radio operator, with privileges to transmit on the modes that
    are offered by the QuadNet Array.

    The net is done in honor of its predecessor, that ran on Echolink in
    the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area for over 8 years...and is in loving
    memory of my late uncle, K3VRM, for giving me my love of ham radio,
    and trains. He was the only other ham radio operator in my family,
    and the youngest engineer ever hired on by the Penn Central Railroad.

    On checkins, please advise if you are "Short Time", or want to be just
    "Listen Only". If either is the case, once ackowledged, you can secure
    your station at your leisure, and go on your way.

    Methods to checkin are as follows:

    1) On the QuadNet Array, via D-Star, DMR+, TGIF, WIRES-X, or Fusion.
    Go to openquad.net for connection options.

    2) Via the IM Utility with Netlogger (netlogger.org).

    3) Via the QCWA Facebook Page.

    4) Via email to wx4qz@arrl.net

    Checkin methods 3 and 4 are automatically noted as "short time".

    There is no penalty if you don't know the answer to the railroad trivia.
    And, if you get it right, you get the satisfaction of doing so. Also,
    net participants are welcome to email the Conductor (item 4 above), with
    a main and a bonus railroad trivia question. That will be forwarded to
    the Brakeman, Paul Frey, K9PTF...or the contributor can read the question,
    and keep tally on who got the answer right or wrong. They will be given
    credit for the question, but will need to stay on the net until the round
    of final comments begins.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Fri Jun 16 00:01:34 2023
    Note: This info was updated on March 7, 2023.

    You can find yours truly, Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, on this net today. A
    list of all the nets that I can be found on during the week is at the
    hyperlink on my QRZ bio -- look for the link that notes "Nets Where
    WX4QZ is Net Control".

    Nets on The QuadNet Array utilize the modes of D-Star, DMR+, WIRES-X,
    and Fusion, together on one site. Go to openquad.net for more details,
    and connection options. Note that the QuadNet Array no longer offers connections via Echolink, or Brandmeister via DMR.

    Nets on The Sunflower Network utilize the modes of AllStar, D-Star,
    DMR, Echolink, Fusion, HamShack Hotline, M17, P25, and TGIF. For more
    details and connection options, go to sunflowernet.us

    All times are in the US Time Zones. During US Daylight Savings Time
    in the U.S., Pacific Time and Mountain Standard Time (Arizona stays on
    MST year round) are identical.




    Net Name: Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) CQ100 Net.
    Meets on: CQ100 on 14.347 Mhz
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Harold Braun, VE3CD
    Net Time: 11am Eastern, 10am Central, 9am Mountain, 8am Pacific

    Comments: You do not have to be a member of the QCWA to check into the net. However, if you were first licensed as an amateur radio operator, anywhere
    in the world, anytime in 1998 (as of 2023) or earlier, and are currently licensed, you can join the organization. Go to www.qcwa.org for more

    While it's on the same frequency as the 20 meter HF Net (14.347 Mhz), this
    net is on CQ100, and NOT on RF. That net is at 2000 UTC every Sunday. Plus,
    the CQ100 is for ALL licensed amateur radio operators who have a CQ100 membership. The 20 meter HF net requires hams to have a General Class or
    higher amateur radio license. QCWA Membership is NOT REQUIRED to checkin
    to ANY of their nets.

    CQ100 is $39 a year, with a 30 day free trial for new CQ100 Users. Usage
    is free from 0000 to 2359 UTC on Sunday. Paid Members also get the QSO-TV add-on for sending pictures over CQ100. You can do voice and digital with CQ100, including Morse Code, PSK31, etc. It simulates RF operation on
    several HF bands, but no RF actually occurs...so, it's classed as a
    VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) mode.

    Further details are at qsonet.com


    Net Name: Trains And Railroads Net
    Meets On: The QuadNet Array
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Paul Frey, K9PTF
    Net Time: 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central, 6pm Mountain, 5pm Pacific

    Comments: The only requirement to checkin, is that you're a licensed
    amateur radio operator, with privileges to transmit on the modes that
    are offered by the QuadNet Array.

    The net is done in honor of its predecessor, that ran on Echolink in
    the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area for over 8 years...and is in loving
    memory of my late uncle, K3VRM, for giving me my love of ham radio,
    and trains. He was the only other ham radio operator in my family,
    and the youngest engineer ever hired on by the Penn Central Railroad.

    On checkins, please advise if you are "Short Time", or want to be just
    "Listen Only". If either is the case, once ackowledged, you can secure
    your station at your leisure, and go on your way.

    Methods to checkin are as follows:

    1) On the QuadNet Array, via D-Star, DMR+, TGIF, WIRES-X, or Fusion.
    Go to openquad.net for connection options.

    2) Via the IM Utility with Netlogger (netlogger.org).

    3) Via the QCWA Facebook Page.

    4) Via email to wx4qz@arrl.net

    Checkin methods 3 and 4 are automatically noted as "short time".

    There is no penalty if you don't know the answer to the railroad trivia.
    And, if you get it right, you get the satisfaction of doing so. Also,
    net participants are welcome to email the Conductor (item 4 above), with
    a main and a bonus railroad trivia question. That will be forwarded to
    the Brakeman, Paul Frey, K9PTF...or the contributor can read the question,
    and keep tally on who got the answer right or wrong. They will be given
    credit for the question, but will need to stay on the net until the round
    of final comments begins.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Fri Jun 23 00:01:26 2023
    Note: This info was updated on March 7, 2023.

    You can find yours truly, Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, on this net today. A
    list of all the nets that I can be found on during the week is at the
    hyperlink on my QRZ bio -- look for the link that notes "Nets Where
    WX4QZ is Net Control".

    Nets on The QuadNet Array utilize the modes of D-Star, DMR+, WIRES-X,
    and Fusion, together on one site. Go to openquad.net for more details,
    and connection options. Note that the QuadNet Array no longer offers connections via Echolink, or Brandmeister via DMR.

    Nets on The Sunflower Network utilize the modes of AllStar, D-Star,
    DMR, Echolink, Fusion, HamShack Hotline, M17, P25, and TGIF. For more
    details and connection options, go to sunflowernet.us

    All times are in the US Time Zones. During US Daylight Savings Time
    in the U.S., Pacific Time and Mountain Standard Time (Arizona stays on
    MST year round) are identical.




    Net Name: Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) CQ100 Net.
    Meets on: CQ100 on 14.347 Mhz
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Harold Braun, VE3CD
    Net Time: 11am Eastern, 10am Central, 9am Mountain, 8am Pacific

    Comments: You do not have to be a member of the QCWA to check into the net. However, if you were first licensed as an amateur radio operator, anywhere
    in the world, anytime in 1998 (as of 2023) or earlier, and are currently licensed, you can join the organization. Go to www.qcwa.org for more

    While it's on the same frequency as the 20 meter HF Net (14.347 Mhz), this
    net is on CQ100, and NOT on RF. That net is at 2000 UTC every Sunday. Plus,
    the CQ100 is for ALL licensed amateur radio operators who have a CQ100 membership. The 20 meter HF net requires hams to have a General Class or
    higher amateur radio license. QCWA Membership is NOT REQUIRED to checkin
    to ANY of their nets.

    CQ100 is $39 a year, with a 30 day free trial for new CQ100 Users. Usage
    is free from 0000 to 2359 UTC on Sunday. Paid Members also get the QSO-TV add-on for sending pictures over CQ100. You can do voice and digital with CQ100, including Morse Code, PSK31, etc. It simulates RF operation on
    several HF bands, but no RF actually occurs...so, it's classed as a
    VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) mode.

    Further details are at qsonet.com


    Net Name: Trains And Railroads Net
    Meets On: The QuadNet Array
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Paul Frey, K9PTF
    Net Time: 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central, 6pm Mountain, 5pm Pacific

    Comments: The only requirement to checkin, is that you're a licensed
    amateur radio operator, with privileges to transmit on the modes that
    are offered by the QuadNet Array.

    The net is done in honor of its predecessor, that ran on Echolink in
    the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area for over 8 years...and is in loving
    memory of my late uncle, K3VRM, for giving me my love of ham radio,
    and trains. He was the only other ham radio operator in my family,
    and the youngest engineer ever hired on by the Penn Central Railroad.

    On checkins, please advise if you are "Short Time", or want to be just
    "Listen Only". If either is the case, once ackowledged, you can secure
    your station at your leisure, and go on your way.

    Methods to checkin are as follows:

    1) On the QuadNet Array, via D-Star, DMR+, TGIF, WIRES-X, or Fusion.
    Go to openquad.net for connection options.

    2) Via the IM Utility with Netlogger (netlogger.org).

    3) Via the QCWA Facebook Page.

    4) Via email to wx4qz@arrl.net

    Checkin methods 3 and 4 are automatically noted as "short time".

    There is no penalty if you don't know the answer to the railroad trivia.
    And, if you get it right, you get the satisfaction of doing so. Also,
    net participants are welcome to email the Conductor (item 4 above), with
    a main and a bonus railroad trivia question. That will be forwarded to
    the Brakeman, Paul Frey, K9PTF...or the contributor can read the question,
    and keep tally on who got the answer right or wrong. They will be given
    credit for the question, but will need to stay on the net until the round
    of final comments begins.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Fri Jun 30 00:01:30 2023
    Note: This info was updated on June 26, 2023.

    You can find yours truly, Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, on this net today. A
    list of all the nets that I can be found on during the week is at the
    hyperlink on my QRZ bio -- look for the link that notes "Nets Where
    WX4QZ is Net Control".

    Nets on The QuadNet Array utilize the modes of D-Star, DMR+, WIRES-X,
    and Fusion, together on one site. Go to openquad.net for more details,
    and connection options. Note that the QuadNet Array no longer offers connections via Echolink, or Brandmeister via DMR.

    Nets on The Sunflower Network utilize the modes of AllStar, D-Star,
    DMR, Echolink, Fusion, HamShack Hotline, M17, P25, and TGIF. For more
    details and connection options, go to sunflowernet.us

    Times are noted in local US time, and in UTC (when the US is on Standard Time). Take note of the following caveats in regards to net times:

    1) In the US, Standard Time is from the first Sunday in November, to the
    2nd Sunday in March...with Daylight Savings Time the rest of the year.

    2) UTC Time (noted when the US is on Standard Time) is ONE HOUR EARLIER
    when the US is on Daylight Savings Time, as noted above.

    3) Arizona, Hawaii, and the US territories are on Standard Time year
    round. In this case, during Daylight Savings Time, their net times are

    4) Confirm the net times with Net Control if you have questions.




    Net Name: Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) CQ100 Net.
    Meets on: CQ100 on 14.347 Mhz
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Harold Braun, VE3CD

    UTC Net Time: 1600 UTC Friday during US Standard Time, 1500 UTC Friday
    the rest of the year.
    US Net Time: 11am Eastern, 10am Central, 9am Mountain, 8am Pacific

    Comments: You do not have to be a member of the QCWA to check into the net. However, if you were first licensed as an amateur radio operator, anywhere
    in the world, anytime in 1998 (as of 2023) or earlier, and are currently licensed, you can join the organization. Go to www.qcwa.org for more

    While it's on the same frequency as the 20 meter HF Net (14.347 Mhz), this
    net is on CQ100, and NOT on RF. That net is at 2000 UTC every Sunday, year round.

    Plus, the net is for ALL licensed amateur radio operators who have a CQ100 membership. The 20 meter HF net requires hams to have a General Class or
    higher amateur radio license. QCWA Membership is NOT REQUIRED to checkin
    to ANY of their nets.

    CQ100 is $39 a year, with a 30 day free trial for new CQ100 Users. Usage
    is free from 0000 to 2359 UTC on Sunday. Paid Members also get the QSO-TV add-on for sending pictures over CQ100. You can do voice and digital with CQ100, including Morse Code, PSK31, etc. It simulates RF operation on
    several HF bands, but no RF actually occurs...so, it's classed as a
    VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) mode.

    Further details are at qsonet.com


    Net Name: Trains And Railroads Net
    Meets On: The QuadNet Array
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Paul Frey, K9PTF

    UTC Net Time: 0100 UTC Saturday during US Standard Time, 0000 UTC Saturday
    the rest of the year
    US Net Time: 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central, 6pm Mountain, 5pm Pacific

    Comments: The only requirement to checkin, is that you're a licensed
    amateur radio operator, with privileges to transmit on the modes that
    are offered by the QuadNet Array.

    The net is done in honor of its predecessor, that ran on Echolink in
    the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area for over 8 years...and is in loving
    memory of my late uncle, K3VRM, for giving me my love of ham radio,
    and trains. He was the only other ham radio operator in my family,
    and the youngest engineer ever hired on by the Penn Central Railroad.

    On checkins, please advise if you are "Short Time", or want to be just
    "Listen Only". If either is the case, once ackowledged, you can secure
    your station at your leisure, and go on your way.

    Methods to checkin are as follows:

    1) On the QuadNet Array, via D-Star, DMR+, TGIF, WIRES-X, or Fusion.
    Go to openquad.net for connection options.

    2) Via the IM Utility with Netlogger (netlogger.org).

    3) Via the QCWA Facebook Page.

    4) Via email to wx4qz@arrl.net

    Checkin methods 3 and 4 are automatically noted as "short time".

    There is no penalty if you don't know the answer to the railroad trivia.
    And, if you get it right, you get the satisfaction of doing so. Note that
    net participants are welcome to email the Conductor (item 4 above), with
    a main and a bonus railroad trivia question. That will be forwarded to
    the Brakeman, Paul Frey, K9PTF...or the contributor can read the question,
    and keep tally on who got the answer right or wrong. They will be given
    credit for the question, but will need to stay on the net until the round
    of final comments begins.

    Lastly, first time checkins are eligible for a commemorative certificate
    in PDF format, but it's available via email request/delivery only.


    Net Name: The Arkansas Night Rangers Net
    Meets On: WX1DX-L on Echolink, 147.570 Mhz FM Simplex (114.8 PL/CTCSS in
    the Cabot, Arkansas area.
    Net Control: Daryl, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Jesse, WX1DX

    UTC Net Time: 0300 UTC Saturday during US Standard Time, 0200 UTC Saturday
    the rest of the year.
    US Net Time: 10pm Eastern, 9pm Central, 8pm Mountain, 7pm Pacific

    Comments: A late week, mid-evening net, offering a training presentation, general comments, and an opportunity for stations to list amateur radio
    related equipment that they want to buy, sell, or trade, in accordance with
    FCC Rules.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Fri Jul 14 00:01:28 2023
    Note: This info was updated on June 26, 2023.

    You can find yours truly, Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, on this net today. A
    list of all the nets that I can be found on during the week is at the
    hyperlink on my QRZ bio -- look for the link that notes "Nets Where
    WX4QZ is Net Control".

    Nets on The QuadNet Array utilize the modes of D-Star, DMR+, WIRES-X,
    and Fusion, together on one site. Go to openquad.net for more details,
    and connection options. Note that the QuadNet Array no longer offers connections via Echolink, or Brandmeister via DMR.

    Nets on The Sunflower Network utilize the modes of AllStar, D-Star,
    DMR, Echolink, Fusion, HamShack Hotline, M17, P25, and TGIF. For more
    details and connection options, go to sunflowernet.us

    Times are noted in local US time, and in UTC (when the US is on Standard Time). Take note of the following caveats in regards to net times:

    1) In the US, Standard Time is from the first Sunday in November, to the
    2nd Sunday in March...with Daylight Savings Time the rest of the year.

    2) UTC Time (noted when the US is on Standard Time) is ONE HOUR EARLIER
    when the US is on Daylight Savings Time, as noted above.

    3) Arizona, Hawaii, and the US territories are on Standard Time year
    round. In this case, during Daylight Savings Time, their net times are

    4) Confirm the net times with Net Control if you have questions.




    Net Name: Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) CQ100 Net.
    Meets on: CQ100 on 14.347 Mhz
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Harold Braun, VE3CD

    UTC Net Time: 1600 UTC Friday during US Standard Time, 1500 UTC Friday
    the rest of the year.
    US Net Time: 11am Eastern, 10am Central, 9am Mountain, 8am Pacific

    Comments: You do not have to be a member of the QCWA to check into the net. However, if you were first licensed as an amateur radio operator, anywhere
    in the world, anytime in 1998 (as of 2023) or earlier, and are currently licensed, you can join the organization. Go to www.qcwa.org for more

    While it's on the same frequency as the 20 meter HF Net (14.347 Mhz), this
    net is on CQ100, and NOT on RF. That net is at 2000 UTC every Sunday, year round.

    Plus, the net is for ALL licensed amateur radio operators who have a CQ100 membership. The 20 meter HF net requires hams to have a General Class or
    higher amateur radio license. QCWA Membership is NOT REQUIRED to checkin
    to ANY of their nets.

    CQ100 is $39 a year, with a 30 day free trial for new CQ100 Users. Usage
    is free from 0000 to 2359 UTC on Sunday. Paid Members also get the QSO-TV add-on for sending pictures over CQ100. You can do voice and digital with CQ100, including Morse Code, PSK31, etc. It simulates RF operation on
    several HF bands, but no RF actually occurs...so, it's classed as a
    VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) mode.

    Further details are at qsonet.com


    Net Name: Trains And Railroads Net
    Meets On: The QuadNet Array
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Paul Frey, K9PTF

    UTC Net Time: 0100 UTC Saturday during US Standard Time, 0000 UTC Saturday
    the rest of the year
    US Net Time: 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central, 6pm Mountain, 5pm Pacific

    Comments: The only requirement to checkin, is that you're a licensed
    amateur radio operator, with privileges to transmit on the modes that
    are offered by the QuadNet Array.

    The net is done in honor of its predecessor, that ran on Echolink in
    the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area for over 8 years...and is in loving
    memory of my late uncle, K3VRM, for giving me my love of ham radio,
    and trains. He was the only other ham radio operator in my family,
    and the youngest engineer ever hired on by the Penn Central Railroad.

    On checkins, please advise if you are "Short Time", or want to be just
    "Listen Only". If either is the case, once ackowledged, you can secure
    your station at your leisure, and go on your way.

    Methods to checkin are as follows:

    1) On the QuadNet Array, via D-Star, DMR+, TGIF, WIRES-X, or Fusion.
    Go to openquad.net for connection options.

    2) Via the IM Utility with Netlogger (netlogger.org).

    3) Via the QCWA Facebook Page.

    4) Via email to wx4qz@arrl.net

    Checkin methods 3 and 4 are automatically noted as "short time".

    There is no penalty if you don't know the answer to the railroad trivia.
    And, if you get it right, you get the satisfaction of doing so. Note that
    net participants are welcome to email the Conductor (item 4 above), with
    a main and a bonus railroad trivia question. That will be forwarded to
    the Brakeman, Paul Frey, K9PTF...or the contributor can read the question,
    and keep tally on who got the answer right or wrong. They will be given
    credit for the question, but will need to stay on the net until the round
    of final comments begins.

    Lastly, first time checkins are eligible for a commemorative certificate
    in PDF format, but it's available via email request/delivery only.


    Net Name: The Arkansas Night Rangers Net
    Meets On: WX1DX-L on Echolink, 147.570 Mhz FM Simplex (114.8 PL/CTCSS in
    the Cabot, Arkansas area.
    Net Control: Daryl, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Jesse, WX1DX

    UTC Net Time: 0300 UTC Saturday during US Standard Time, 0200 UTC Saturday
    the rest of the year.
    US Net Time: 10pm Eastern, 9pm Central, 8pm Mountain, 7pm Pacific

    Comments: A late week, mid-evening net, offering a training presentation, general comments, and an opportunity for stations to list amateur radio
    related equipment that they want to buy, sell, or trade, in accordance with
    FCC Rules.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Fri Jul 21 00:01:38 2023
    Note: This info was updated on June 26, 2023.

    You can find yours truly, Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, on this net today. A
    list of all the nets that I can be found on during the week is at the
    hyperlink on my QRZ bio -- look for the link that notes "Nets Where
    WX4QZ is Net Control".

    Nets on The QuadNet Array utilize the modes of D-Star, DMR+, WIRES-X,
    and Fusion, together on one site. Go to openquad.net for more details,
    and connection options. Note that the QuadNet Array no longer offers connections via Echolink, or Brandmeister via DMR.

    Nets on The Sunflower Network utilize the modes of AllStar, D-Star,
    DMR, Echolink, Fusion, HamShack Hotline, M17, P25, and TGIF. For more
    details and connection options, go to sunflowernet.us

    Times are noted in local US time, and in UTC (when the US is on Standard Time). Take note of the following caveats in regards to net times:

    1) In the US, Standard Time is from the first Sunday in November, to the
    2nd Sunday in March...with Daylight Savings Time the rest of the year.

    2) UTC Time (noted when the US is on Standard Time) is ONE HOUR EARLIER
    when the US is on Daylight Savings Time, as noted above.

    3) Arizona, Hawaii, and the US territories are on Standard Time year
    round. In this case, during Daylight Savings Time, their net times are

    4) Confirm the net times with Net Control if you have questions.




    Net Name: Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) CQ100 Net.
    Meets on: CQ100 on 14.347 Mhz
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Harold Braun, VE3CD

    UTC Net Time: 1600 UTC Friday during US Standard Time, 1500 UTC Friday
    the rest of the year.
    US Net Time: 11am Eastern, 10am Central, 9am Mountain, 8am Pacific

    Comments: You do not have to be a member of the QCWA to check into the net. However, if you were first licensed as an amateur radio operator, anywhere
    in the world, anytime in 1998 (as of 2023) or earlier, and are currently licensed, you can join the organization. Go to www.qcwa.org for more

    While it's on the same frequency as the 20 meter HF Net (14.347 Mhz), this
    net is on CQ100, and NOT on RF. That net is at 2000 UTC every Sunday, year round.

    Plus, the net is for ALL licensed amateur radio operators who have a CQ100 membership. The 20 meter HF net requires hams to have a General Class or
    higher amateur radio license. QCWA Membership is NOT REQUIRED to checkin
    to ANY of their nets.

    CQ100 is $39 a year, with a 30 day free trial for new CQ100 Users. Usage
    is free from 0000 to 2359 UTC on Sunday. Paid Members also get the QSO-TV add-on for sending pictures over CQ100. You can do voice and digital with CQ100, including Morse Code, PSK31, etc. It simulates RF operation on
    several HF bands, but no RF actually occurs...so, it's classed as a
    VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) mode.

    Further details are at qsonet.com


    Net Name: Trains And Railroads Net
    Meets On: The QuadNet Array
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Paul Frey, K9PTF

    UTC Net Time: 0100 UTC Saturday during US Standard Time, 0000 UTC Saturday
    the rest of the year
    US Net Time: 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central, 6pm Mountain, 5pm Pacific

    Comments: The only requirement to checkin, is that you're a licensed
    amateur radio operator, with privileges to transmit on the modes that
    are offered by the QuadNet Array.

    The net is done in honor of its predecessor, that ran on Echolink in
    the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area for over 8 years...and is in loving
    memory of my late uncle, K3VRM, for giving me my love of ham radio,
    and trains. He was the only other ham radio operator in my family,
    and the youngest engineer ever hired on by the Penn Central Railroad.

    On checkins, please advise if you are "Short Time", or want to be just
    "Listen Only". If either is the case, once ackowledged, you can secure
    your station at your leisure, and go on your way.

    Methods to checkin are as follows:

    1) On the QuadNet Array, via D-Star, DMR+, TGIF, WIRES-X, or Fusion.
    Go to openquad.net for connection options.

    2) Via the IM Utility with Netlogger (netlogger.org).

    3) Via the QCWA Facebook Page.

    4) Via email to wx4qz@arrl.net

    Checkin methods 3 and 4 are automatically noted as "short time".

    There is no penalty if you don't know the answer to the railroad trivia.
    And, if you get it right, you get the satisfaction of doing so. Note that
    net participants are welcome to email the Conductor (item 4 above), with
    a main and a bonus railroad trivia question. That will be forwarded to
    the Brakeman, Paul Frey, K9PTF...or the contributor can read the question,
    and keep tally on who got the answer right or wrong. They will be given
    credit for the question, but will need to stay on the net until the round
    of final comments begins.

    Lastly, first time checkins are eligible for a commemorative certificate
    in PDF format, but it's available via email request/delivery only.


    Net Name: The Arkansas Night Rangers Net
    Meets On: WX1DX-L on Echolink, 147.570 Mhz FM Simplex (114.8 PL/CTCSS in
    the Cabot, Arkansas area.
    Net Control: Daryl, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Jesse, WX1DX

    UTC Net Time: 0300 UTC Saturday during US Standard Time, 0200 UTC Saturday
    the rest of the year.
    US Net Time: 10pm Eastern, 9pm Central, 8pm Mountain, 7pm Pacific

    Comments: A late week, mid-evening net, offering a training presentation, general comments, and an opportunity for stations to list amateur radio
    related equipment that they want to buy, sell, or trade, in accordance with
    FCC Rules.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Fri Jul 28 00:01:34 2023
    Note: This info was updated on July 27, 2023.

    You can find yours truly, Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, on this net today. A
    list of all the nets that I can be found on during the week is at the
    hyperlink on my QRZ bio -- look for the link that notes "Nets Where
    WX4QZ is Net Control".

    Nets on The QuadNet Array utilize the modes of D-Star, DMR+, WIRES-X,
    and Fusion, together on one site. Go to openquad.net for more details,
    and connection options. Note that the QuadNet Array no longer offers connections via Echolink, or Brandmeister via DMR.

    Nets on The Sunflower Network utilize the modes of AllStar, D-Star,
    DMR, Echolink, Fusion, HamShack Hotline, M17, P25, and TGIF. For more
    details and connection options, go to www.sunflowernet.us

    Nets on the Kansas Wide Fusion Net utilitze the modes of D-Star, DMR, Echollink, Fusion, P25, and WIRES-X. For more details and connection
    options, go to https://www.kansascityroom-wide.com

    Times are noted in local US time, and in UTC (when the US is on Standard Time). Take note of the following caveats in regards to net times:

    1) In the US, Standard Time is from the first Sunday in November, to the
    2nd Sunday in March...with Daylight Savings Time the rest of the year.

    2) UTC Time (noted when the US is on Standard Time) is ONE HOUR EARLIER
    when the US is on Daylight Savings Time, as noted above.

    3) Arizona, Hawaii, and the US territories are on Standard Time year
    round. In this case, during Daylight Savings Time, their net times are

    4) Confirm the net times with Net Control if you have questions.




    Net Name: Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) CQ100 Net.
    Meets on: CQ100 on 14.347 Mhz
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Harold Braun, VE3CD

    UTC Net Time: 1600 UTC Friday during US Standard Time, 1500 UTC Friday
    the rest of the year.
    US Net Time: 11am Eastern, 10am Central, 9am Mountain, 8am Pacific

    Comments: You do not have to be a member of the QCWA to check into the net. However, if you were first licensed as an amateur radio operator, anywhere
    in the world, anytime in 1998 (as of 2023) or earlier, and are currently licensed, you can join the organization. Go to www.qcwa.org for more

    While it's on the same frequency as the 20 meter HF Net (14.347 Mhz), this
    net is on CQ100, and NOT on RF. That net is at 2000 UTC every Sunday, year round.

    Plus, the net is for ALL licensed amateur radio operators who have a CQ100 membership. The 20 meter HF net requires hams to have a General Class or
    higher amateur radio license. QCWA Membership is NOT REQUIRED to checkin
    to ANY of their nets.

    CQ100 is $39 a year, with a 30 day free trial for new CQ100 Users. Usage
    is free from 0000 to 2359 UTC on Sunday. Paid Members also get the QSO-TV add-on for sending pictures over CQ100. You can do voice and digital with CQ100, including Morse Code, PSK31, etc. It simulates RF operation on
    several HF bands, but no RF actually occurs...so, it's classed as a
    VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) mode.

    Further details are at qsonet.com

    NOTE: With a lack of checkins lately, this net may end after September,
    2023, unless more checkins are obtained.


    Net Name: Trains And Railroads Net
    Meets On: The QuadNet Array
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Paul Frey, K9PTF

    UTC Net Time: 0100 UTC Saturday during US Standard Time, 0000 UTC Saturday
    the rest of the year
    US Net Time: 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central, 6pm Mountain, 5pm Pacific

    Comments: The only requirement to checkin, is that you're a licensed
    amateur radio operator, with privileges to transmit on the modes that
    are offered by the QuadNet Array.

    The net is done in honor of its predecessor, that ran on Echolink in
    the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area for over 8 years...and is in loving
    memory of my late uncle, K3VRM, for giving me my love of ham radio,
    and trains. He was the only other ham radio operator in my family,
    and the youngest engineer ever hired on by the Penn Central Railroad.

    On checkins, please advise if you are "Short Time", or want to be just
    "Listen Only". If either is the case, once ackowledged, you can secure
    your station at your leisure, and go on your way.

    Methods to checkin are as follows:

    1) On the QuadNet Array, via D-Star, DMR+, TGIF, WIRES-X, or Fusion.
    Go to openquad.net for connection options.

    2) Via the IM Utility with Netlogger (netlogger.org).

    3) Via the QCWA Facebook Page.

    4) Via email to wx4qz@arrl.net

    Checkin methods 3 and 4 are automatically noted as "short time".

    There is no penalty if you don't know the answer to the railroad trivia.
    And, if you get it right, you get the satisfaction of doing so. Note that
    net participants are welcome to email the Conductor (item 4 above), with
    a main and a bonus railroad trivia question. That will be forwarded to
    the Brakeman, Paul Frey, K9PTF...or the contributor can read the question,
    and keep tally on who got the answer right or wrong. They will be given
    credit for the question, but will need to stay on the net until the round
    of final comments begins.

    Lastly, first time checkins are eligible for a commemorative certificate
    in PDF format, but it's available via email request/delivery only.



    Net Name: The Arkansas Night Rangers Net
    Meets On: WX1DX-L on Echolink, 147.570 Mhz FM Simplex (114.8 PL/CTCSS in
    the Cabot, Arkansas area.
    Net Control: Daryl, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Jesse, WX1DX

    UTC Net Time: 0300 UTC Saturday during US Standard Time, 0200 UTC Saturday
    the rest of the year.
    US Net Time: 10pm Eastern, 9pm Central, 8pm Mountain, 7pm Pacific

    Comments: A late week, mid-evening net, offering a training presentation, general comments, and an opportunity for stations to list amateur radio
    related equipment that they want to buy, sell, or trade, in accordance with
    FCC Rules.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)