• ARRL DX Bulletin

    From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Thu Apr 13 18:09:56 2023

    SB DX @ ARL $ARLD015
    ARLD015 DX news

    ZCZC AE15
    QST de W1AW
    DX Bulletin 15 ARLD015
    From ARRL Headquarters
    Newington CT April 13, 2023
    To all radio amateurs

    ARLD015 DX news

    This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
    The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the
    ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.

    TIMOR-LESTE, 4W. A group of operators are QRV as 4W1A until April
    22. Activity is on 40 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, and FT8.
    QSL via DJ4MX.

    UGANDA, 5X. Eddy, OE3SEU is QRV as 5XA1J. Activity is on the HF
    bands and on Satellite QO-100. QSL via LoTW.

    MALDIVES, 8Q. Mike, OE3MZC, Laryssa, OE3YLR, Barbara, OE3YCB and
    Florian, OE3FTA are QRV as 8Q7BZ, 8Q7FZ, 8Q7LZ, and 8Q7MZ,
    respectively, from Rakeedhoo Island, IOTA AS-013, until April 29.
    Activity is holiday style on the HF bands and on Satellite QO-100.
    QSL to home calls.

    CROATIA, 9A. Special event callsign 9A23WARD is QRV until April 30
    to bring attention to World Amateur Radio Day. QSL via 9A3JB.

    TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 9Y. Special event callsign 9Y4WARD is QRV from
    Trinidad, IOTA SA-011, until April 18 to commemorate World Amateur
    Radio Day. QSL via LoTW.

    BAHRAIN, A9. Special event station A91WARD is QRV until April 18 to
    bring attention to World Amateur Radio Day. QSL via EC6DX.

    SOUTH COOK ISLAND, E5. Janusz, SP9FIH and Leszek, SP6CIK are QRV as
    E51WEG and E51CIK, respectively, from Rarotonga, IOTA OC-013, until
    April 28. Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, and
    FT8. QSL to home calls.

    SAUDI ARABIA, HZ. Special event station HZ1WARD is QRV until April
    18 to commemorate World Amateur Radio Day. QSL via HZ1SAR.

    SURINAME, PZ. Look for Rico, PZ5JW to be QRV in the CQ Manchester
    Mineira CW DX contest. Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters. QSL
    via EA5GL.

    PALAU, T8. Ichiro, JH7IPR is QRV as T88UW from Koror, IOTA OC-009,
    until April 20. Activity is on the HF bands with a focus on 12, 10,
    and 6 meters, using CW and FT8. This includes being an entry in the
    CQ Manchester Mineira CW DX contest. QSL to home call.

    GUATEMALA, TG. Dante, TG9ADM will be QRV in the CQ Manchester
    Mineira CW DX contest. Activity will be on 80 meters. QSL via

    AUSTRALIA, VK. Special event station VI6ONE is QRV until April 18
    to bring attention to the 2023 Scouts Western Australia's Jamboree
    style One Camp. QSL via operators' instructions.

    VP2V/KD9TAW from Tortola, IOTA NA-023, from April 17 to 22.
    Activity will be on 40 to 10 meters using SSB and FT8. QSL via

    LAKSHADWEEP ISLANDS, VU7. Operators YL2GM and VU2CDP will be QRV as
    VU7W from Kavaratti Island, IOTA AS-011, from April 15 to 29.
    Activity will be on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL via

    ALBANIA, ZA. Burkhard, DL3KZA is QRV as ZA/DL3KZA until April 17.
    Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using FT8. QSL to home call.

    Sprint, NCCC CW Sprint, K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, Holyland DX
    Contest, Worked All Provinces of China SSB DX Contest, YU DX
    Contest, Dutch PACCdigi Contest, CQ Manchester Mineira CW DX
    Contest, Nebraska QSO Party, Texas State Parks on the Air, Michigan
    QSO Party, Feld Hell Sprint, Ontario QSO Party, North Dakota QSO
    Party, Quebec QSO Party and the Run for the Bacon CW QRP Contest
    will certainly keep contesters busy this upcoming weekend.

    The K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC CW
    Memorial, Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, The ZL 80-Meter
    Sprint, 222 MHz Spring Sprint, Phone Weekly Test, A1Club AWT, CWops
    Test, VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest, Mini-Test 40, Mini-Test 80 and
    the RSGB 80-Meter Club SSB Championship are all on tap for April 17
    to 19.

    Please see April QST, page 69, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web
    sites for details.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Fri Apr 21 08:34:24 2023

    SB DX @ ARL $ARLD016
    ARLD016 DX news

    ZCZC AE16
    QST de W1AW
    DX Bulletin 16 ARLD016
    From ARRL Headquarters
    Newington CT April 20, 2023
    To all radio amateurs

    ARLD016 DX news

    This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
    The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the
    ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.

    TIMOR-LESTE, 4W. A group of operators are QRV as 4W1A until April
    22. Activity is on 40 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, and FT8.
    QSL via DJ4MX.

    UGANDA, 5X. Pista, HA5AO will be QRV as 5X2I from Busbala from
    April 24 to May 10. Activity will be on 40 to 6 meters using CW,
    some SSB, and FT8. QSL via operator's instructions.

    CROATIA, 9A. Special event call sign 9A0EMCOR is QRV until April
    25. QSL via 9A7R.

    CUBA, CO. Members of the Russian Robinson Club will be QRV as
    CO30RRC from Cayo Coco Island, IOTA NA-086, from April 24 to May 4.
    Activity will be on the HF bands with eight stations. QSL direct to

    SOUTH COOK ISLAND, E5. Janusz, SP9FIH and Leszek, SP6CIK are QRV as
    E51WEG and E51CIK, respectively, from Rarotonga, IOTA OC-013, until
    April 28. Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, and
    FT8. QSL to home calls.

    BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, E7. Special event station E7WARD is QRV
    until April 26. Activity is on the HF bands and 6 meters using CW,
    SSB, and various digital modes. QSL via LoTW.

    Activity is in his spare time on the HF bands using CW. QSL to home

    VATICAN, HV. Look for HV1CN to be QRV on April 22 for International
    Marconi Day. Activity will be from 0700 to 1300z on the HF bands
    using CW, SSB, and FT8. This includes being active on Satellite
    QO-100. QSL via LoTW.

    OGASAWARA, JD1. Harry, JG7PSJ will be QRV as JD1BMH from
    Chichijima, IOTA AS-031, from April 22 to May 5. Activity will be
    on 40 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, and RTTY. QSL direct to home

    DENMARK, OZ. A group of operators will be QRV as 5P5FI from the
    Jylland West group, IOTA EU-125, from April 22 to 29. Activity will
    be on 80 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, and various digital modes. QSL
    via ON6EF.

    WEST KIRIBATI, T30. Members of the Rebel DX Group are QRV as T30UN
    from Tarawa, IOTA OC-017, until May 1. Activity is on 160 to 6
    meters using CW, SSB, with multiple stations using FT8 in DXpedition
    mode. QSL via Club Log.

    BELIZE, V3. Art, NN7A is QRV as V31JZ/p from South Water Caye
    Island, IOTA NA-180, until April 23. Activity is on 80 to 10 meters
    using CW and possibly SSB. QSL to home call.

    AUSTRALIA, VK. Special event station VK100ZL is QRV until December
    31 to celebrate the first amateur radio contact made between
    Australia and New Zealand. QSL via bureau.

    LAKSHADWEEP ISLANDS, VU7. Operators YL2GM and VU2CDP are QRV as
    VU7W from Kavaratti Island, IOTA AS-011, until April 29. Activity
    is on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL via YL2GN.

    MEXICO, XE. Special event station 4A9O is QRV until May 30 to
    celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Club de Radio Experimentadores
    de Occidente. QSL via LoTW.

    NEW ZEALAND, ZL. Special event station ZL100 will be QRV from April
    26 to July 25 to celebrate the first amateur radio contact made
    between New Zealand and Australia. QSL via bureau.

    THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The North American SSB Sprint Contest,
    NCCC RTTY Sprint, NCCC CW Sprint, K1USN CW Slow Speed CW Test, QRP
    to the Field, YOTA Contest, SP DX RTTY Contest, International
    Vintage HF Contest, UA1DZ Memorial Cup and the BARTG Sprint 75 are
    all scheduled for this upcoming weekend.

    The K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, QCX CW Challenge, ICWC Medium Speed CW
    Test, OK1WC CW Memorial, RSGB FT4 Contest, Worldwide Sideband
    Activity Contest, ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, ZL Sprint, SKCC CW
    Sprint, Phone Weekly Test, A1Club AWT, CWops Test, Mini-Test 40,
    Mini-Test 80, 432 MHz Spring Sprint and the UKEICC 80-Meter CW
    Contest are on tap for April 24 to 26.

    Please see April QST, page 69, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web
    sites for details.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Thu Apr 27 19:31:44 2023

    SB DX @ ARL $ARLD017
    ARLD017 DX news

    ZCZC AE17
    QST de W1AW
    DX Bulletin 17 ARLD017
    From ARRL Headquarters
    Newington CT April 27, 2023
    To all radio amateurs

    ARLD017 DX news

    This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
    The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the
    ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.

    SPRATLY ISLANDS. Gil, 4F2KWT will be QRV as DX0NE from Kalayaan
    from April 30 to May 9. Activity will be on 160 to 10 meters using
    CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL via IZ8CCW.

    FIJI, 3D2. Cezar, VE3LYC will be QRV as 3D2LYC from Vanuca Island,
    IOTA OC-189, from May 1 to 5. Activity will be on 30 to 10 meters
    using CW and SSB. QSL to home call.

    UGANDA, 5X. Pista, HA5AO is QRV as 5X2I from Busbala until May 10.
    Activity is on 40 to 6 meters using CW, some SSB, and FT8. QSL via

    MALDIVES, 8Q. Kasimir, DL2SBY is QRV as 8Q7KB until May 7.
    Activity is on 30, 17, 12, and 10 meters using CW, SSB, FT8, and
    FT4. QSL direct to home call.

    PAKISTAN, AP. Members of the Pakistan Amateur Radio Society are QRV
    with special event call sign AP100TC until May 14 to commemorate the
    100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey. Activity is on 40 to 6
    meters using CW, SSB, FT8, and FT4. This includes being active on
    Satellite QO-100. QSL via LoTW.

    ANDORRA, C3. Operators MM0NDX, EA3NT and MM0OKG will be QRV as
    C37RC from the Unio de Radioaficionats Andorrans club station on
    April 29 and 30. Activity will be on the HF bands using CW, SSB,
    and FT8. QSL via bureau.

    MOROCCO, CN. Special event station 5F15SIA is QRV until May 7
    during the 15th International Exhibition of Agriculture in Morocco.
    QSL direct to CN8WW.

    PHILIPPINES, DU. Jairus, 4F1DY plans to be QRV as 4F1DY/2 from
    Palawan Island, IOTA OC-128, from May 4 to 7. Activity will be on
    20 and 15 meters using SSB. QSL via EA5GL.

    GUINEA BISSAU, J5. Carlos, CT2GQA is QRV as J5JUA until the end of
    May. Activity is on 15 to 10 meters using mostly FT8. QSL to home

    will be QRV as HK0/home calls from San Andres from May 4 to 11.
    Activity will be on 80 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8, with a
    focus on the higher bands and 6 meters. Look for HK0/PY8WW to be
    QRV from Providencia, IOTA NA-049, from May 1 to 3. QSL to home

    OGASAWARA, JD1. Harry, JG7PSJ is QRV as JD1BMH from Chichijima,
    IOTA AS-031, until May 5. Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using CW,
    SSB, and RTTY. QSL direct to home call.

    WEST KIRIBATI, T30. Members of the Rebel DX Group are QRV as T30UN
    from Tarawa, IOTA OC-017, until May 1. Activity is on 160 to 6
    meters using CW, SSB, with multiple stations using FT8 in DXpedition
    mode. QSL via Club Log.

    CORSICA, TK. Antonio, IS0JXO plans to be QRV as TK/IS0JXO from May
    3 to 7. Activity will be on the HF and VHF bands using CW and SSB.
    This includes being active on Satellite QO-100. QSL to home call.

    MICRONESIA, V6. BJ, WA7WJR is QRV as V63WJR until April 30.
    Activity is on 20 to 10 meters. QSL direct to home call.

    VANUATU, YJ. Michael, VK2BXE is QRV as YJ0MB. Activity is mostly
    on 40, 20, and 10 meters using SSB. QSL direct to home call.

    NEW ZEALAND, ZL. Members of the New Zealand Association of Radio
    Transmitters are QRV with special call sign ZL100 to commemorate the
    100th anniversary of the first Trans-Tasman amateur radio contact.
    QSL via operators' instructions.

    Slow Speed Test, Feld Hell Sprint, 10-10 International Spring
    Digital Contest, UK/EI DX CW Contest, Helvetia Contest and the
    Florida QSO Party are all scheduled for this upcoming weekend.

    The K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, AGCW QRP/QRP Party, ICWC Medium Speed
    CW Test, OK1WC CW Memorial, ARS Spartan CW Sprint, Worldwide
    Sideband Activity Contest, ICWC Medium Speed Test, Phone Weekly
    Test, A1Club AWT, CWops Test, VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest,
    Mini-Test 40 and the Mini-Test 80 are on tap for May 1 to 3.

    Please see April QST, page 69, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web
    sites for details.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Thu May 4 18:05:50 2023

    SB DX @ ARL $ARLD018
    ARLD018 DX news

    ZCZC AE18
    QST de W1AW
    DX Bulletin 18 ARLD018
    From ARRL Headquarters
    Newington CT May 4, 2023
    To all radio amateurs

    ARLD018 DX news

    This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
    The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the
    ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.

    SPRATLY ISLANDS. Gil, 4F2KWT is QRV as DX0NE from Kalayaan, IOTA
    AS-051, until May 9. Activity is on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB,
    and FT8. QSL via IZ8CCW.

    NIGER, 5U. Giorgio, IU5HWS is QRV as 5UA99WS from Niamey until May
    15. Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using SSB and FT8. QSL via

    KENYA, 5Z. Mark, VK3XB is QRV as 5Z4XB from Nairobi until May 8.
    Activity is on 160 to 6 meters using mainly FT8 and some SSB. QSL
    via VK3WIA.

    RWANDA, 9X. Harald, DF2WO is QRV as 9X2AW until May 15. Activity
    is on 40 to 6 meters using CW and FT8. QSL via M0OXO.

    PHILIPPINES, DU. Jairus, 4F1DY is QRV as 4F1DY/2 from Palawan
    Island, IOTA OC-128, until May 7, and from Jomalig Island, IOTA
    OC-091, from May 9 to 11. Activity is on 20 and 15 meters using
    SSB. QSL via EA5GL.

    JERSEY, GJ. Special event station GB3KCJ will be QRV from May 6 to
    June 2 for the coronation of King Charles III. QSL via bureau.

    are QRV as HK0/home calls from San Andres, IOTA NA-033, until May
    11. Activity is on 80 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8, with a
    focus on the higher bands and 6 meters. QSL to home calls.

    GUINEA BISSAU, J5. Carlos, CT2GQA is QRV as J5JUA until the end of
    May. Activity is on 15 to 10 meters using mostly FT8. QSL to home

    JAPAN, JA. Mitsuru, JE1HXZ/6 is QRV from the Kuroshima, Yaeyama
    Islands, IOTA AS-024, until May 8. Activity is on the HF bands and
    6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8, and FT4. QSL via bureau.

    BELGIUM, ON. Members of UBA Mechelen are QRV with special event
    station OS23SOM until May 31 in celebration of the Special Olympics
    Belgium's annual National Games being held this year in Mechelen.
    QSL via operators' instructions.

    NETHERLANDS, PA. Special event call signs PA100K, PA100M, and
    PA100PCG are QRV until June 30 to commemorate the two-way telegraph
    service that started up from Radio Malabar to Radio Kootwijk. QSL
    via bureau.

    CANADA, VE. In commemoration of the coronation of King Charles III,
    until July 2 radio amateurs here may change their call sign
    prefixes. VA may change to CJ, VE change to CK, VO to CY, and VY to

    AUSTRALIA, VK. Members of the Wireless Institute of Australia are
    QRV with special event call sign VI2023HRH until May 31 to celebrate
    the coronation of King Charles III. QSL via operator's

    LORD HOWE ISLAND, VK9L. Doug, VK9LF has been QRV on 10 meters using
    SSB around 0200z, and then on 20 meters using SSB after 0300z. QSL
    direct to home call.

    FALKLAND ISLANDS, VP8. Special call sign VP8KCC will be QRV on May
    6 to 8 to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III. QSL via

    INDONESIA, YB. Special event station 8A100K is QRV until May 13 to
    commemorate the 100 years of long-range telegraph communications in
    the Netherlands. QSL via operators' instructions.

    GIBRALTAR, ZB. Special event station ZQ2HRH is QRV until May 31 to
    commemorate the coronation of King Charles III. QSL via operators' instructions.

    THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. New England QSO Party, 10-10
    International Spring CW Contest, ARI International DX Contest, NCCC
    RTTY Sprint, NCCC CW Sprint, K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, RCC Cup, SBMS
    2.3 GHz and Up Contest and Club Challenge, Microwave Spring Sprint,
    F9AA Digi Cup, Digi, 7th Call Area QSO Party, Indiana QSO Party,
    Delaware QSO Party and WAB 7 MHz Phone will certainly keep
    contesters busy this upcoming weekend.

    The K1USN Slow Speed Test, ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC CW
    Memorial, RSGB 80-Meter Club SSB Championship, Worldwide Sideband
    Activity Contest, Phone Weekly Test, A1Club CW AWT, CWops Test,
    VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest, Mini-Test CW 40 and the Mini-Test CW
    80 are all on tap for May 8 to 10.

    Please see May QST, page 73, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web
    sites for details.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Thu May 11 22:38:20 2023

    SB DX @ ARL $ARLD019
    ARLD019 DX news

    ZCZC AE19
    QST de W1AW
    DX Bulletin 19 ARLD019
    From ARRL Headquarters
    Newington CT May 11, 2023
    To all radio amateurs

    ARLD019 DX news

    This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
    The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the
    ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.

    KENYA, 5Z. Vladimir, UA4WHX is currently QRV as 5Z4/UA4WHX.
    Activity is on the HF bands. His length of stay is unknown. QSL to
    home call.

    WEST MALAYSIA, 9M2. Team 9M4KI is QRV from Pulau Songsong Island,
    IOTA AS-058, until May 14. Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using
    SSB. QSL via 9M2YGF.

    RWANDA, 9X. Harald, DF2WO is QRV as 9X2AW until May 15. Activity
    is on 40 to 6 meters using CW and FT8. QSL via M0OXO.

    PHILIPPINES, DU. Look for DV1ODC to be QRV on May 14 from the
    Makiling Forest Reserve Laguan Park, DU-0036. Activity will be on
    40 and 15 meters using SSB. QSL via bureau.

    ARMENIA, EK. Abie, AB1F is QRV as EK/AB1F from Stepanavan, Lori
    Marz. Activity is on 20, 15, and 10 meters, and possibly on 80 and
    40 meters using SSB. QSL via LoTW.

    POLYNESIA, FO. Didier, F6BCW is QRV as FO/F6BCW from Huahine
    Island, IOTA OC-067, until October 25. Activity is on 80 to 6
    meters using CW and SSB. QSL via F6EXV.

    LIECHTENSTEIN, HB0. Look for stations HB0/PH0NO/p, HB0/PE5TT/p, and HB0/PD7YY/p to be QRV on May 13 and 14 from at least four different
    nature reserves. Activity will be on 80 to 6 meters using CW with
    two stations active. QSL via bureau.

    GUINEA BISSAU, J5. Carlos, CT2GQA is QRV as J5JUA until the end of
    May. Activity is on 15 to 10 meters using mostly FT8. QSL to home

    BELGIUM, ON. Members of UBA Mechelen are QRV with special event
    station OS23SOM until May 31 in celebration of the Special Olympics
    Belgium's annual National Games being held this year in Mechelen.
    QSL via OQRS.

    NETHERLANDS, PA. Special event call signs PA100K, PA100M, and
    PA100PCG are QRV until June 30 to commemorate the two-way telegraph
    service that started up from Radio Malabar to Radio Kootwijk. QSL
    via bureau.

    PALAU, T8. Operators JA6EGL and JH6HZH are QRV as T88SM and T88ZH, respectively, from Koror Island, IOTA OC-009, until May 17. QSL to
    home calls.

    AUSTRALIA, VK. Members of the Wireless Institute of Australia are
    QRV with special event call sign VI2023HRH until May 31 to celebrate
    the coronation of King Charles III. QSL via operator's

    INDONESIA, YB. Special event station 8A100K is QRV until May 13 to
    commemorate the 100 years of long-range telegraph communications in
    the Netherlands. QSL via operators' instructions.

    GIBRALTAR, ZB. Special event station ZQ2HRH is QRV until May 31 to
    commemorate the coronation of King Charles III. QSL only direct,
    see QRZ.com .

    K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, Portuguese Navy Day Contest/CT1DBS
    Memorial, VOLTA World Wide RTTY Contest, CQ-M International DX
    Contest, SKCC Weekend CW Sprintathon, FISTS Saturday CW Sprint,
    Canadian Prairies QSO Party and the 50 MHz Spring Sprint are
    scheduled for this upcoming weekend.

    The 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint, K1USN Slow Speed CW
    Test, ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC CW Memorial, Worldwide
    Sideband Activity Contest, Phone Weekly Test, A1Club AWT, CWops
    Test, VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest, Mini-Test 40, Mini-Test 80 and
    the RSGB 80-Meter Club Data Championship are all on tap for May 15
    to 17.

    Please see May QST, page 73, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web
    sites for details.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Thu May 18 15:49:04 2023

    SB DX @ ARL $ARLD020
    ARLD020 DX news

    ZCZC AE20
    QST de W1AW
    DX Bulletin 20 ARLD020
    From ARRL Headquarters
    Newington CT May 18, 2023
    To all radio amateurs

    ARLD020 DX news

    This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
    AB2E, W2GD, The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST
    and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.

    MALDIVES, 8Q. Vincent, HB9VCJ will be QRV as 8Q7VJ from Lhaviyani
    Atoll, IOTA AS-013, from May 20 to June 4. Activity will be on 40
    to 6 meters using SSB. QSL to home call.

    QATAR, A7. Anton, RN1B is QRV as A71/RN1B and is here for several
    weeks. Activity is on 80 to 10 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via

    ARMENIA, EK. Abie, AB1F is QRV as EK/AB1F from Stepanavan, Lori
    Marz. Activity is on 20, 15, and 10 meters, and possibly on 80 and
    40 meters using SSB. QSL via LoTW.

    FRENCH POLYNESIA, FO. Didier, F6BCW is QRV as FO/F6BCW from Huahine
    Island, IOTA OC-067, until October 25. Activity is on 80 to 6
    meters using CW and SSB. QSL via F6EXV.

    NORTHERN IRELAND, GI. Members of the North West Group ARC are QRV
    with special event station GB0AEL until May 26 to commemorate the
    91st anniversary of Amelia Earhart's transatlantic flight. QSL via

    REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HL. Hojoong, DS1TUW is QRV as DS1TUW/p from
    National Marine Park, POTA HL-0004, until May 21. Activity is on 40
    to 10 meters using CW with some SSB. QSL via LoTW.

    GUINEA BISSAU, J5. Carlos, CT2GQA is QRV as J5JUA until the end of
    May. Activity is on 15 to 10 meters using mostly FT8. QSL to home

    MARKET REEF, OJ0. Look for operators LA1UW, LA3WAA, LB5SH, and
    LB0VG to be QRV as OJ0/homecalls from May 20 to 27. Activity will
    be on 80 to 4 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8 with three stations
    active. QSL to home calls.

    FAROE ISLANDS, OY. Alberto, IW1PRT plans to be QRV as OY/IW1PRT
    from May 22 to 25. Activity will be in his spare time on 12 and 10
    meters using SSB, FM, and FT8. QSL vis LoTW.

    ARUBA, P4. John, W2GD will be QRV as P40W from May 23 to 30.
    Activity will be on 160 to 10 meters using CW. This includes being
    an entry in the upcoming CQ World Wide WPX CW contest as a Single
    Op/All Band entry. QSL via N2MM.

    MARSHALL ISLANDS, V7. Bob, N7XR is QRV as V7/N7XR from Kwajalein,
    IOTA OC-028, and is here until the end of June. Activity is in his
    spare time on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL via

    ANGUILLA, VP2E. Rich, KE1B and Anna, W6NN will be QRV as VP2EAQ and
    VP2EAR, respectively, from May 25 to June 1. Activity will be on 40
    to 10 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8. This includes being an entry
    as VP2EAQ in the upcoming CQ World Wide WPX CW contest. QSL via

    BERMUDA, VP9. Darrell, AB2E will be QRV as AB2E/VP9 from May 24 to
    29. Activity will be on 160 to 10 meters, with a focus on 30, 17,
    and 12 meters, using CW, SSB, and FT8. This includes being an entry
    in the upcoming CQ World Wide WPX CW contest as a Low Power entry.
    QSL via LoTW.

    INDONESIA, YB. Huzen, YE3BYE is QRV as YE3BYE/p from Gili Ketapang
    Island, IOTA OC-027, until May 21. Activity is on 40, 20, 15, and
    10 meters using SSB. QSL direct to home call.

    SOUTH SUDAN, Z8. Diya, YI1DZ is QRV as Z81D from Juba. Activity is
    in his spare time on 40 to 6 meters, and possibly 80 and 60 meters,
    using SSB and FT8. QSL via OM3JW.

    K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, SARL VHF/UHF Digital Contest, UN DX
    Contest, NZART Sangster Shield 80-Meter CW Contest, His Majesty King
    of Spain CW Contest, EU PSK DX Contest, Arkansas QSO Party, Feld
    Hell Sprint, Baltic 80-Meter Contest and the FISTS Sunday CW Sprint
    are scheduled for this upcoming weekend.

    The Run for the Bacon QRP CW Contest, QRP ARCI Hootowl CW Sprint,
    K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC CW
    Memorial, RSGB FT4 Contest, Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest,
    SKCC CW Sprint, Phone Weekly Test, A1Club AWT, CWops Test, Mini-Test
    40 and the Mini-Test 80 are all on tap for May 22 to 24.

    Please see May QST, page 73, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web
    sites for details.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Thu May 25 18:09:52 2023

    SB DX @ ARL $ARLD021
    ARLD021 DX news

    ZCZC AE21
    QST de W1AW
    DX Bulletin 21 ARLD021
    From ARRL Headquarters
    Newington CT May 25, 2023
    To all radio amateurs

    ARLD021 DX news

    This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
    HA7VK, OZ2I, The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from
    QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to

    BAHAMAS, C6. Sergei, KN4NTX is QRV as C6AWA from Bimini, IOTA
    NA-048, until May 28. Activity is on the HF bands using CW. This
    includes being an entry in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest. QSL
    direct to home call.

    HUNGARY, HA. Sanyi, HA7VK will be QRV as HG23TISZA as a Single
    Op/All Band/High Power entry in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest.
    QSL via LoTW.

    SVALBARD, JW. Rafal, SQ9CNN is QRV as JW/SQ9CNN from Spitsbergen
    Island, IOTA EU-026, until May 29. He will be active as JW5E on
    either 20 or 15 meters during the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest. QSL
    to home call and JW5E via OH6VDA.

    MONGOLIA, JT. Dima, RA9USU will be QRV as JT5DX in the CQ World
    Wide WPX CW contest. QSL direct.

    HAWAII, KH6. A group of operators will be QRV as NH6T during the CQ
    World Wide WPX CW contest. QSL via operators' instructions.

    AMERICAN SAMOA, KH8. Oliver, W6NV and Lloyd, KH6LC plan to be QRV
    as KH8W as a Multi/Single entry in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest.
    After the contest, they may be active as home calls/KH8. QSL via

    ARUBA, P4. John, W2GD is QRV as P40W until May 30. Activity is in
    his spare time on 30, 17, and 12 meters. This includes activity in
    the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest. QSL via LoTW.

    CURACAO, PJ2. Jim, WI9WI and Annette, KA9DOC are QRV as PJ2/home
    calls until May 29. Activity is on the HF bands, and possibly 6
    meters, using CW and RTTY. Look for Jim to be QRV as PJ2T as a
    Single Op/All Band entry in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest. QSL
    direct to home calls, and PJ2T direct to W3HNK.

    ICELAND, TF. Chris, DL1MGB is QRV as TF/DL1MGB until May 29.
    Activity is on 80 to 10 meters and includes being an entry in the CQ
    World Wide WPX CW contest. QSL to home call.

    ST. KITTS AND NEVIS, V4. John, W5JON is QRV as V47JA from St.
    Kitts, IOTA NA-104, until June 7. Activity is on the HF bands and 6
    meters using SSB and FT8. QSL direct to home call.

    MARSHALL ISLANDS, V7. Bob, N7XR is QRV as V7/N7XR from Kwajalein,
    IOTA OC-028, and is here until the end of June. Activity is in his
    spare time on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL via

    MONTSERRAT, VP2M. George, K2DM is QRV as VP2MDM until May 29.
    Activity is on the HF bands and 6 meters using SSB and FT8. This
    includes being an entry in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest. QSL
    via LoTW.

    TURKS AND CAICOS, VP5. John, K4BAI is QRV as VP5/K4BAI from
    Providenciales, IOTA NA-002, until May 30. Activity is on the HF
    bands. He and others will be QRV as VP5M in the CQ World Wide WPX
    CW contest. QSL to home call, and VP5M direct to K4QPL.

    VIET NAM, XV. Tom, DL7BO is QRV as XV9K near Phan Thiet. Activity
    is on 6 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL to home call.

    MYANMAR, XZ. Akio, JE2QIZ is QRV as XZ2B from Yangon until the end
    of September. Activity is on 15, 12, 10, and 6 meters using CW.
    QSL via JE3SIF.

    REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA, Z3. Henning, OZ2I is QRV as Z38EE from
    Tetovo until May 30. Activity is on 160 to 10 meters using CW.
    This includes being active in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest. QSL
    to home call.

    KOSOVO, Z6. Rene, DL2JRM is QRV as Z68XX from Gjilan until May 29.
    Activity is on 80 to 10 meters using CW. This includes being an
    entry in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest. QSL to home call.

    SOUTH SUDAN, Z8. Diya, YI1DZ is QRV as Z81D from Juba. Activity is
    in his spare time on 40 to 6 meters, and possibly 80 and 60 meters,
    using SSB and FT8. QSL via OM3JW.

    Sprint, NCCC RTTY Sprint, NCCC CW Sprint and K1USN Slow Speed CW
    Test will certainly keep contesters busy this upcoming weekend.

    The QCX CW Challenge, ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC Memorial,
    Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, Phone Weekly Test, A1Club AWT,
    CWops Test, Mini-Test 40 and Mini-Test 80 are on tap for May 29 to

    Please see May QST, page 73, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web
    sites for details.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Thu Jun 1 20:28:50 2023

    SB DX @ ARL $ARLD022
    ARLD022 DX news

    ZCZC AE22
    QST de W1AW
    DX Bulletin 22 ARLD022
    From ARRL Headquarters
    Newington CT June 1, 2023
    To all radio amateurs

    ARLD022 DX news

    This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
    HA7VK, The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and
    the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.

    CHINA, BY. David, K6FA is QRV as BY2/K6FA until the middle of
    August. Activity is holiday style on the HF bands using mainly CW.
    QSL via LoTW.

    CAPE VERDE, D4. Oliver, DJ5QW is QRV as D44DX and D4CW from Sal
    Island, IOTA AF-086, until June 13. Activity is on 80 to 10 meters
    using CW and SSB. QSL to home call.

    FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, DA. A group of operators from IARU
    Society DARC are QRV with special callsign DB23SOWG until June 25
    during the Special Olympics World Games. QSL direct to DL2VFR.

    TURKMENISTAN, EZ. David, DL7ZM is QRV as EZ/DL7ZM until June 3.
    Activity is in his spare time during his afternoon hours. Lately he
    has been active on 10 meters using CW. QSL direct to home call.

    MAYOTTE, FH. Marek, FH4VVK is here until June 2024 and QRV on the
    HF bands and 6 meters using SSB and FT8. He may soon be active
    using RTTY. QSL to home call.

    HUNGARY, HA. Sanyi, HA7VK will be QRV as HG23TISZA as a Single
    Op/All Band/High Power entry in the Tisza Cup HF CW contest. QSL
    via LoTW.

    MINAMI TORISHIMA, JD1. Teru, JE7IZM will be QRV as JE7IZM/JD1 on
    June 8 and 9 while on work assignment. Activity will be in his
    spare time on 17 and 15 meters. QSL to home call.

    NETHERLANDS, PA. Special callsign PA37AC will be QRV from the
    former minesweeper Abraham Crijnssen moored at the Navy Museum in
    Den Helder while participating in the Museum Ships Weekend. QSL via
    operators' instructions.

    CENTRAL KIRIBATI, T31. A group of operators are QRV as T31TT from
    Kanton Island, IOTA OC-043, until June 14. Activity is on 160 to 6
    meters using CW, SSB, and with seven FT8 stations in DXpedition
    mode. QSL via OQRS.

    ICELAND, TF. Derk, PD9DX is QRV as TF/PD9DX until June 9. Activity
    is on the HF bands using SSB, FT8, and FT4. QSL via M0URX.

    ST. KITTS AND NEVIS, V4. John, W5JON is QRV as V47JA from St.
    Kitts, IOTA NA-104, until June 7. Activity is on the HF bands and 6
    meters using SSB and FT8. QSL direct to home call.

    MARSHALL ISLANDS, V7. Bob, N7XR is QRV as V7/N7XR from Kwajalein,
    IOTA OC-028, and is here until the end of June. Activity is in his
    spare time on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL via

    LAKSHADWEEP ISLANDS, VU7. Yuris, YL2GM will be QRV as VU7W from
    Minicoy Island, IOTA AS-106, from June 6 to 18. Activity will be on
    the HF bands and 6 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL direct to
    home call.

    VIET NAM, XV. Tom, DL7BO is QRV as XV9K near Phan Thiet. Activity
    is on 6 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL to home call.

    MYANMAR, XZ. Akio, JE2QIZ is QRV as XZ2B from Yangon until the end
    of September. Activity is on 15, 12, 10, and 6 meters using CW.
    QSL via JH3SIF.

    SOUTH SUDAN, Z8. Diya, YI1DZ is QRV as Z81D from Juba. Activity is
    in his spare time on 40 to 6 meters, and possibly 80 and 60 meters,
    using SSB and FT8. QSL via OM3JW.

    THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The ARRL International Digital Contest,
    Museum Ships Weekend, PODXS 070 Club Three Day Weekend Contest, NCCC
    FT4 Sprint, NCCC RTTY Sprint, NCCC CW Sprint, HA3NS Sprint Memorial
    CW Contest, K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, PVRC Reunion, 10-10
    International Open Season PSK Contest, Tisza Cup CW Contest,
    Wake-Up. QRP CW Sprint, KANHAM Contest, UKSMG Summer 6-Meter
    Contest, Kentucky QSO Party, IARU Region 1 CW Field Day and RSGB
    National Field Day are all scheduled for this upcoming weekend.

    K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC CW
    Memorial, RSGB 80-Meter Club Data Championship, ARS Spartan CW
    Sprint, Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, Phone Weekly Test,
    A1Club AWT, CWops CW Test, VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest, Mini-Test
    40 CW and the Mini-Test 80 CW are on tap for June 5 to 7.

    Please see June QST, page 69, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web
    sites for details.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Thu Jun 8 17:30:06 2023

    SB DX @ ARL $ARLD023
    ARLD023 DX news

    ZCZC AE23
    QST de W1AW
    DX Bulletin 23 ARLD023
    From ARRL Headquarters
    Newington CT June 8, 2023
    To all radio amateurs

    ARLD023 DX news

    This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
    XQ7UP, The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and
    the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.

    EQUATORIAL GUINEA, 3C. Ersoy, TA2OM is QRV as 3C3CA from Malabo and
    here for another two months. Activity is on the HF bands and 6
    meters using FT8. QSL to home call.

    MALDIVES, 8Q. Kasimir, DL2SBY will be QRV as 8Q7KB from Maafushi
    Island, IOTA AS-013, from June 13 to 21. Activity will be on 12,
    10, and 6 meters. QSL direct to home call.

    PAKISTAN, AP. Mubeen, AP2AJM is QRV on 10 and 6 meters using FT8
    and SSB. QSL to home call.

    EASTER ISLAND, CE0. Operators XQ3PCN, CA3YMR and CE3KEY will be QRV
    as CE0Y/XQ3PCN from June 12 to 18. Activity will be on 40 to 10
    meters using SSB and FT8. QSL via operators' instructions.

    IRAN, EP. Hassan, EP5CHD has been QRV on 17 meters using FT8 around
    0200z. QSL direct to home call.

    ETHIOPIA, ET. Ulli, DL9WVM is QRV from club station ET3AA in Addis
    Ababa until July 14. He is active between 0630 and 1400z. QSL via

    FRANCE, F. Michel, F8GGZ will be QRV with special event call sign
    TM400BP from June 14 to 21 to commemorate the 400 years since the
    birth of the French mathematician and physicist Blaise Pascal. QSL
    to home call.

    MAYOTTE, FH. Marek, FH4VVK is here until June 2024 and QRV on the
    HF bands and 6 meters using SSB and FT8. He may soon be active
    using RTTY. QSL to home call.

    PAPUA NEW GUINEA, P2. Gio, ZL3SSB will be QRV as P29VBR from Port
    Moresby from June 11 to 21. Activity will be in his spare time on
    the HF bands.

    SWEDEN, SM. Lars, SM6CUK is QRV as SA6G/7 from Ven Island, IOTA
    EU-137, until June 11. Activity is holiday style on 40 to 10 meters
    using mainly CW. QSL to home call.

    CENTRAL KIRIBATI, T31. A group of operators are QRV as T31TT from
    Kanton Island, IOTA OC-043, until June 14. Activity is on 160 to 6
    meters using CW, SSB, and with seven FT8 stations in DXpedition
    mode. QSL via OQRS.

    GABON, TR. Roland, F8EN is QRV as TR8CR until August 12. Activity
    is on the HF bands using CW. QSL via F6AJA.

    MARSHALL ISLANDS, V7. Bob, N7XR is QRV as V7/N7XR from Kwajalein,
    IOTA OC-028, and is here until June 20. Activity is in his spare
    time on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL via LoTW.

    DUCIE ISLAND, VP6. A group of operators will be QRV as VP6A from
    June 11 to 24. Activity will be on 160 to 6 meters, with five
    stations active, using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL via HA7RY.

    LAKSHADWEEP ISLANDS, VU7. Yuris, YL2GM is QRV as VU7W from Minicoy
    Island, IOTA AS-106, until June 18. Activity is on the HF bands and
    6 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL direct to home call.

    VIET NAM, VX. Gran, UA3AA is QRV as XV9G from Mui Ne and here for
    an extended period of time. Activity is on 40 to 6 meters using CW
    and SSB. QSL via LoTW.

    MYANMAR, XZ. Akio, JE2QIZ is QRV as XZ2B from Yangon until the end
    of September. Activity is on 15, 12, 10, and 6 meters using CW.
    QSL via JH3SIF.

    Sprint, NCCC CW Sprint, K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, VK Shires Contest, Asia-Pacific SSB Sprint, SKCC Weekend CW Sprintathon, Portugal Day
    Contest, AGCW VHF/UHF CW Contest, Batavia DX Contest, GACW WWSA CW
    DX Contest and the REF DDFM 6-Meter Contest are all scheduled for
    this upcoming weekend.

    The 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint, K1USN Slow Speed CW
    Test, ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC CW Memorial, Worldwide
    Sideband Activity Contest, NAQCC CW Sprint, Phone Weekly Test,
    A1Club AWT, CWops Test, VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest, Mini-Test 40,
    Mini-Test 80 and the RSGB 80-Meter Club CW Championship are on tap
    for June 12 to 14.

    Please see June QST, page 69, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web
    sites for details.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Thu Jun 15 17:05:52 2023

    SB DX @ ARL $ARLD024
    ARLD024 DX news

    ZCZC AE24
    QST de W1AW
    DX Bulletin 24 ARLD024
    From ARRL Headquarters
    Newington CT June 15, 2023
    To all radio amateurs

    ARLD024 DX news

    This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
    JG7PSJ, LU4AAO, The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from
    QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to

    GEORGIA, 4L. Rene, DL2JRM is QRV as 4L/DL2JRM until June 19. This
    includes being an entry in the All Asian DX CW contest. QSL to home

    MALAWI, 7Q. Jerry, W1IE and Bill, K4CD will be QRV as 7Q7WW from
    June 21 to July 3. Activity will be in their spare time on the HF
    bands and 6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, and FT8 in DXpedition mode.
    QSL via operators' instructions.

    EASTER ISLAND, CE0. Operators XQ3PCN, CA3YMR and CE3KEY are QRV as
    CE0Y/XQ3PCN until June 18. Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using SSB
    and FT8. QSL via operators' instructions.

    PHILIPPINES, DU. Yevgeniy, UN2G is QRV as DU3/UN2G from Villa
    Rosenda, Talugtug until June 23. Activity is on the HF bands, and 5
    meters, using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL direct to home call.

    NORTH COOK ISLANDS, E5. Warwick, E51WL has been QRV on 12 meters
    using FT8 around 0700 to 1100z, and on FT4 between 2100 to 2200z.
    QSL to home call.

    ETHIOPIA, ET. Robert, W9XY and Ken, K4ZW will be QRV as ET3AA from
    June 19 to 23. Activity will be on 40 to 6 meters using CW, SSB,
    and FT8. QSL via N2OO.

    MARIANA ISLANDS, KH0. Harry, JG7PSJ will be QRV as WH0RU from
    Saipan, IOTA OC-086, from June 21 to 27. Activity will be on 40 to
    10 meters using CW and SSB. QSL direct to home call.

    ARGENTINA, LU. Members of the Radio Club QRM Belgrano will be QRV
    as LU4AAO and other calls from June 17 to 25 to commemorate National
    Flag Day. Activity will be on the HF and V/UHF bands using CW, SSB,
    SSTV, and FT8. QSL via LU4AAO.

    PAPUA NEW GUINEA, P2. Gio, ZL3SSB is QRV as P29VBR from Port
    Moresby until June 21. Activity is in his spare time on the HF
    bands. QSL direct to home call.

    SUDAN, ST. Sudan Amateur Radio Union ST0HQ has been QRV on 20
    meters using SSB between 0050 and 0200z. QSL via ST2M.

    PALAU, T8. Nobu, JA0JHQ is QRV as T88PB from Koror, IOTA OC-009,
    until June 19. Activity is on the HF bands using CW, SSB, and FT8.
    QSL via LoTW.

    DUCIE ISLAND, VP6. A group of operators are QRV as VP6A until June
    24. Activity is on 160 to 6 meters, with five stations active,
    using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL via HA7RY.

    FALKLAND ISLANDS, VP8. Station VP8GGM will be QRV on June 17 and 18
    from the historic harbor at Port Stanley, IOTA SA-002, and from the
    war museum Goose Green during International Museum Weekend. QSL
    direct to VP8ADR.

    LAKSHADWEEP ISLANDS, VU7. Yuris, YL2GM is QRV as VU7W from Minicoy
    Island, IOTA AS-106, until June 18. Activity is on the HF bands and
    6 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL direct to home call.

    MACAO, XX9. Leong, XX9ET has been QRV on 20 meters using FT8 around
    1400z. QSL via LoTW.

    MYANMAR, XZ. Akio, JE2QIZ is QRV as XZ2B from Yangon until the end
    of September. Activity is on 15, 12, 10, and 6 meters using CW.
    QSL via JH3SIF.

    VANUATU, YJ. Chris, VK2YUS, will be QRV as YJ0CA from Efate Island,
    IOTA OC-035, from June 17 to 28. Activity will be on 40 to 10
    meters using SSB. QSL direct to home call.

    THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. ARRL Kids Day, All Asian DX CW Contest, International QRP Day, NCCC FT4 Sprint, NCCC RTTY Sprint, NCCC CW
    Sprint, SARL Youth 40-Meter SSB QSO Party, K1USN Slow Speed CW Test,
    SMIRK CW Contest, Pajajaran Bogor DX SSB Contest, IARU Region 1 50
    MHz Contest, Stew Perry Topband CW Challenge, West Virginia QSO
    Party, Feld Hell Sprint and the WAB 50 MHz Phone will certainly keep
    contesters busy this upcoming weekend.

    Please see June QST, page 69, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web
    sites for details.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Thu Jun 22 19:05:20 2023

    SB DX @ ARL $ARLD025
    ARLD025 DX news

    ZCZC AE25
    QST de W1AW
    DX Bulletin 25 ARLD025
    From ARRL Headquarters
    Newington CT June 22, 2023
    To all radio amateurs

    ARLD025 DX news

    This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
    The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the
    ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.

    EQUATORIAL GUINEA, 3C. Ersoy, TA2OM is QRV as 3C3CA from Bioco
    Island, IOTA AF-010, for another two months. QSL via LoTW.

    LESOTHO, 7P. Schalk, A22LL has moved here and is now QRV as 7P8LL.
    Activity is on 80 to 6 meters. QSL via EA7FTR.

    MALAWI, 7Q. K6ZO, W1IE, K4CD, and K4CUE are QRV as 7Q7WW until July
    3. Activity is in their spare time on the HF bands and 6 meters
    using CW, SSB, RTTY, and FT8 in DXpedition mode. QSL via W0MAN.

    ETHIOPIA, ET. Ken, K4ZW and Bob, W9XY are QRV as ET3AA from the
    Ethiopian Amateur Radio Society club station at Addis Ababa
    University Institute of Technology until June 29. Activity is on
    the HF bands and 6 meters, except 160 and 80 meters, using CW, SSB,
    and FT8. QSL via N2OO.

    ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON, FP. Eric, KV1J will be QRV as FP/KV1J from
    June 27 until July 11. Activity will be on 80 to 6 meters using CW,
    SSB, and various digital modes, with a focus on 60 and 6 meters.
    QSL to home call.

    NORTHERN IRELAND, GI. Paul, G4PVM will be QRV as GI4PVM from
    Rathlin Island, IOTA EU-122, from June 25 to 29. Activity will be
    in his spare time on 40 to 10 meters, and possibly on 80 and 6
    meters, using CW and SSB. QSL via LoTW.

    JAPAN, JA. Taka, JA8COE is QRV from Yagishiri Island, IOTA AS-147,
    until June 25. Activity is on the HF bands and 6 meters using CW,
    SSB, and RTTY. QSL to home call.

    MARIANA ISLANDS, KH0. Harry, JG7PSJ is QRV as WH0RU from Saipan,
    IOTA OC-086, until June 27. Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using CW
    and SSB. QSL direct to home call.

    GUAM, KH2. Yas, JA1QQU will be QRV as KH2/JA1QQU from June 29 to
    July 4. Activity will be on the HF bands from 2300 to 0200 and 1000
    to 1400 UTC. QSL via LoTW.

    ANTARCTICA. Juan, LU8DBS is QRV as LU8DBS/Z while on assignment on
    Esparanza Antarctic Base, IOTA AN-018. QSL via LU4DXU.

    FAROE ISLANDS, OY. Martina, DF3TS and Thomas, DC8TM will be QRV as
    OY/home calls/p between June 25 and July 5. Activity will be on 40
    to 10 meters. Activity will be from various SOTA, WWFF/POTA, and
    Lighthouse locations. QSL via all methods.

    DUCIE ISLAND, VP6. A group of operators are QRV as VP6A until June
    24. Activity is on 160 to 6 meters, with five stations active,
    using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL via HA7RY.

    MYANMAR, XZ. Akio, JE2QIZ is QRV as XZ2B from Yangon until the end
    of September. Activity is on 15, 12, 10, and 6 meters using CW.
    QSL via JH3SIF.

    CW Sprint, K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, UFT QRP Contest and His Majesty
    King of Spain SSB Contest are all scheduled for this upcoming

    QCX CW Challenge, ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC CW Memorial, RSGB
    FT4 Contest, Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, SKCC CW Sprint,
    Phone Weekly Test, A1Club AWT, CWops Test, Mini-Test 40 and the
    Mini-Test 80 are on tap for June 26 to 28.

    Please see June QST, page 69, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web
    sites for details.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Thu Jun 29 18:01:40 2023

    SB DX @ ARL $ARLD026
    ARLD026 DX news

    ZCZC AE26
    QST de W1AW
    DX Bulletin 26 ARLD026
    From ARRL Headquarters
    Newington CT June 29, 2023
    To all radio amateurs

    ARLD026 DX news

    This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
    The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the
    ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.

    TIMOR-LESTE, 4W. Operators R7AL and RU3AR are QRV as 4W6RU from
    Dili for the next two weeks. Activity is on the HF bands using CW,
    SSB, and FT8. QSL via R7AL.

    MALAWI, 7Q. Don, K6ZO is QRV as 7Q6M from the Embangweni Mission
    Hospital in northern Malawi until possibly the end of July.
    Activity is in his spare time with a special emphasis on 6 meters.
    QSL direct to W0MAN.

    CROATIA, 9A. Special event station 9A150TESLA is QRV during July to
    celebrate the 150th anniversary of Nikola Tesla's high school
    education. QSL direct to 9A7R.

    BAHAMAS, C6. Operators Joe, W8GEX and Janet, W8CAA are QRV as C6ADX
    from Exuma Island, IOTA NA-001, until July 8. Activity is on 60 to
    10 meters. QSL via LoTW.

    FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, DA. Special event station DL0SOP will
    be QRV from July 1 to 31 to mark the 65 years of the Sea of Peace
    Award. QSL via LoTW.

    PHILIPPINES, DU. Rag, LB3RE is QRV as DU1/LB3RE from Luzon Island,
    IOTA OC-042, until July 18. Activity is on 40 to 6 meters. QSL to
    home call.

    ST. BARTHELEMY, FJ. Frank, K3TRM is QRV as FJ/K3TRM until July 8.
    Activity is mostly on 6 meters and various Satellites from grid
    square FK87, with the possibility of some HF activity as well. QSL
    to home call.

    ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON, FP. Eric, KV1J is QRV as FP/KV1J until
    July 11. Activity is on 80 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, and various
    digital modes, with a focus on 60 and 6 meters. QSL to home call.

    ITALY, I. Special event station IL3P will be QRV from July 1 to
    September 30 from various locations in the Italian region of Veneto.
    QSL via IU3EDK.

    GUAM, KH2, Yas, JA1QQU is QRV as KH2/JA1QQU until July 4. Activity
    is on 10 and 6 meters using FT8 between 1000 to 1400z, and then 2300
    to 0200z. QSL to home call.

    LUXEMBOURG, LX. Special event station LX90RTL is QRV until the end
    of 2023 to mark the first longwave transmissions of Radio Luxembourg
    90 years ago. Activity is on the HF bands using CW, SSB, and
    various digital modes, and Satellite QO-100. QSL via LoTW.

    CZECH REPUBLIC, OK. Radioklub OK1KVK is QRV with special call sign
    OL70KVK until December 31 to mark the club's 70th anniversary. QSL
    via OK6RP.

    GREENLAND, OX. Bo, OZ1DJJ is QRV as OX3LX from Qaanaaq, IOTA
    NA-018, until July 18. Activity is on the HF bands, with a focus on
    4 and 6 meters. This includes a possible trip to either Herbert
    Island, IOTA NA-134, or Meteorite Island. QSL via LoTW.

    CANADA, VE. Pierre, VE3KTB is QRV as VY0ERC from Nunavut, Ellesmere
    Island, IOTA NA-008, until July 12. Activity is on the HF bands.
    This includes being active as VY0RAC in the Canada Day contest. QSL
    via M0OXO.

    BERMUDA, VP9. Dave, G4OSY is QRV as VP9/G4OSY from Hamilton Parish
    until July 8. Activity is on 40 to 10 meters, and possibly 6
    meters, using mainly SSB, but also some CW. QSL direct to home

    MYANMAR, XZ. Akio, JE2QIZ is QRV as XZ2B from Yangon until the end
    of September. Activity is on 15, 12, 10, and 6 meters using CW.
    QSL via JH3SIF.

    Sprint, NCCC RTTY Sprint, NCCC CW Sprint, K1USN Slow Speed CW Test,
    RAC Canada Day Contest, Venezuelan Independence Day Contest, NZART
    Memorial 80-Meter Contest, Marconi Memorial HF CW Contest and the
    Original QRP Contest are all scheduled for this upcoming weekend.

    The K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC
    Memorial, RSGB 80-Meter Club CW Championship, ARS Spartan CW Sprint,
    Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, Phone Weekly Test, A1Club CW
    AWT, CWops Test, VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest, Mini-Test 40 and the
    Mini-Test 80 are on tap for June 3 to 5.

    The 13 Colonies Special Event runs from July 1 to 8.

    Please see July QST, page 78, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web
    sites for details.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Fri Jul 7 07:23:18 2023

    SB DX @ ARL $ARLD027
    ARLD027 DX news

    ZCZC AE27
    QST de W1AW
    DX Bulletin 27 ARLD027
    From ARRL Headquarters
    Newington CT July 6, 2023
    To all radio amateurs

    ARLD027 DX news

    This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
    The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the
    ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.

    SEYCHELLES, S7. Members of the Seychelles Amateur Radio Association
    (SARA) plan to operate as S77HQ in the IARU HF World Championship
    Contest. They will be mostly active on 20, 15 and 10 meters.
    Manning the stations will be S79VU, S79KW, S79RP and S79JN.

    TIMOR LESTE, 4W. Vasily, R7AL, Mike, RU3UR and Anastasya, R6DTO are
    QRV as 4W6RU from near Dili until July 20. QSL via R7AL, Club Log's
    OQRS, LoTW.

    SOUTH KOREA, HL. Wouter, PB1WL is planning to be active as
    HL4/PB1WL from July 17 to August 16. QSL to home call.

    CURACAO, PJ2. The Curacao headquarters call PJ2HQ will be QRV in
    the IARU HF World Championship contest from the PJ2T station. They
    will be handing out the VERONA multiplier.

    TAIWAN, BV. BW2/JP1RIW is active as BM0QSO until December 31, using
    mostly digital modes. QSL via BM2JCC.

    PORTUGAL, CT. Special event station CR6J will be QRV in observance
    of the 41st International Faro Moto (motorcycle) Gathering in Faro
    from July 17 to 23. Activity will be on 80 through 6 meters on SSB,
    CW and Digital. QSL via CT1EHX.

    SPAIN, EA. Look for EF4HQ as the URE HQ station during the IARU HF
    World Championship.

    PALAU, T8. Japanese operators JO3LVG and JM1LIG plan to activate
    T88MK and T88FM, respectively, from the VIP Guest Hotel's Palau
    Radio Club from September 12 to 19. JR3QFB plans to be there from
    September 12 to 17 and QRV as T88JH.

    HAWAII, KH6. PVRC members W3LPL, KE3Q, W3AMY and WR3R will be
    teaming up with KH7U, K8VG, KH6HT and possibly KH6U and KH6ML as
    W1AW/KH6 in the IARU HF World Championship. SSB operations will be
    from the KH6YY station on Oahu. CW activity will take place from
    the Big Island (Hawaii) at the KH6LC station. PVRC member WH7W will
    be one of the ops at KH6LC along with NH6V, AH6KO, KH6KB and KH6LC.

    and DV9BPI will be on the air as DX9EVM from Mindanao Island
    (OC-130) for the 2023 RSGB IOTA Contest, July 29 and 30. QSL via
    the bureau or direct.

    PAPUA NEW GUINEA, P2. Lowell, DU3LZ has been QRV for the past two
    weeks as P29LZ. Listen for him on 40, 20 and 15 meters using SSB
    and in the future on FT8.

    SABA, ST EUSTATIUS, PJ5. Operators PA4O and PE6Q will be QRV until
    July 18 including activity in the IARU HF Championship. During the
    Contest they will be operating as PJ5C. Outside the contest they
    will use the calls PJ5/PA4O and PJ5/PE6Q, and be on 80 to 6 meters
    using CW, SSB and FT8. QSOs will be uploaded to Club Log OQRS.

    UNITED STATES, W. During the RSGB IOTA Contest, Jeff, W7BRS plans
    to operate from the NN7SS station located on Vashon Island (NA-065).
    This will be a single op, hi-power effort. QSL via K6UFO.

    ITALY, I. IU1JCZ, I1NVU, IK1CJO, IK1NEG and IK1QBT will be manning
    the IP1X multi-op effort in the RSGB IOTA Contest, from Gallinara
    Island (EU-083). Activity will be on 80 through 10 meters using CW
    and SSB during the full 24 hours of the contest. The multi-op
    effort will be low power. QSL direct or via bureau to IU1JCZ and
    OQRS on Club Log. Also, IZ7AUH, IZ7LDC, IK7WDS, IW7DOL, IW7DMH,
    IU7EHF and IZ8EGM are heading to San Pietre Island (EU-073) and will
    activate IJ7DX and IJ7SAT from June 28 to 30. Activity will include
    QO-100, LEO and MEO satellites. QSL via IZ7AUH.

    PH3T plan to activate PI4AMF/P from Schouwen-Duiveland (EU-146) in
    the RSGB IOTA Contest. This will be a multi-two effort. QSL via

    ZAMBIA, 9J. Eddy, OE3SEU is mostly active on the QO-100 satellite,
    using the call sign 9J2SEU/p, from grids KH55, KH56, KH43 and KH45.
    When there are many callers he goes split and by call sign number,
    starting with zero. QSL via LoTW.

    NIUE, E6. Stan, LZ1GC and Dimo, LZ1ON will be signing E6AM from
    October 10 to 23. They will operate CW, SSB, FT8 and maybe some
    RTTY on 160 to 6 meters. QSL via Club Log's OQRS (preferred), LoTW,
    or via LZ1GC, direct or bureau.

    JAPAN, JA. Ichy, JH7IPR will be active from Okushiri Island (AS-
    147) from July 7 to 10. He will be signing JH7IPR/8 on CW, RTTY,
    SSB and AM, and JH7IPR/p on FT4, FT8, MSK144 and Q65. QSL via Club
    Log and LoTW.

    SINT MAARTEN, PJ7. Ben, PE5B will be QRV as PJ7/PE5B until July 14.
    QSL via LoTW.

    GREECE, SV. John, N4TOL will be active as SV8/N4TOL/p from Paros
    Island until July 8, and from Samothraki Island (EU-174) from July
    10 to 13. He will be QRV mostly on 20 meter CW and possibly SSB.

    EUROPEAN RUSSIA, UA. Dmitry, R3GM and Igor, UA3EDQ will be QRV as
    RI1ZZ from Kildin Island (EU-082) and a couple of islands (RR-02-100
    and RR-02-101) in the Kandalaksha Gulf until July 8. QSL via RZ3EC.
    Also, the team of R3XDA, RA1QY, RU3EG, RU5D, RZ3EC and UA3EDQ will
    be active as RI1OR from Bolshoy Solovetsky Island (EU-066) from July
    25 to 29. They will operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 160 to 10
    meters. A brief activity as R3RRC/1 from nearby Bolshaya Muksalma
    is also being planned. QSL via RZ3EC.

    CANADA, VE. Pierre, VE3KTB will be active as VY0ERC from the Eureka
    Amateur Radio Club station on Ellesmere Island (NA-008) until July
    12. QSL via M0OXO's OQRS.

    ST KITTS, V4. John, W5JON will be operating as V47JA from August 28
    to September 12, on 160 to 6 meters using FT8 and SSB. QSL direct
    or LoTW.

    HUNGARY, HA. Sanyi, HA7VK will be operating as HG23TISZA, SO/AB/HP
    only CW, in IARU HF World Championship.

    Weekend Sprintathon, PODXS 070 Club 40m Firecracker Sprint and the
    QRP ARCI Summer Homebrew Sprint are all on tap for this weekend.
    The 4 States QRP Group 2nd Sunday Sprint in on July 10 and the
    VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest and RSGB 80m Club Championship are on
    July 12. Please see July QST, page 78 and the ARRL Contest Calendar
    and WA7BNM Contest web sites for details.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Thu Jul 13 17:56:58 2023

    SB DX @ ARL $ARLD028
    ARLD028 DX news

    ZCZC AE28
    QST de W1AW
    DX Bulletin 28 ARLD028
    From ARRL Headquarters
    Newington CT July 13, 2023
    To all radio amateurs

    ARLD028 DX news

    This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
    The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the
    ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.

    TIMOR-LESTE, 4W. Vasily, R7AL, Mike, RU3UR and Anastasya R6DTO are
    QRV as 4W6RU from Lusaka until July 20. Activity is on 30 to 10
    meters using CW and FT8. QSL via R7AL.

    MALAWI, 7Q. Don, K6ZO is QRV as 7Q6M from the Embangweni Mission
    Hospital in northern Malawi until possibly the end of July.
    Activity is in his spare time with a special emphasis on 6 meters.
    QSL direct to W0MAN.

    MALDIVES, 8Q. Bert, CX3AN is QRV as 8Q7HU until July 18. Activity
    is holiday style on 40 to 6 meters. QSL to home call.

    DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO, 9Q. A large group of operators are
    QRV as 9Q1AA, and 9Q1ZZ using FT8, until July 18. Activity is on
    160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, and FT8 with four stations.
    QSL direct to I2YSB.

    TAIWAN, BV. Kenicho, JP1RIW is QRV as BM0QSO from New Taipei City
    until the end of 2023. Activity is on the HF bands using mostly
    FT8. QSL via bureau.

    PORTUGAL, CT. Special event station CR6J will be QRV on July 17 to
    23 for the 41st International Motorcycle Rally in Faro. Activity is
    on 80 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, and various digital modes. QSL via

    PHILIPPINES, DU. Rag, LB3RE is QRV as DU1/LB3RE from Luzon Island,
    IOTA OC-042, until July 18. Activity is on 40 to 6 meters. QSL to
    home call.

    REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HL. Wouter, PB1WL plans to be QRV as HL4/PB1WL
    from July 17 to August 16. QSL to home call.

    AMERICAN SAMOA, KH8. Operators N3QQ, KB2FMH and W8HC are QRV as
    KH8RRC from Tutuila Island, IOTA OC-045, WWFF KFF-0054, and POTA
    K-0053 until July 18 to mark the 30th anniversary of the Russian
    Robinson Club. They are also active as W1AW/KH8 until July 18 as
    part of the 2023 VOTA operating event. QSL KH8RRC direct to KB2FMH,
    and W1AW/KH8 via LoTW only.

    AUSTRIA, OE. Special event stations OE2XXM and OE5XXM are QRV
    during July, and September around the international Autumn field day
    in Gosau. QSL via operators' instructions.

    FAROE ISLANDS, OY. Nobu, JA0JHQ is QRV as OY/M0JHQ until July 15.
    Activity is on the HF bands. QSL direct to home call.

    SABA, ST. EUSTATIUS, PJ5. Operators PE6Q and PA4O are QRV as
    PJ5/home calls until July 18. Activity is on 80 to 6 meters using
    CW, SSB, FT8, and FT4. QSL via ClubLog.

    MARSHALL ISLANDS, V7. Bob, W0RGC is QRV as V7/W0RGC from Kwajalein
    Island for about two to three weeks. Activity is in his spare time
    on 20, 15, and 10 meters using SSB. QSL to home call.

    MYANMAR, XZ. Akio, JE2QIZ is QRV as XZ2B from Yangon until the end
    of September. Activity is on 15, 12, 10, and 6 meters using CW.
    QSL via JH3SIF.

    ZIMBABWE, Z2. Eddy, OE3SEU is QRV as Z21MV through August. He is
    active on Satellite QO-100 using SSB. QSL via LoTW.

    THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The North American RTTY QSO Party, CQ
    Worldwide VHF Contest, QRP 20-Meter CW Fox Hunt, NCCC FT4 Sprint,
    NCCC RTTY Sprint, NCCC CW Sprint, K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, Russian
    Radio Team Championship, Trans-Tasman Low-Bands Challenge, Feld Hell
    Sprint, IARU Region 1 70 MHz Contest, RSGB International Low Power
    CW Contest and the Run for the Bacon QRP CW Contest are all on tap
    for this upcoming weekend.

    The ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC CW Memorial, RSGB FT4 Contest,
    Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, Phone Weekly Test, A1Club AWT,
    CWops Test, VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest, Mini-Test CW 40 and the
    Mini-Test CW 80 are scheduled for July 17 to 19.

    Please see July QST, page 78, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web
    sites for details.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Thu Jul 20 17:32:18 2023

    SB DX @ ARL $ARLD029
    ARLD029 DX news

    ZCZC AE29
    QST de W1AW
    DX Bulletin 29 ARLD029
    From ARRL Headquarters
    Newington CT July 20, 2023
    To all radio amateurs

    ARLD029 DX news

    This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
    HK3EA, The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and
    the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.

    EQUATORIAL GUINEA, 3C. Ersoy, TA2OM is QRV as 3C3CA from Bioko
    Island, IOTA AF-010, until July 31. QSL via LoTW.

    CROATIA, 9A. Stations 9A7YY, 9A/S53Z, 9A/S54W, 9A/S58MU, 9A/S50O
    and 9A/S50X will be QRV from Vis Island, IOTA EU-016, from July 24
    to August 1. Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters using CW and SSB.
    This includes being active in the upcoming RSGB IOTA contest. QSL
    direct to home calls.

    BAHAMAS, C6. Station C6ARS will be QRV from Great Bahama Bank, IOTA
    NA-001, on July 22 to mark the 50th anniversary of the independence
    of the Bahamas. QSL via operators' instructions.

    AZORES, CU. Chris, DL2MDU and Heike, DL3HD are QRV as CT8/home
    calls from Sao Miguel Island, IOTA EU-003, until July 26. QSL to
    home calls.

    ISLE OF MAN, GD. Keith, G3TTC plans to be QRV as GD3TTC near Onchan
    from July 26 to 29. Activity will be holiday style on 40 to 10
    meters using SSB. This includes being an entry in the upcoming RSGB
    IOTA contest. QSL to home call.

    COLOMBIA, HK. A number of special event call signs with prefixes
    5K0 to 5K9, as well as 5K200 and 5K90, will be QRV from July 22 to
    24 to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Lake
    Maracaibo, and the 90th anniversary of the foundation of the
    Colombian Radio Amateurs League. QSL via operators' instructions.

    REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HL. Wouter, PB1WL is QRV as HL4/PB1WL until
    August 16. QSL to home call.

    ITALY, I. Station II3GR is active until July 23 from the annual
    Youth On The Air camp on Volpera Island. This includes being active
    in the YOTA contest. QSL via IV3CTT.

    SARDINIA, IS0. Giuseppe, IK5WWA is QRV as IM0C from San Pietro
    Island, IOTA EU-165, until July 30. Activity is on 40 to 2 meters,
    and possibly 80 meters. QSL to home call.

    MINAMI TORISHIMA, JD1. Take, JG8NQJ is QRV as JG8NQJ/JD1 until
    October 19. Activity is in his spare time on 17, 15, 12, and 10
    meters. When active using FT8, send his signal strength report, not
    the grid square. QSL via JA8CJY.

    CZECH REPUBLIC, OK. Special event station OL300SANTINI is QRV until
    December 31 to commemorate Czech architect Jan Blazej Santini-Aichel
    who was famous for what came to be known as the Czech Baroque Gothic architectural style. QSL via operators' instructions.

    FAROE ISLANDS, OY. Przemek, SP7VC and Katarzyna, SQ7OYL will be QRV
    as OY/home calls from July 23 to 27. Activity will be on 20, 6, and
    4 meters. QSL via SP7VC.

    BONAIRE, PJ4. Robert, PD2V is QRV as PJ4/PD2V from Kralendijk until
    August 11. Activity is on 40, 30, and 20 meters using SSB and FT8.
    QSL via LoTW.

    GREECE, SV. Kim, ON4BCV is QRV as SV8/ON4BCV/p from Samos Island,
    IOTA EU-049, until July 24. Activity is holiday style. QSL to home

    MARSHALL ISLANDS, V7. Bob, W0RGC is QRV as V7/W0RGC from Kwajalein
    Island for about two weeks. Activity is in his spare time on 20,
    15, and 10 meters using SSB. QSL to home call.

    NORFOLK ISLAND, VK9N. David, VK5DG is QRV as VK5DG/9 until July 27.
    Activity is holiday style on Satellites IO-117, AO-91, PO-101,
    RS-44, and AO-7. QSL via LoTW.

    from Turks, IOTA NA-003, until July 24. Activity is holiday style
    primarily on 20 and 10 meters using SSB and FT8. QSL via LoTW.

    MYANMAR, XZ. Akio, JE2QIZ is QRV as XZ2B from Yangon until the end
    of September. Activity is on 15, 12, 10, and 6 meters using CW.
    QSL via JH3SIF.

    Sprint, NCCC RTTY Sprint, NCCC CW Sprint, K1USN Slow Speed CW Test,
    Maidenhead Mayhem Contest, YOTA Contest and the ARAM 50 MHz Contest
    are all scheduled for this upcoming weekend.

    The K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC CW
    Memorial, Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, SKCC CW Sprint,
    A1Club AWT, CWops Test, Mini-Test 40 CW and Mini-Test 80 CW are on
    tap for July 24 to 26.

    Please see July QST, page 78, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web
    sites for details.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)
  • From Daryl Stout@954:895/7 to All on Thu Jul 27 18:37:02 2023

    SB DX @ ARL $ARLD030
    ARLD030 DX news

    ZCZC AE30
    QST de W1AW
    DX Bulletin 30 ARLD030
    From ARRL Headquarters
    Newington CT July 27, 2023
    To all radio amateurs

    ARLD030 DX news

    This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
    IK1QBT, M0GWD, The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from
    QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to

    SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA, 1A. A large group of operators
    are QRV as 1A0C from the Magistral Villa on the Aventine Hill until
    August 2. Activity is with five stations on 80 to 6 meters,
    including 60 meters, using CW, SSB, RTTY, and FT8. They also plan
    to be active on the LEO and QO-100 Satellites. QSL via EA5RM.

    CHINA, BY. A group of operators will be QRV as B2/BY1AA from
    Xiaochangshan Island, IOTA AS-158, as a Multi/Single, High Power
    entry in the RSGB IOTA contest. QSL via BA4EG.

    MOROCCO, CN. Special event station CN24M is QRV until August 6
    while taking part in the annual Throne Day's celebrations that
    commemorate the enthronement of the incumbent monarch. QSL via

    URUGUAY, CX. Special event station CX90RCU will be QRV from August
    1 to 31 to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Radio Club
    Uruguayo. QSL via bureau.

    REUNION ISLAND, FR. Philippe, FR8UA and Anne, FR8TZ will be QRV as
    TO0GL on July 29 and 30 during the RSGB IOTA contest. QSL via LoTW.

    ENGLAND, G. Members of the Fort Purbrook ARC will be QRV with
    special event station GB1PF on July 29 and 30 from the historic
    Palmerston Forts. Activity will be on the HF bands using CW and
    SSB, and PSK on 20 meters. QSL via operators' instructions.

    ISLE OF MAN, GD. Operators G2NV and G6AD are QRV as GD6AD until
    July 31. This includes being an entry in the RSGB IOTA contest.
    QSL via LoTW.

    REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HL. Members of the Gwangju DX Club are QRV as
    D73G from Paegya Island, IOTA AS-060, until July 30. Activity is on
    160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, FT8, and FT4. QSL via HL4CCM.

    ITALY, I. A group of operators will be QRV as IP1X from Gallinara
    Island, IOTA EU-083, during the RSGB IOTA contest as a Multi Op/Low
    Power entry. Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters using CW and SSB.
    QSL via IU1JCZ.

    FAROE ISLANDS, OY. Carsten, OY1CT will be a Single Op/All Band
    entry from Streymoy Island, IOTA EU-018, in the RSGB IOTA contest.
    QSL to home call.

    DENMARK, OZ. Frank, DL2SWW and Gaby, DF9TM are QRV as 5Q5W and
    OV9M, respectively, from Vendsyssel-Thy, IOTA EU-171, until July 31.
    QSL to home calls.

    BRAZIL, PY. Operators PY6HD and PY6TV are QRV as PR6T from Tinhare
    Island, IOTA SA-080, until July 30. Activity is on 40, 20, 15, and
    10 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8. This includes being an entry in
    the RSGB IOTA contest. QSL via LoTW.

    GREECE, SV. Kostas, SV8GGI is QRV as SV8GGI/p from Salamina Island,
    IOTA EU-075, in the RSGB IOTA contest. QSL via bureau.

    ASIATIC RUSSIA, UA0. Station RG0C/p is QRV from the Shantar Islands
    group, IOTA AS-044, until August 10. Activity is on 20 meters CW
    using low power, and between 1000 to 2200z, daily. QSL via RG0C.

    TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS, VP5. Josiah, KI5UBT and John, N5VOF will
    be QRV as VP5/KI5UBT and VP5/N5VOF, respectively, from
    Providenciales, IOTA NA-002, from July 31 to August 14. Activity
    will be on 40 to 2 meters using SSB and FT8. QSL direct to home

    INDIA, VU. Special event station AT3MOON is QRV to highlight the
    launch of Chandrayaan-3, the Indian moon mission. Activity is on
    various bands using some SSB and FT8 at various times. QSL via

    LAOS, XW. Simon, HS0ZIB is QRV as XW0LP from Luang Prabang.
    Activity is currently on 20 meters using FT8, but plans to be active
    soon on other bands. QSL via EA5GL.

    MYANMAR, XZ. Akio, JE2QIZ is QRV as XZ2B from Yangon until the end
    of September. Activity is on 15, 12, 10, and 6 meters using CW.
    QSL via JH3SIF.

    INDONESIA, YB. Operators YB3EDD/p, YC3GZY/p, Ali YC3RNW/p and
    YF3BVD/p will be QRV from Gili Ketapang, IOTA OC-037, during the
    RSGB IOTA contest. QSL via operators' instructions.

    Fox Hunt, NCCC FT4 Sprint, NCCC RTTY Sprint, NCCC CW Sprint, K1USN
    Slow Speed CW Test, MARAC US Counties QSO Party, Feld Hell Sprint,
    WAB 144 MHz Low Power Phone and the ARS Flight of the Bumblebees are
    scheduled for this upcoming weekend.

    The K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, QCX CW Challenge, ICWC Medium Speed
    Test, OK1WC Memorial, Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, ZL
    80-Meter Sprint, Phone Weekly Test, A1Club AWT, CWops Test, VHF-UHF
    FT8 Activity Contest, Mini-Test 40 and Mini-Test 80 are on tap from
    July 31 to August 2.

    Please see July QST, page 78, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web
    sites for details.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (954:895/7)