• I sent you a netmail

    From apam@21:4/158.1 to Deon George on Mon Dec 2 13:31:14 2024
    Hi deon

    I sent you a netmail via the underground bbs - could you let me know if
    it arrives please?

    It's about clrnghouz, but one thing i forgot to mention in the email was:

    On the network admin -> domains page, when you sort by zone number, the
    sorting is a little weird..

    for example, you would think zone 510 would come after zone 63 but it
    does not, it seems to not take into account the size of the number, but
    rather sorts, "alphabetically" I suppose... eg;



    |09apam |08(|11Andrew Pamment|08)
    |15Starlight |07:: |15starlight.zapto.org|08:|152323|07 (Talisman)
    |12Bloodlust |04:: |12bloodlust.envybbs.org|08:|122023|07 (Envy)

    --- Talisman v0.54-dev (Darwin/x86_64)
    * Origin: Starlight :: starlight.zapto.org:2323 (21:4/158.1)
  • From deon@21:2/116 to apam on Mon Dec 2 19:15:51 2024
    Re: I sent you a netmail
    By: apam to Deon George on Mon Dec 02 2024 01:31 pm


    I sent you a netmail via the underground bbs - could you let me know if
    it arrives please?

    Got it and replied - let me know if you dont get it.

    On the network admin -> domains page, when you sort by zone number, the sorting is a little weird..

    for example, you would think zone 510 would come after zone 63 but it
    does not, it seems to not take into account the size of the number, but rather sorts, "alphabetically" I suppose... eg;

    Are you talking about the table?

    Ahh, thanks, I should fix that. At the moment its not a single value column (eg: fidonet has 4 zones), so it'll be doing a text sort so items beginning with 1 start before items begining with 2.

    A better way to see the FTN's by zone is on the Lists -> FTN List (on the top menu). That does sort by zone correctly.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (21:2/116)