I haven't been too involved with our schol board, only on occasions, when I meet enough oft hem to begin to gert an idea, t hen I'll do the rest of the research to make an informed vote.
From what I have read and heard SB's are very important today with some
of the things they are teaching little kids who have no idea about anything, unless they were properly taught at home.
When I started school my mother had already taught me to read and write
as others in the class had been taught.
Today everything seems to be pushed off onto the teachers "that's their
job" is too common today.
Plus you have so many single parent households and that parent is either working or a lay about who can care less.
Then the kids come home with all sorts of crazy ideas they are taught and only then do some parents become involved. Sometimes when its too late.
True enough; our SBs are more just administrators of the funds given to them by the provincial Ministry of Education.
So happy my mom and dad taught me to think for myself - it's so critical now, but it's sad to know how rare this is. Being as I have to live with the idiots these people elect. Frustrating.
I still love learning & am as happy reading dictionaries & encyclpedias as novels. My son prefers encyclopedias to novels.
I enjoy reading phone books. Not much of a plot but a lot of characters... :)
CP wrote --
True enough; our SBs are more just administrators of the funds given to themby the provincial Ministry of Education.
Those who pay the piper call the tune, as the old saying goes.
If one is in control of the purse they have a lot a say in a matter.
So happy my mom and dad taught me to think for myself - it's so critical now, >but it's sad to know how rare this is. Being as I have to live with the idiotsthese people elect. Frustrating.
When I was in school critical thinking was taught. Not formally as a
class, but within classes.
If one had an idea popular or unpopular, they had to explain why they
thought that way.
Anymore that isn't taught. Its all too much group think.
I still love learning & am as happy reading dictionaries & encyclpedias asnovels. My son prefers encyclopedias to novels.
I enjoy reading phone books. Not much of a plot but a lot of
Those who pay the piper call the tune, as the old saying goes.
Well, we taxpayers do the paying.
Anymore that isn't taught. Its all too much group think.
True; today's teachers have graduated the new ultra-Lie-beral college grouptrthink 'thinking' & no longer think for themselves nor allow such in theirclassroomsd
I'm stil mad, 45 years later that I got marked wrong in Pphonics for spelling wordsacorrecly,
Did you know you can reuse old phone books as personal address books by simply blacking out the names of the people you don't know
I always double check my spelling and writing before I'm done with
it, on a pc. (On paper I'm ok). Its amazing the times I've mispelt a word, or what I wrote made little sense. (Quiet Daryl).
Too often bureaucrats think they are owed the money to with was theyThose who pay the piper call the tune, as the old saying goes.
Well, we taxpayers do the paying.
Anymore that isn't taught. Its all too much group think.
True; today's teachers have graduated the new ultra-Lie-beral collegetheirclassroomsd
grouptrthink 'thinking' & no longer think for themselves nor allow such in
I often like to ask a young person (nowadays that's most anyone under 60 rather then teenagers) "why do you think/say that" when they say something I may disagree with.
I'm not saying they are wrong, when often they are, but how they came to
that conclusion.
I seldom get a good defence of their reasoning.
One thing that grates on me is the use of the word "feel" for think. The
two are not the same.
So many seem to think something is real/not real because they _feel_ it is/isn't.
I'm stil mad, 45 years later that I got marked wrong in Pphonics for spellingwordsacorrecly,
I was an average speller. There are some words that still through me
for a loop.
I was always taught "look it up in the dictionary" which helped a lot.
Today that would probably be considered child abuse....
I always double check my spelling and writing before I'm done with it,
on a pc. (On paper I'm ok). Its amazing the times I've mispelt a word, or what I wrote made little sense. (Quiet Daryl).
I doubt many kids today know what a phone book is much less how to use
I know -- sad, & frightening, considering Orwell wrote about it in 1948
Always a bit frightening to see ads for the topics of last night's living room conversations show up on Facebook, YouTube, & Amazon!
Yup; & how pollsters ask for people's BELIEFS, then post them as if the facts were determined by a selection of people's opinions.
I have a sill chicken on my email now, as one of my friends was having genuine trouble reading my emails.
If I haven'ty put them in my phone's contacts, I don't have them; I use the internet to find business phone numbers when needed
that's handy enough & a bit more than half the reason I carry my phone with me everywhere.
CP wrote --
I know -- sad, & frightening, considering Orwell wrote about it in 1948He got a lot of things right. The message is right, its the medium that changed.
Yup; & how pollsters ask for people's BELIEFS, then post them as if the factswere determined by a selection of people's opinions.
A lot of people believe things that simply aren't true.
I have a sill chicken on my email now, as one of my friends was havinggenuine trouble reading my emails.
Same here.
I sometimes have to read something a couple of times.
Your spell is like my handwriting.
If reading something I had written some time before I have to think what
was I writing about and sort of fill in the gaps. These are generally
something I just jotted down. Often times I give up and trying to decipher it
Going back to ads popping up I find it a bit scary when I want to find a business in this area and just type in, oh say, "pizza" and get a list of pizza places around me.
Not "pizza places in Huntington, WV" but just "pizza".
When I worked in wholesale produce I called about 80 businesses a day to
get their orders. After a while I knew their number by heart and didn't
need to look it up. Those are long since drifted out of my memory.
Currently in parking I have about 50 license plates of regulars
memorised, along with permit numbers, etc.
I like to show off at work at times and have someone give me a
description of a vehicle:
Red Ford four door on such and such a lot.
That plate number is thus and so.
They check the list and I'm right. :)
Now balancing my cheque book is another story with numbers...
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