• Monthly posting of the rules & guidelines

    From George Pope@1:153/757 to All on Mon Feb 28 15:22:38 2022
    Rules, Regulations, & Guidelines for Fidonet's FUNNY Jokes and Stories echo

    This file and the rules as per the Fido official echo description constitute our rules & regulations, binding on every user in this echo, by their participation (whether passive(reading) or active(posting); if this displeases you, you know the way you came in -- you may & should exit the same way & never return.

    Echo purpose: to hear something repeated you've just said.

    Note all are labeled #1 as they're all important --

    #1: You must (re)read these every time you see them posted by myself or another moderator, addressed to "All"

    #1: even if a rule, below, seems phrased humorously (even your mods try to stay on topic) it is a hard & fast rule, requiring your adherence

    #1: Have fun or GTFO

    #1: don't be a jackass; you're a guest in other people's home.

    #1: every post must contain funny content (text)

    #1: English(UK+CAN) is the natural language of the fully evolved human being, thus English is the echo's official language. Americanis American & English users may feel free to humorously(key) poke fun at Americanisms

    #1: grammar & punctuation is probably important -- mis-use opens yourself up to funny or punny ridicule.

    #1: leave the moderating to the moderator(s); you may not see it being done, but we work behind the scenes often. If you have a complaint, echomail or email your mods; do NOT post into the echo (unless you're following rule#1 of course,
    & being funny)

    #1: This echo is rated PG-16; i.e. content should not be overly shocking to the average 16 year old (boy or girl); no porn -- that's elsewhere in cyberspace

    #1: NO ads for products, services, echos, pages, or ANYTHING, except as you've sent to the mod, with agreed upon payment, & the mod posts it for you, following all rules.

    #1: NO auto-posting (bots); this echo is for humans; if you can fully understand these rules, you are likely human.

    #1: the mods are not responsible for any damage to your connection devices (including modems & computer & monitor) perpetrated by a moderator's use of the Freister Device (detects your personal(not BBS, not your fido upline) source system & sends proprietary signals to cause your disks, CPU, mainboard, & modem to die ("fry" from Freister, the inventor, & my friend)

    #1: You have been warned

    #1 Swearing should be kept to a minimum -- & only as befits the joke/thread -- we're adults here & should act & talk like it. If you're mixing them in randomly like salt & pepper, you're too young to be in here.

    #1: These rules should appear once a month, but regardless if you've seen or read them, you MUST follow all, or delist the echo &/or visit others (&/or make your own, even!)

    #1: We only roast the ones we love

    #1: The End (or is it?)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to All on Thu Mar 31 06:57:10 2022
    Rules, Regulations, & Guidelines for Fidonet's FUNNY Jokes and Stories echo

    This file and the rules as per the Fido official echo description constitute our rules & regulations, binding on every user in this echo, by their participation (whether passive(reading) or active(posting); if this displeases you, you know the way you came in -- you may & should exit the same way & never return.

    Echo purpose: to hear something repeated you've just said.

    Note all are labeled #1 as they're all important --

    #1: You must (re)read these every time you see them posted by myself or another moderator, addressed to "All"

    #1: even if a rule, below, seems phrased humorously (even your mods try to stay on topic) it is a hard & fast rule, requiring your adherence

    #1: Have fun or GTFO

    #1: don't be a jackass; you're a guest in other people's home.

    #1: every post must contain funny content (text)

    #1: English(UK+CAN) is the natural language of the fully evolved human being, thus English is the echo's official language. Americanis American & English users may feel free to humorously(key) poke fun at Americanisms

    #1: grammar & punctuation is probably important -- mis-use opens yourself up to funny or punny ridicule.

    #1: leave the moderating to the moderator(s); you may not see it being done, but we work behind the scenes often. If you have a complaint, echomail or email your mods; do NOT post into the echo (unless you're following rule#1 of course,
    & being funny)

    #1: This echo is rated PG-16; i.e. content should not be overly shocking to the average 16 year old (boy or girl); no porn -- that's elsewhere in cyberspace

    #1: NO ads for products, services, echos, pages, or ANYTHING, except as you've sent to the mod, with agreed upon payment, & the mod posts it for you, following all rules.

    #1: NO auto-posting (bots); this echo is for humans; if you can fully understand these rules, you are likely human.

    #1: the mods are not responsible for any damage to your connection devices (including modems & computer & monitor) perpetrated by a moderator's use of the Freister Device (detects your personal(not BBS, not your fido upline) source system & sends proprietary signals to cause your disks, CPU, mainboard, & modem to die ("fry" from Freister, the inventor, & my friend)

    #1: You have been warned

    #1 Swearing should be kept to a minimum -- & only as befits the joke/thread -- we're adults here & should act & talk like it. If you're mixing them in randomly like salt & pepper, you're too young to be in here.

    #1: These rules should appear once a month, but regardless if you've seen or read them, you MUST follow all, or delist the echo &/or visit others (&/or make your own, even!)

    #1: We only roast the ones we love

    #1: The End (or is it?)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to All on Fri Sep 30 13:45:34 2022
    Rules, Regulations, & Guidelines for Fidonet's FUNNY Jokes and Stories echo

    This file and the rules as per the Fido official echo description constitute our rules & regulations, binding on every user in this echo, by their participation (whether passive(reading) or active(posting); if this displeases you, you know the way you came in -- you may & should exit the same way & never return.

    Echo purpose: to hear something repeated you've just said.

    Note all are labeled #1 as they're all important --

    #1: You must (re)read these every time you see them posted by myself or another moderator, addressed to "All"

    #1: even if a rule, below, seems phrased humorously (even your mods try to stay on topic) it is a hard & fast rule, requiring your adherence

    #1: Have fun or GTFO

    #1: No autoposts (no bot posts)

    #1: don't be a jackass; you're a guest in other people's home.

    #1: every post must contain funny content (text)

    #1: English(UK+CAN) is the natural language of the fully evolved human being, thus English is the echo's official language. American is American & English users may feel free to humorously(key) poke fun at Americanisms &/or Canadianisms &/or Britishisms &/or Down Underisms

    #1: grammar & punctuation is probably important -- mis-use opens yourself up to funny or punny ridicule.

    #1: leave the moderating to the moderator(s); you may not see it being done, but we work behind the scenes often. If you have a complaint, echomail or email your mods; do NOT post into the echo (unless you're following rule#1 of course,
    & being funny)

    #1: This echo is rated PG-16; i.e. content should not be overly shocking to the average 16 year old (boy or girl); no porn -- that's elsewhere in cyberspace

    #1: NO ads for products, services, echos, pages, or ANYTHING, except as you've sent to the mod, with agreed upon payment, & the mod posts it for you, following all rules.

    #1: NO auto-posting (bots); this echo is for humans; if you can fully understand these rules, you are likely human.

    #1: the mods are not responsible for any damage to your connection devices (including modems & computer & monitor) perpetrated by a moderator's use of the Freister Device (detects your personal(not BBS, not your fido upline) source system & sends proprietary signals to cause your disks, CPU, mainboard, & modem to die ("fry" from Freister, the inventor, & my friend)

    #1: You have been warned

    #1 Swearing should be kept to a minimum -- & only as befits the joke/thread -- we're adults here & should act & talk like it. If you're mixing them in randomly like salt & pepper, you're too young to be in here.

    #1: These rules should appear once a month, but regardless if you've seen or read them, you MUST follow all, or delist the echo &/or visit others (&/or make your own, even!)

    #1: We only roast the ones we love

    #1: The End (or is it?)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to All on Wed Nov 30 10:05:46 2022
    Rules, Regulations, & Guidelines for Fidonet's FUNNY Jokes and Stories echo

    This file and the rules as per the Fido official echo description constitute our rules & regulations, binding on every user in this echo, by their participation (whether passive(reading) or active(posting); if this displeases you, you know the way you came in -- you may & should exit the same way & never return.

    Echo purpose: to hear something repeated you've just said.

    Note all are labeled #1 as they're all important --

    #1: You must (re)read these every time you see them posted by myself or another moderator, addressed to "All"

    #1: even if a rule, below, seems phrased humorously (even your mods try to stay on topic) it is a hard & fast rule, requiring your adherence

    #1: Have fun or GTFO

    #1: don't be a jackass; you're a guest in other people's home.

    #1: every post must contain funny content (text)

    #1: English(UK+CAN) is the natural language of the fully evolved human being, thus English is the echo's official language. Americanis American & English users may feel free to humorously(key) poke fun at Americanisms

    #1: grammar & punctuation is probably important -- mis-use opens yourself up to funny or punny ridicule.

    #1: leave the moderating to the moderator(s); you may not see it being done, but we work behind the scenes often. If you have a complaint, echomail or email your mods; do NOT post into the echo (unless you're following rule#1 of course,
    & being funny)

    #1: This echo is rated PG-16; i.e. content should not be overly shocking to the average 16 year old (boy or girl); no porn -- that's elsewhere in cyberspace

    #1: NO ads for products, services, echos, pages, or ANYTHING, except as you've sent to the mod, with agreed upon payment, & the mod posts it for you, following all rules.

    #1: NO auto-posting (bots); this echo is for humans; if you can fully understand these rules, you are likely human.

    #1: the mods are not responsible for any damage to your connection devices (including modems & computer & monitor) perpetrated by a moderator's use of the Freister Device (detects your personal(not BBS, not your fido upline) source system & sends proprietary signals to cause your disks, CPU, mainboard, & modem to die ("fry" from Freister, the inventor, & my friend)

    #1: You have been warned

    #1 Swearing should be kept to a minimum -- & only as befits the joke/thread -- we're adults here & should act & talk like it. If you're mixing them in randomly like salt & pepper, you're too young to be in here.

    #1: These rules should appear once a month, but regardless if you've seen or read them, you MUST follow all, or delist the echo &/or visit others (&/or make your own, even!)

    #1: We only roast the ones we love

    #1: The End (or is it?)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to All on Wed Mar 1 06:15:00 2023
    First off, WELCOME if you're a newcomer, or anoldcomer, recently returned; I appreciate everyone in this echo -- you're why I bother for as little as they pay me! YOU are worth it! (sure, that counts as my objoke inclusion for this post, if I want it to be it ;) )

    Sta hi, share your favourite joke, rated PG-14, where you're from,. & why that place is funny; maybe a funny childhood story from your own childhood or someone you were close to,growing up? Jump in, have fun; reply to any post you read in here, should you feel the urge -- nothing you see is private. Do include funny content n every post, though, please (we call that an Obligatory Joke(ObJoke for short), when you add in an extra bit of funny to make up for off-topic chat content)

    Okay, enough intro, on to the purpose of this posting. . .

    Rules, Regulations, & Guidelines for Fidonet's FUNNY Jokes and Stories echo

    This file and the rules as per the Fido official echo description constitute our rules & regulations, binding on every user in this echo, by their participation (whether passive(reading) or active(posting); if this displeases you, you know the way you came in -- you may & should exit the same way & never return.

    Echo purpose: to hear something repeated you've just said.

    Note all are labeled #1 as they're all important --

    #1: You must (re)read these every time you see them posted by myself or another moderator, addressed to "All"

    #1: even if a rule, below, seems phrased humorously (even your mods try to stay on topic) it is a hard & fast rule, requiring your adherence

    #1: Have fun or GTFO

    #1: don't be a jackass; you're a guest in other people's home.

    #1: every post must contain funny content (text)

    #1: English(UK+CAN) is the natural language of the fully evolved human being, thus English is the echo's official language. Americanis American & English users may feel free to humorously(key) poke fun at Americanisms

    #1: grammar & punctuation is probably important -- mis-use opens yourself up to funny or punny ridicule.

    #1: leave the moderating to the moderator(s); you may not see it being done, but we work behind the scenes often. If you have a complaint, echomail or email your mods; do NOT post into the echo (unless you're following rule#1 of course,
    & being funny)

    #1: This echo is rated PG-16; i.e. content should not be overly shocking to the average 16 year old (boy or girl); no porn -- that's elsewhere in cyberspace

    #1: NO ads for products, services, echos, pages, or ANYTHING, except as you've sent to the mod, with agreed upon payment, & the mod posts it for you, following all rules.

    #1: NO auto-posting (bots); this echo is for humans; if you can fully understand these rules, you are likely human.

    #1: the mods are not responsible for any damage to your connection devices (including modems & computer & monitor) perpetrated by a moderator's use of the Freister Device (detects your personal(not BBS, not your fido upline) source system & sends proprietary signals to cause your disks, CPU, mainboard, & modem to die ("fry" from Freister, the inventor, & my friend)

    #1: You have been warned

    #1 Swearing should be kept to a minimum -- & only as befits the joke/thread -- we're adults here & should act & talk like it. If you're mixing them in randomly like salt & pepper, you're too young to be in here.

    #1: These rules should appear once a month, but regardless if you've seen or read them, you MUST follow all, or delist the echo &/or visit others (&/or make your own, even!)

    #1: We only roast the ones we love

    #1: The End (or is it?)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to All on Sun Apr 30 14:50:00 2023
    First off, WELCOME if you're a newcomer, or anoldcomer, recently returned; I appreciate everyonein this echo -- you're why I bother for as little as they pay me! YOU are worth it! (sure, that counts as my objoke inclusion for this post, if I want it to be it ;) )

    Sta hi, share your favourite joke, rated PG-14, where you're from,. & why that place is funny; maybe a funny chjildhood story from uyour own childhood or someone you were close to,growing up? Jump in, have fun; reply to any post you read in here, should you feel the urge -- nothing you see is private. Do include funny conytent n every post, though, please (we call that an Obligatory Joke(ObJoke for short), when you add in an extra bit of funny to make up for off-topic chat content)

    Okay, enough intro, on to the main point(s) of this posting. . .

    Rules, Regulations, & Guidelines for Fidonet's FUNNY Jokes and Stories echo

    This file and the rules as per the Fido official echo description constitute our rules & regulations, binding on every user in this echo, by their participation (whether passive(reading) or active(posting); if this displeases you, you know the way you came in -- you may & should exit the same way & never return.

    Echo purpose: to hear something repeated you've just said.

    Note all are labeled #1 as they're all important --

    #1: You must (re)read these every time you see them posted by myself or another moderator, addressed to "All"

    #1: even if a rule, below, seems phrased humorously (even your mods try to stay on topic) it is a hard & fast rule, requiring your adherence

    #1: Have fun or GTFO

    #1: don't be a jackass; you're a guest in other people's home.

    #1: every post must contain funny content (text)

    #1: English(UK+CAN) is the natural language of the fully evolved human being, thus English is the echo's official language. Americanis American & English users may feel free to humorously(key) poke fun at Americanisms

    #1: grammar & punctuation is probably important -- mis-use opens yourself up to funny or punny ridicule.

    #1: leave the moderating to the moderator(s); you may not see it being done, but we work behind the scenes often. If you have a complaint, echomail or email your mods; do NOT post into the echo (unless you're following rule#1 of course,
    & being funny)

    #1: This echo is rated PG-16; i.e. content should not be overly shocking to the average 16 year old (boy or girl); no porn -- that's elsewhere in cyberspace

    #1: NO ads for products, services, echos, pages, or ANYTHING, except as you've sent to the mod, with agreed upon payment, & the mod posts it for you, following all rules.

    #1: NO auto-posting (bots); this echo is for humans; if you can fully understand these rules, you are likely human.

    #1: the mods are not responsible for any damage to your connection devices (including modems & computer & monitor) perpetrated by a moderator's use of the Freister Device (detects your personal(not BBS, not your fido upline) source system & sends proprietary signals to cause your disks, CPU, mainboard, & modem to die ("fry" from Freister, the inventor, & my friend)

    #1: You have been warned

    #1 Swearing should be kept to a minimum -- & only as befits the joke/thread -- we're adults here & should act & talk like it. If you're mixing them in randomly like salt & pepper, you're too young to be in here.

    #1: These rules should appear once a month, but regardless if you've seen or read them, you MUST follow all, or delist the echo &/or visit others (&/or make your own, even!)

    #1: We only roast the ones we love

    #1: The End (or is it?)

    & because the post a joke(or more than one) in every post is so important, even your moderator obeys the rule!

    May the 4th be with you.
    May the 5th be Cinco de Mayo.

    May the 4th be with you, but then. . . Revenge of the 5th.

    Small sabre-tooth tigers were more powerful than larger ones. Why? A: They were lightsabers.
    May the 4th be with you. . .

    Q: If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? A: Pilgrims

    Q: Which month is most wishy-washy? A: MAYbe.

    Hope you enjoyed, & got the message conveyed above in Rule#1. (VERY different than Internet Rule 34)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to All on Wed May 31 13:23:26 2023
    First off, WELCOME if you're a newcomer, or anoldcomer, recently returned; I appreciate everyonein this echo -- you're why I bother for as little as they pay me! YOU are worth it! (sure, that counts as my objoke inclusion for this post, if I want it to be it ;) )

    Sta hi, share your favourite joke, rated PG-14, where you're from,. & why that place is funny; maybe a funny chjildhood story from uyour own childhood or someone you were close to,growing up? Jump in, have fun; reply to any post you read in here, should you feel the urge -- nothing you see is private. Do include funny conytent n every post, though, please (we call that an Obligatory Joke(ObJoke for short), when you add in an extra bit of funny to make up for off-topic chat content)

    Okay, enough intro, on to the main point(s) of this posting. . .

    Rules, Regulations, & Guidelines for Fidonet's FUNNY Jokes and Stories echo

    This file and the rules as per the Fido official echo description constitute our rules & regulations, binding on every user in this echo, by their participation (whether passive(reading) or active(posting); if this displeases you, you know the way you came in -- you may & should exit the same way & never return.

    Echo purpose: to hear something repeated you've just said.

    Note all are labeled #1 as they're all important --

    #1: You must (re)read these every time you see them posted by myself or another moderator, addressed to "All"

    #1: even if a rule, below, seems phrased humorously (even your mods try to stay on topic) it is a hard & fast rule, requiring your adherence

    #1: Have fun or GTFO

    #1: don't be a jackass; you're a guest in other people's home.

    #1: every post must contain funny content (text)

    #1: English(UK+CAN) is the natural language of the fully evolved human being, thus English is the echo's official language. American English is American & true English<TM> users may feel free to humorously(key) poke fun at Americanisms

    #1: grammar & punctuation is probably important -- mis-use opens yourself up to funny or punny ridicule.

    #1: leave the moderating to the moderator(s); you may not see it being done, but we work behind the scenes often. If you have a complaint, echomail or email your mods; do NOT post into the echo (unless you're following rule#1 of course,
    & being funny)

    #1: This echo is rated PG-16; i.e. content should not be overly shocking to the average 16 year old (boy or girl); no porn -- that's elsewhere in cyberspace

    #1: NO ads for products, services, echos, pages, or ANYTHING, except as you've sent to the mod, with agreed upon payment, & the mod posts it for you, following all rules.

    #1: NO auto-posting (bots); this echo is for humans; if you can fully understand these rules, you are likely human.

    #1: the mods are not responsible for any damage to your connection devices (including modems & computer & monitor) perpetrated by a moderator's use of the Freister Device (detects your personal(not BBS, not your fido upline) source system & sends proprietary signals to cause your disks, CPU, mainboard, & modem to die ("fry" from Freister, the inventor, & my friend)

    #1: You have been warned

    #1 Swearing should be kept to a minimum -- & only as befits the joke/thread -- we're adults here & should act & talk like it. If you're mixing them in randomly like salt & pepper, you're too young to be in here.

    #1: These rules should appear once a month, but regardless if you've seen or read them, you MUST follow all, or delist the echo &/or visit others (&/or make your own, even!)

    #1: We only roast the ones we love

    #1: The End (or is it?)

    Remember: Even if some jokes in here seem a bit "difficult" for you to enjoy, that humour is not universal; this echo is for everyone.

    The most important thing is:

    #1 Have fun
    #1 Include a joke in every post/reply
    #1 Keep it all PG-16

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to All on Fri Jun 30 18:33:06 2023
    First off, WELCOME if you're a newcomer, or anoldcomer, recently returned; I appreciate everyonein this echo -- you're why I bother for as little as they pay me! YOU are worth it! (sure, that counts as my objoke inclusion for this post, if I want it to be it ;) )

    Say hi, share your favourite joke, rated PG-14, where you're from,. & why that place is funny; maybe a funny chjildhood story from uyour own childhood or someone you were close to,growing up? Jump in, have fun; reply to any post you read in here, should you feel the urge -- nothing you see is private. Do include funny conytent n every post, though, please (we call that an Obligatory Joke(ObJoke for short), when you add in an extra bit of funny to make up for off-topic chat content)

    Okay, enough intro, on to the main point(s) of this posting. . .

    Rules, Regulations, & Guidelines for Fidonet's FUNNY Jokes and Stories echo

    This file and the rules as per the Fido official echo description constitute our rules & regulations, binding on every user in this echo, by their participation (whether passive(reading) or active(posting); if this displeases you, you know the way you came in -- you may & should exit the same way & never return.

    Echo purpose: to hear something repeated you've just said.

    Note all are labeled #1 as they're all important --

    #1: You must (re)read these every time you see them posted by myself or another moderator, addressed to "All"

    #1: even if a rule, below, seems phrased humorously (even your mods try to stay on topic) it is a hard & fast rule, requiring your adherence

    #1: Have fun or GTFO

    #1: don't be a jackass; you're a guest in other people's home.

    #1: every post must contain funny content (text)

    #1: English(UK+CAN) is the natural language of the fully evolved human being, thus English is the echo's official language. American English is American & true English<TM> users may feel free to humorously(key) poke fun at Americanisms

    #1: grammar & punctuation is probably important -- mis-use opens yourself up to funny or punny ridicule.

    #1: leave the moderating to the moderator(s); you may not see it being done, but we work behind the scenes often. If you have a complaint, echomail or email your mods; do NOT post into the echo (unless you're following rule#1 of course,
    & being funny)

    #1: This echo is rated PG-16; i.e. content should not be overly shocking to the average 16 year old (boy or girl); no porn -- that's elsewhere in cyberspace

    #1: NO ads for products, services, echos, pages, or ANYTHING, except as you've sent to the mod, with agreed upon payment, & the mod posts it for you, following all rules.

    #1: NO auto-posting (bots); this echo is for humans; if you can fully understand these rules, you are likely human.

    #1: the mods are not responsible for any damage to your connection devices (including modems & computer & monitor) perpetrated by a moderator's use of the Freister Device (detects your personal(not BBS, not your fido upline) source system & sends proprietary signals to cause your disks, CPU, mainboard, & modem to die ("fry" from Freister, the inventor, & my friend)

    #1: You have been warned

    #1 Swearing should be kept to a minimum -- & only as befits the joke/thread -- we're adults here & should act & talk like it. If you're mixing them in randomly like salt & pepper, you're too young to be in here.

    #1: These rules should appear once a month, but regardless if you've seen or read them, you MUST follow all, or delist the echo &/or visit others (&/or make your own, even!)

    #1: We only roast the ones we love

    #1: The End (or is it?)

    Remember: Even if some jokes in here seem a bit "difficult" for you to enjoy, that humour is not universal; this echo is for everyone.

    The most important thing is:

    #1 Have fun
    #1 Include a joke in every post/reply
    #1 Keep it all PG-14

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to All on Thu Aug 31 08:04:48 2023
    Here we are, nearing Caesar's 7th month. . .

    First off, WELCOME if you're a newcomer, or anoldcomer, recently returned; I appreciate everyone in this echo -- you're why I bother for as little as they pay me! YOU are worth it! (sure, that counts as my objoke inclusion for this post, if I want it to be it ;) )

    Say hi, share your favourite joke, rated PG-14, where you're from,. & why that place is funny; maybe a funny childhood story from your own childhood or someone you were close to,growing up? Jump in, have fun; reply to any post you read in here, should you feel the urge -- nothing you see is private. Do include funny content n every post, though, please (we call that an Obligatory Joke(ObJoke for short), when you add in an extra bit of funny to make up for off-topic chat content)

    Okay, enough intro, on to the main point(s) of this posting. . .

    Rules, Regulations, & Guidelines for Fidonet's FUNNY Jokes and Stories echo

    This file and the rules as per the Fido official echo description constitute our rules & regulations, binding on every user in this echo, by their participation (whether passive(reading) or active(posting); if this displeases you, you know the way you came in -- you may & should exit the same way & never return.

    Echo purpose: to hear something repeated you've just said.

    Note all are labeled #1 as they're all important --

    #1: You must (re)read these every time you see them posted by myself or another moderator, addressed to "All"

    #1: even if a rule, below, seems phrased humorously (even your mods try to stay on topic) it is a hard & fast rule, requiring your adherence

    #1: Have fun or GTFO

    #1: don't be a jackass; you're a guest in other people's home.

    #1: every post must contain funny content (text)

    #1: English(UK+CAN) is the natural language of the fully evolved human being, thus English is the echo's official language. American English is American & true English<TM> users may feel free to humorously(key) poke fun at Americanisms

    #1: grammar & punctuation is probably important -- mis-use opens yourself up to funny or punny ridicule.

    #1: leave the moderating to the moderator(s); you may not see it being done, but we work behind the scenes often. If you have a complaint, echomail or email your mods; do NOT post into the echo (unless you're following rule#1 of course,
    & being funny)

    #1: This echo is rated PG-16; i.e. content should not be overly shocking to the average 16 year old (boy or girl); no porn -- that's elsewhere in cyberspace

    #1: NO ads for products, services, echos, pages, or ANYTHING, except as you've sent to the mod, with agreed upon payment, & the mod posts it for you, following all rules.

    #1: NO auto-posting (bots); this echo is for humans; if you can fully understand these rules, you are likely human.

    #1: the mods are not responsible for any damage to your connection devices (including modems & computer & monitor) perpetrated by a moderator's use of the Freister Device (detects your personal(not BBS, not your fido upline) source system & sends proprietary signals to cause your disks, CPU, mainboard, & modem to die ("fry" from Freister, the inventor, & my friend)

    #1: You have been warned

    #1 Swearing should be kept to a minimum -- & only as befits the joke/thread -- we're adults here & should act & talk like it. If you're mixing them in randomly like salt & pepper, you're too young to be in here.

    #1: These rules should appear once a month, but regardless if you've seen or read them, you MUST follow all, or delist the echo &/or visit others (&/or make your own, even!)

    #1: We only roast the ones we love

    #1: The End (or is it?)

    Remember: Even if some jokes in here seem a bit "difficult" for you to enjoy, that humour is not universal; this echo is for everyone.

    The most important thing is:

    #1 Have fun
    #1 Include a joke in every post/reply
    #1 Keep it all PG-16

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to All on Tue Oct 31 17:32:42 2023
    for November, 2023!!!!

    First off, WELCOME if you're a newcomer, or anoldcomer, recently returned; I appreciate everyone in this echo -- you're why I bother for as little as they pay me! YOU are worth it! (sure, that counts as my objoke inclusion for this post, if I want it to be it ;) )

    Say hi, share your favourite joke, rated PG-14, where you're from,. & why that place is funny; maybe a funny childhood story from your own childhood or someone you were close to,growing up? Jump in, have fun; reply to any post you read in here, should you feel the urge -- nothing you see is private. Do include funny content n every post, though, please (we call that an Obligatory Joke(ObJoke for short), when you add in an extra bit of funny to make up for off-topic chat content)

    Okay, enough intro, on to the main point(s) of this posting. . .

    Rules, Regulations, & Guidelines for Fidonet's FUNNY Jokes and Stories echo

    This file and the rules as per the Fido official echo description constitute our rules & regulations, binding on every user in this echo, by their participation (whether passive(reading) or active(posting); if this displeases you, you know the way you came in -- you may & should exit the same way & never return.

    Echo purpose: to hear something repeated you've just said.

    Note all are labeled #1 as they're all important --

    #1: You must (re)read these every time you see them posted by myself or another moderator, addressed to "All"

    #1: even if a rule, below, seems phrased humorously (even your mods try to stay on topic) it is a hard & fast rule, requiring your adherence

    #1: Have fun or GTFO

    #1: don't be a jackass; you're a guest in other people's home.

    #1: every post must contain funny content (text)

    #1: English(UK+CAN) is the natural language of the fully evolved human being, thus English is the echo's official language. American English is American & true English<TM> users may feel free to humorously(key) poke fun at Americanisms

    #1: grammar & punctuation is probably important -- mis-use opens yourself up to funny or punny ridicule.

    #1: leave the moderating to the moderator(s); you may not see it being done, but we work behind the scenes often. If you have a complaint, echomail or email your mods; do NOT post into the echo (unless you're following rule#1 of course,
    & being funny)

    #1: This echo is rated PG-16; i.e. content should not be overly shocking to the average 16 year old (boy or girl); no porn -- that's elsewhere in cyberspace

    #1: NO ads for products, services, echos, pages, or ANYTHING, except as you've sent to the mod, with agreed upon payment, & the mod posts it for you, following all rules.

    #1: NO auto-posting (bots); this echo is for humans; if you can fully understand these rules, you are likely human.

    #1: the mods are not responsible for any damage to your connection devices (including modems & computer & monitor) perpetrated by a moderator's use of the Freister Device (detects your personal(not BBS, not your fido upline) source system & sends proprietary signals to cause your disks, CPU, mainboard, & modem to die ("fry" from Freister, the inventor, & my friend)

    #1: You have been warned

    #1 Swearing should be kept to a minimum -- & only as befits the joke/thread -- we're adults here & should act & talk like it. If you're mixing them in randomly like salt & pepper, you're too young to be in here.

    #1: These rules should appear once a month, but regardless if you've seen or read them, you MUST follow all, or delist the echo &/or visit others (&/or make your own, even!)

    #1: We only roast the ones we love

    #1: The End (or is it?)

    Remember: Even if some jokes in here seem a bit "difficult" for you to enjoy, that humour is not universal; this echo is for everyone.

    The most important thing is:

    #1 Have fun
    #1 Include a joke in every post/reply
    #1 Keep it all PG-16

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to All on Sun Jun 30 15:14:14 2024
    Happy birthday Canada on the 1st of July! Happy birthday, USA, on the 4th!

    May your beers be cold & your steaks hot & juicy!

    First off, WELCOME if you're a newcomer, or anoldcomer, recently returned; I appreciate everyone in this echo -- you're why I bother for as little as they pay me! YOU are worth it! (sure, that counts as my objoke inclusion for this post, if I want it to be it ;) )

    Say hi, share your favourite joke, rated PG-14, where you're from,. & why that place is funny; maybe a funny childhood story from your own childhood or someone you were close to,growing up? Jump in, have fun; reply to any post you read in here, should you feel the urge -- nothing you see is private. Do include funny conytent n every post, though, please (we call that an Obligatory Joke(ObJoke for short), when you add in an extra bit of funny to make up for off-topic chat content)

    Okay, enough intro, on to the main point(s) of this posting. . .

    Rules, Regulations, & Guidelines for Fidonet's FUNNY Jokes and Stories echo

    This file and the rules as per the Fido official echo description constitute our rules & regulations, binding on every user in this echo, by their participation (whether passive(reading) or active(posting); if this displeases you, you know the way you came in -- you may & should exit the same way & never return.

    Echo purpose: to hear something repeated you've just said.

    Note all are labeled #1 as they're all important --

    #1: You must (re)read these every time you see them posted by myself or another moderator, addressed to "All"

    #1: even if a rule, below, seems phrased humorously (even your mods try to stay on topic) it is a hard & fast rule, requiring your adherence

    #1: Have fun or GTFO

    #1: don't be a jackass; you're a guest in other people's home.

    #1: every post must contain funny content (text)

    #1: English(UK+CAN) is the natural language of the fully evolved human being, thus English is the echo's official language. American English is American & true English<TM> users may feel free to humorously(key) poke fun at Americanisms

    #1: grammar & punctuation is probably important -- mis-use opens yourself up to funny or punny ridicule.

    #1: leave the moderating to the moderator(s); you may not see it being done, but we work behind the scenes often. If you have a complaint, echomail or email your mods; do NOT post into the echo (unless you're following rule#1 of course,
    & being funny)

    #1: This echo is rated PG-16; i.e. content should not be overly shocking to the average 16 year old (boy or girl); no porn -- that's elsewhere in cyberspace

    #1: NO ads for products, services, echos, pages, or ANYTHING, except as you've sent to the mod, with agreed upon payment, & the mod posts it for you, following all rules.

    #1: NO auto-posting (bots); this echo is for humans; if you can fully understand these rules, you are likely human.

    #1: the mods are not responsible for any damage to your connection devices (including modems & computer & monitor) perpetrated by a moderator's use of the Freister Device (detects your personal(not BBS, not your fido upline) source system & sends proprietary signals to cause your disks, CPU, mainboard, & modem to die ("fry" from Freister, the inventor, & my friend)

    #1: You have been warned

    #1 Swearing should be kept to a minimum -- & only as befits the joke/thread -- we're adults here & should act & talk like it. If you're mixing them in randomly like salt & pepper, you're too young to be in here.

    #1: These rules should appear once a month, but regardless if you've seen or read them, you MUST follow all, or delist the echo &/or visit others (&/or make your own, even!)

    #1: We only roast the ones we love

    #1: The End (or is it?)

    Remember: Even if some jokes in here seem a bit "difficult" for you to enjoy, that humour is not universal; this echo is for everyone.

    The most important thing is:

    #1 Have fun
    #1 Include a joke in every post/reply
    #1 Keep it all PG-16

    &, of course, every post has to have at least a joke included; here's the at least for this one:

    Q: Why are there no knock knock jokes about the Fourth of July? A: Because freedom rings.

    I was watching Mysteries at the Museum with my 8-year old daughter when they showed the quills used to write the Declaration of Independence, Constitution & Bill or Rights.

    My daughter said, "that makes them the founding feathers, dad." I've never been so proud.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to All on Wed Jul 31 18:36:36 2024
    First off, WELCOME if you're a newcomer, or anoldcomer, recently returned; I appreciate everyonein this echo -- you're why I bother for as little as they pay me! YOU are worth it! (sure, that counts as my objoke inclusion for this post, if I want it to be it ;) )

    Say hi, share your favourite joke, rated PG-14, where you're from,. & why that place is funny; maybe a funny chjildhood story from uyour own childhood or someone you were close to,growing up? Jump in, have fun; reply to any post you read in here, should you feel the urge -- nothing you see is private. Do include funny conytent n every post, though, please (we call that an Obligatory Joke(ObJoke for short), when you add in an extra bit of funny to make up for off-topic chat content)

    Okay, enough intro, on to the main point(s) of this posting. . .

    Rules, Regulations, & Guidelines for Fidonet's FUNNY Jokes and Stories echo

    This file and the rules as per the Fido official echo description constitute our rules & regulations, binding on every user in this echo, by their participation (whether passive(reading) or active(posting); if this displeases you, you know the way you came in -- you may & should exit the same way & never return.

    Echo purpose: to hear something repeated you've just said.

    Note all are labeled #1 as they're all important --

    #1: You must (re)read these every time you see them posted by myself or another moderator, addressed to "All"

    #1: even if a rule, below, seems phrased humorously (even your mods try to stay on topic) it is a hard & fast rule, requiring your adherence

    #1: Have fun or GTFO

    #1: don't be a jackass; you're a guest in other people's home.

    #1: every post must contain funny content (text)

    #1: English(UK+CAN) is the natural language of the fully evolved human being, thus English is the echo's official language. American English is American & true English<TM> users may feel free to humorously(key) poke fun at Americanisms

    #1: grammar & punctuation is probably important -- mis-use opens yourself up to funny or punny ridicule.

    #1: leave the moderating to the moderator(s); you may not see it being done, but we work behind the scenes often. If you have a complaint, echomail or email your mods; do NOT post into the echo (unless you're following rule#1 of course,
    & being funny)

    #1: This echo is rated PG-16; i.e. content should not be overly shocking to the average 16 year old (boy or girl); no porn -- that's elsewhere in cyberspace

    #1: NO ads for products, services, echos, pages, or ANYTHING, except as you've sent to the mod, with agreed upon payment, & the mod posts it for you, following all rules.

    #1: NO auto-posting (bots); this echo is for humans; if you can fully understand these rules, you are likely human.

    #1: the mods are not responsible for any damage to your connection devices (including modems & computer & monitor) perpetrated by a moderator's use of the Freister Device (detects your personal(not BBS, not your fido upline) source system & sends proprietary signals to cause your disks, CPU, mainboard, & modem to die ("fry" from Freister, the inventor, & my friend)

    #1: You have been warned

    #1 Swearing should be kept to a minimum -- & only as befits the joke/thread -- we're adults here & should act & talk like it. If you're mixing them in randomly like salt & pepper, you're too young to be in here.

    #1: These rules should appear once a month, but regardless if you've seen or read them, you MUST follow all, or delist the echo &/or visit others (&/or make your own, even!)

    #1: We only roast the ones we love

    #1: The End (or is it?)

    Remember: Even if some jokes in here seem a bit "difficult" for you to enjoy, that humour is not universal; this echo is for everyone.

    The most important thing is:

    #1 Have fun
    #1 Include a joke in every post/reply
    #1 Keep it all PG-16

    Oh, fine, I'll give you an ObJoke or two:

    Apparently if you buy cabbage from coles supermarkets you are legally obligated to buy carrots and mayonnaise
    They call it, Coles law

    I also knew someone who felt morally obligated to drive an economy sized Honda She felt it was her Civic duty

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to All on Wed Jul 31 18:37:06 2024
    First off, WELCOME if you're a newcomer, or anoldcomer, recently returned; I appreciate everyonein this echo -- you're why I bother for as little as they pay me! YOU are worth it! (sure, that counts as my objoke inclusion for this post, if I want it to be it ;) )

    Say hi, share your favourite joke, rated PG-14, where you're from,. & why that place is funny; maybe a funny chjildhood story from uyour own childhood or someone you were close to,growing up? Jump in, have fun; reply to any post you read in here, should you feel the urge -- nothing you see is private. Do include funny conytent n every post, though, please (we call that an Obligatory Joke(ObJoke for short), when you add in an extra bit of funny to make up for off-topic chat content)

    Okay, enough intro, on to the main point(s) of this posting. . .

    Rules, Regulations, & Guidelines for Fidonet's FUNNY Jokes and Stories echo

    This file and the rules as per the Fido official echo description constitute our rules & regulations, binding on every user in this echo, by their participation (whether passive(reading) or active(posting); if this displeases you, you know the way you came in -- you may & should exit the same way & never return.

    Echo purpose: to hear something repeated you've just said.

    Note all are labeled #1 as they're all important --

    #1: You must (re)read these every time you see them posted by myself or another moderator, addressed to "All"

    #1: even if a rule, below, seems phrased humorously (even your mods try to stay on topic) it is a hard & fast rule, requiring your adherence

    #1: Have fun or GTFO

    #1: don't be a jackass; you're a guest in other people's home.

    #1: every post must contain funny content (text)

    #1: English(UK+CAN) is the natural language of the fully evolved human being, thus English is the echo's official language. American English is American & true English<TM> users may feel free to humorously(key) poke fun at Americanisms

    #1: grammar & punctuation is probably important -- mis-use opens yourself up to funny or punny ridicule.

    #1: leave the moderating to the moderator(s); you may not see it being done, but we work behind the scenes often. If you have a complaint, echomail or email your mods; do NOT post into the echo (unless you're following rule#1 of course,
    & being funny)

    #1: This echo is rated PG-16; i.e. content should not be overly shocking to the average 16 year old (boy or girl); no porn -- that's elsewhere in cyberspace

    #1: NO ads for products, services, echos, pages, or ANYTHING, except as you've sent to the mod, with agreed upon payment, & the mod posts it for you, following all rules.

    #1: NO auto-posting (bots); this echo is for humans; if you can fully understand these rules, you are likely human.

    #1: the mods are not responsible for any damage to your connection devices (including modems & computer & monitor) perpetrated by a moderator's use of the Freister Device (detects your personal(not BBS, not your fido upline) source system & sends proprietary signals to cause your disks, CPU, mainboard, & modem to die ("fry" from Freister, the inventor, & my friend)

    #1: You have been warned

    #1 Swearing should be kept to a minimum -- & only as befits the joke/thread -- we're adults here & should act & talk like it. If you're mixing them in randomly like salt & pepper, you're too young to be in here.

    #1: These rules should appear once a month, but regardless if you've seen or read them, you MUST follow all, or delist the echo &/or visit others (&/or make your own, even!)

    #1: We only roast the ones we love

    #1: The End (or is it?)

    Remember: Even if some jokes in here seem a bit "difficult" for you to enjoy, that humour is not universal; this echo is for everyone.

    The most important thing is:

    #1 Have fun
    #1 Include a joke in every post/reply
    #1 Keep it all PG-16

    Oh, fine, I'll give you an ObJoke or two:

    Apparently if you buy cabbage from coles supermarkets you are legally obligated to buy carrots and mayonnaise
    They call it, Coles law

    I also knew someone who felt morally obligated to drive an economy sized Honda She felt it was her Civic duty

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to All on Fri Aug 30 10:37:48 2024
    THIRTY DAYS HATH SEPTEMBER & all that crap. . .

    First off, WELCOME if you're a newcomer, or anoldcomer, recently returned; I appreciate everyone in this echo -- you're why I bother for as little as they pay me! YOU are worth it! (sure, that counts as my objoke inclusion for this post, if I want it to be it ;) )

    Say hi, share your favourite joke, rated PG-14, where you're from,. & why that place is funny; maybe a funny childhood story from your own childhood or someone you were close to,growing up? Jump in, have fun; reply to any post you read in here, should you feel the urge -- nothing you see is private. Do include funny content n every post, though, please (we call that an Obligatory Joke(ObJoke for short), when you add in an extra bit of funny to make up for off-topic chat content)

    Okay, enough intro, on to the main point(s) of this posting. . .

    Rules, Regulations, & Guidelines for Fidonet's FUNNY Jokes and Stories echo

    This file and the rules as per the Fido official echo description constitute our rules & regulations, binding on every user in this echo, by their participation (whether passive(reading) or active(posting); if this displeases you, you know the way you came in -- you may & should exit the same way & never return.

    Echo purpose: to hear something repeated you've just said.

    Note all are labeled #1 as they're all important --

    #1: You must (re)read these every time you see them posted by myself or another moderator, addressed to "All"

    #1: even if a rule, below, seems phrased humorously (even your mods try to stay on topic) it is a hard & fast rule, requiring your adherence

    #1: Have fun or GTFO

    #1: don't be a jackass; you're a guest in other people's home.

    #1: every post must contain funny content (text)

    #1: English(UK+CAN) is the natural language of the fully evolved human being, thus English is the echo's official language. American English is American & true English<TM> users may feel free to humorously(key) poke fun at Americanisms

    #1: grammar & punctuation is probably important -- mis-use opens yourself up to funny or punny ridicule.

    #1: leave the moderating to the moderator(s); you may not see it being done, but we work behind the scenes often. If you have a complaint, echomail or email your mods; do NOT post into the echo (unless you're following rule#1 of course,
    & being funny)

    #1: This echo is rated PG-16; i.e. content should not be overly shocking to the average 16 year old (boy or girl); no porn -- that's elsewhere in cyberspace

    #1: NO ads for products, services, echos, pages, or ANYTHING, except as you've sent to the mod, with agreed upon payment, & the mod posts it for you, following all rules.

    #1: NO auto-posting (bots); this echo is for humans; if you can fully understand these rules, you are likely human.

    #1: the mods are not responsible for any damage to your connection devices (including modems & computer & monitor) perpetrated by a moderator's use of the Freister Device (detects your personal(not BBS, not your fido upline) source system & sends proprietary signals to cause your disks, CPU, mainboard, & modem to die ("fry" from Freister, the inventor, & my friend)

    #1: You have been warned

    #1 Swearing should be kept to a minimum -- & only as befits the joke/thread -- we're adults here & should act & talk like it. If you're mixing them in randomly like salt & pepper, you're too young to be in here.

    #1: These rules should appear once a month, but regardless if you've seen or read them, you MUST follow all, or delist the echo &/or visit others (&/or make your own, even!)

    #1: We only roast the ones we love

    #1: The End (or is it?)

    Remember: Even if some jokes in here seem a bit "difficult" for you to enjoy, that humour is not universal; this echo is for everyone.

    The most important thing is:

    #1 Have fun
    #1 Include a joke in every post/reply
    #1 Keep it all PG-16

    Even the mod follows the obligatory joke rule! So what's YOUR excuse? NONE!

    Pst a fleepoing joke or funny story every time you reply or post, pleaes!

    Let's keep this echo FUN!!!!

    No, that's obviously not my obligatory bit of funny, here we go:


    This September, I╞m determined to ⌠leaf÷ all my worries behind.

    Some people are ⌠autumn-matically÷ happier when September rolls around. [not me, I love my summers too much!]

    Embrace the autumn, it╞s unbe-leaf-able.

    Cozy up, September puns are sweater than you think.

    September? More like PUN-tember!

    September is a-maize-ing, especially when you╞re corny enough to love puns.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to All on Mon Sep 30 12:01:16 2024
    Here we are, about to enter October! (the tenth month, with a root that says 8th month -- blame Caesar for making 01-March the new year's start!)

    First off, WELCOME if you're a newcomer, or anoldcomer, recently returned; I appreciate everyone in this echo -- you're why I bother for as little as they pay me! YOU are worth it! (sure, that counts as my objoke inclusion for this post, if I want it to be it ;) )

    Say hi, share your favourite joke, rated PG-14, where you're from,. & why that place is funny; maybe a funny childhood story from your own childhood or someone you were close to,growing up? Jump in, have fun; reply to any post you read in here, should you feel the urge -- nothing you see is private. Do include funny content n every post, though, please (we call that an Obligatory Joke(ObJoke for short), when you add in an extra bit of funny to make up for off-topic chat content)

    Okay, enough intro, on to the main point(s) of this posting. . .

    Rules, Regulations, & Guidelines for Fidonet's FUNNY Jokes and Stories echo

    This file and the rules as per the Fido official echo description constitute our rules & regulations, binding on every user in this echo, by their participation (whether passive(reading) or active(posting); if this displeases you, you know the way you came in -- you may & should exit the same way & never return.

    Echo purpose: to hear something repeated you've just said.

    Note all are labeled #1 as they're all important --

    #1: You must (re)read these every time you see them posted by myself or another moderator, addressed to "All"

    #1: even if a rule, below, seems phrased humorously (even your mods try to stay on topic) it is a hard & fast rule, requiring your adherence

    #1: Have fun or GTFO

    #1: don't be a jackass; you're a guest in other people's home.

    #1: every post must contain funny content (text)

    #1: English(UK+CAN) is the natural language of the fully evolved human being, thus English is the echo's official language. American English is American & true English<TM> users may feel free to humorously(key) poke fun at Americanisms

    #1: grammar & punctuation is probably important -- mis-use opens yourself up to funny or punny ridicule.

    #1: leave the moderating to the moderator(s); you may not see it being done, but we work behind the scenes often. If you have a complaint, echomail or email your mods; do NOT post into the echo (unless you're following rule#1 of course,
    & being funny)

    #1: This echo is rated PG-16; i.e. content should not be overly shocking to the average 16 year old (boy or girl); no porn -- that's elsewhere in cyberspace

    #1: NO ads for products, services, echos, pages, or ANYTHING, except as you've sent to the mod, with agreed upon payment, & the mod posts it for you, following all rules.

    #1: NO auto-posting (bots); this echo is for humans; if you can fully understand these rules, you are likely human.

    #1: the mods are not responsible for any damage to your connection devices (including modems & computer & monitor) perpetrated by a moderator's use of the Freister Device (detects your personal(not BBS, not your fido upline) source system & sends proprietary signals to cause your disks, CPU, mainboard, & modem to die ("fry" from Freister, the inventor, & my friend)

    #1: You have been warned

    #1 Swearing should be kept to a minimum -- & only as befits the joke/thread -- we're adults here & should act & talk like it. If you're mixing them in randomly like salt & pepper, you're too young to be in here.

    #1: These rules should appear once a month, but regardless if you've seen or read them, you MUST follow all, or delist the echo &/or visit others (&/or make your own, even!)

    #1: We only roast the ones we love

    #1: The End (or is it?)

    Remember: Even if some jokes in here seem a bit "difficult" for you to enjoy, that humour is not universal; this echo is for everyone.

    The most important thing is:

    #1 Have fun
    #1 Include a joke in every post/reply
    #1 Keep it all PG-16

    & because even I keep to the rule to include a joke or funny story with every post let's see what October leads to. . .

    September, October, November, and December should have been the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th month.
    Whoever screwed this up∙- I hope he got stabbed.

    Celebrate the month now, before it's completely Oct-over!

    I always carry a pebble with me to throw at people who sing Christmas songs in October.
    I call it my jingle bell rock!

    It╞s FINALLY October...
    This means all the cobwebs and dust in my home just became Halloween decorations.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)