• A new book by Tolkien uncovered

    From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to All on Thu May 12 09:40:16 2022
    It seems hidden away under a mountain of paper, Tolkien schollars have uncovered the 4th book in the series of "The Lord of The Rings" ...

    It is a phuntastic book entitled "The Two Trolls" where two trolls, obviously, have started trolling eachother for 269 pages. At the end of the book, nothing has happened and the reader just wasted time. Their tales bear no relevance to the trilogy and are completely uninteresting, which probably is why J.R.R. did not include it in the Trilogy and it did not become a quadrilogy.

    The story of the two Trolls, Lee and Alexander, therefor in time merely will gather dust and become forgotten...


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