• Lentils Cooked In Red Wine

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Mon Aug 19 09:08:36 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Lentils Cooked In Red Wine
    Categories: Beans, Legumes
    Yield: 1 Batch

    1 tb Olive oil
    1 Onion; chopped
    1 tb Tomato paste
    1 tb Dijon mustard
    1 Bay leaf
    1 ts Red wine vinegar
    125 ml Red wine
    375 ml Vegetable stock or water
    200 g Puy lentils (1 c)

    If you don't have a nice vegetable stock to hand just use water
    instead of stock cubes or buillon powder. Due to the strong flavours
    and long cooking time, water shouldn't diminishing the flavour much.

    This recipe uses puy lentils because they hold their shape. Don't be
    tempted to substitute for regular brown lentils or you'll end up with

    In a medium pot, sauté the onion in the olive oil until soft and just
    starting to brown.

    Add the tomato paste and cook for another minute or two. Deglaze with
    a splash of the wine if necessary.

    Add the lentils, bay leaf, stock, and the rest of the wine. Cover and
    simmer on low heat for 35 minutes.

    Add mustard, vinegar, and salt to taste. Keep simmering until the
    lentils are tender, adding a splash of water as necessary.

    Recipe by Caolan McMahon

    Recipe FROM: <https://caolan.uk/kitchen/recipes/

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