From: "Shurato" <>
(NOTE: IceEdit 2.35 K96741)
Shurato's Heavenly Sphere Anime Telnet BBS
EleBBS Win/32 Running 20130208.d Binaries on 20 nodes.
Local Games:
Usurper, Virtual Sysop, Door MUD, Dungeon Master, LORD, LORD2, Planets TEOS, Mechwars, Netrunner, Operation Overkill II, Falcons Eye, Barren Realms
Elite, Tradewars 2002.
League10 Games (10:3/18):
Falcons Eye, Barren Realms Elite (more to come).
Whispernet Games (316:36/60):
Falcons Eye, Barren Realms Elite.
Micronet Games (Applied):
On the way!
Local messages, anime and BBS related. NNTP Messages, anime and BBS
related. League10, Fidonet, Whispernet messages. Micronet messages
on the way!
*** THE READER V4.50 [freeware]
--- NewsGate v1.0 gamma 2
* Origin: News Gate @ Net396 -Huntsville, AL - USA (1:396/4)