• [49 of 75] Hourly statistics

    From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Tue Sep 24 14:33:12 2024
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 ALT.SLACK I think its about Sla 13 1
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 ALT.SUPPORT.DEPRESalt.support.depressio 6 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 ALT.SUPPORT.DIABETalt.support.diabetes 1 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 ALT.SURVIVAL Discussing survivalis 2 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 ALT.TV.GENERAL-HOSalt.tv.general-hospit 1 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 CA.POLITICS California politics 9 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 CAN.ARTS.SF Area automatically ad 2 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 CAN.CANET.STATS Canadian usenet stats 5 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 CAN.POLITICS Bob and Doug are a co 23 17
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 COMP.ARCH Computer architecture 5 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 COMP.EDU Area automatically ad 15 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 COMP.LANG.C Discussion about C. 4 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 COMP.LANG.C++ The object-oriented C 3 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 COMP.MOBILE.ANDROIDiscussion about Andr 4 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 COMP.OS.LINUX.ADVOBenefits of Linux com 53 4
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 COMP.SYS.MAC.ADVOCThe Macintosh compute 2 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 COMP.SYS.RASPBERRYRaspberry Pi computer 2 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 COMP.TEXT.TEX Discussion about the 1 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 DE.REC.FAHRRAD Passthru area added 0 8 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 DE.REC.FOTOGRAFIE Passthru area added 0 1 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 DE.REC.MOTORRAD Passthru area added 0 1 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 DE.TALK.TAGESGESCH 17 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 IT.DISCUSSIONI.AUTit.discussioni.auto 4 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 IT.DISCUSSIONI.COMit.discussioni.commer 7 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 IT.DISCUSSIONI.CONit.discussioni.consum 1 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 IT.DISCUSSIONI.GEOit.discussioni.geomet 1 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 NYC.GENERAL Whats happening in Ne 14 16
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 OTT.WEATHER Area automatically ad 1 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 REC.ARTS.DRWHO Discussion about Dr. 9 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 REC.ARTS.SF.TV Discussing general te 2 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 REC.ARTS.SF.WRITTEDiscussion of written 11 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 REC.ARTS.TV The boob tube, its hi 22 16
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 REC.AUDIO.OPINION Everybody's two bits 1 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 REC.AVIATION.MILITMilitary aircraft of 9 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 REC.BICYCLES.TECH Cycling product desig 24 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 REC.FOOD.COOKING Food, cooking, cookbo 23 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 REC.GAMBLING.LOTTEStrategy and news of 1 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 REC.OUTDOORS.RV-TRDiscussions related t 4 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 REC.SPORT.SOCCER Area automatically ad 5 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 SCI.ASTRO Astronomy discussions 1 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 SCI.ELECTRONICS.DEElectronic circuit de 4 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 SCI.MATH Mathematical discussi 1 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 SCI.MED.CARDIOLOGYAll aspects of cardio 3 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 SCI.MILITARY.NAVALNavies of the world, 8 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 SCI.PHYSICS.RELATIThe theory of relativ 7 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 SEATTLE.POLITICS seattle.politics 10 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 SOC.CULTURE.BRITISArea automatically ad 2 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 SOC.CULTURE.CANADADiscussions of Canada 14 16
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 SOC.CULTURE.CHINA Area automatically ad 1 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 SOC.CULTURE.GREEK Group about Greeks. 16 16
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 SOC.CULTURE.ISRAELIsrael and Israelis. 17 16
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 SOC.CULTURE.JEWISHJewish culture & reli 16 16
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 SOC.CULTURE.POLISHArea automatically ad 2 1
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 SOC.CULTURE.RUSSIAsoc.culture.russia 1 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 SOC.HISTORY Discussions of things 12 16
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 SOC.HISTORY.WAR.MIHistory & events of w 9 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 TALK.ORIGINS Evolution versus crea 5 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 TALK.POLITICS General politics disc 1 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 TALK.POLITICS.CHINDiscussion of politic 17 14
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 TALK.POLITICS.DRUGThe politics of drug 15 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 TALK.POLITICS.GUNSThe politics of firea 65 20
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 TALK.POLITICS.MEDItalk.politics.medicin 2 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 TALK.POLITICS.MISCArea automatically ad 4 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 UK.LEGAL UK law 16 16
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 UK.LEGAL.MODERATEDuk.legal.moderated 4 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 UK.MEDIA.TV.SF.DRWArea automatically ad 4 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 AGN_ADS Area automatically ad 2 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 AGN_ART Agoranet: Artscene 1 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 AGN_TST Agoranet: Test forum 2 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 MIN_WEATHER Micronet: Weather dis 5 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 1 2
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 1 2
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 ELIST [ADM] ELIST Conferenc 0 5
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 0 2
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 RENEGADE_BBS Renegade Software Dis 0 14
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 1 3
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 1 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 WEATHER Messages from the nat 9 12
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 ZX.SPECTRUM Discussing ZX spectru 2 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 ALT.ANONYMOUS.MESSThe infamous anonymou 8 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 ALT.ASTRONOMY alt.astronomy 1 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 ALT.ATHEISM Praying that there is 10 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 ALT.BIBLE General bible discuss 10 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 ALT.BIBLE.PROPHECYBible prophecies 1 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 ALT.BUDDHA.SHORT.F 9 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 ALT.CHECKMATE Chess discussions I t 11 1
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 ALT.CHINESE.TEXT Passthru area added 0 12 12
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 ALT.CHRISTNET alt.christnet 7 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 ALT.CHRISTNET.BIBLalt.christnet.bible 7 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 ALT.CHRISTNET.CHRIalt.christnet.christi 11 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 ALT.CHRISTNET.CHRIPassthru area added 0 1 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 ALT.CHRISTNET.EVANalt.christnet.evangel 7 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 ALT.CHRISTNET.PHILalt.christnet.philoso 7 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 ALT.CHRISTNET.PRAYalt.christnet.prayer 7 0
    09/24/2024 14:28 1:218/700 ALT.CHRISTNET.THEOalt.christnet.theolog 7 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)