• [16 of 34] Hourly statistics

    From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Wed Sep 18 06:00:16 2024
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.JOBS Passthru area added 0 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.JOBS.OFFERED Passthru area added 0 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.JOURNALISM Journalism and practi 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.JOURNALISM.CRIPassthru area added 0 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.LANGUAGE.LATINPassthru area added 0 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.LAW-ENFORCEMENPassthru area added 0 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.LIFE.SUCKS Life sucks and then y 0 74
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.MESSIANIC alt.messianic 1 3
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.MILITARY alt.military 1 1
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.NEWS-MEDIA alt.news-media 0 74
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.NL.TAAL.CRYPTOPassthru area added 0 2 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.OS.LINUX alt.os.linux 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.OS.LINUX.DEBIAalt.os.linux.debian 2 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.OS.LINUX.MINT alt.os.linux.mint 2 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.OS.LINUX.SLACKalt.os.linux.slackwar 2 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.OS.LINUX.SUSE alt.os.linux.suse 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.PARTY 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.PHILOSOPHY.TAOArea automatically ad 8 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.POLITICS General politics chat 20 1
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.POLITICS.CONGRCongress fatcats 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.POLITICS.DEMOCalt.politics.democrat 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.POLITICS.DEMOCDemocrats 19 9
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.POLITICS.ECONO"Its the economy, stu 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.POLITICS.ELECTCurrent elections 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.POLITICS.IMMIGalt.politics.immigrat 3 2
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.POLITICS.LIBERThe moderm mental dis 14 9
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.POLITICS.LIBERalt.politics.libertar 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.POLITICS.MARIJThey hate government 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.POLITICS.MEDIAalt.politics.media 23 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.POLITICS.OBAMAalt.politics.obama 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.POLITICS.RADICThe most extreme of m 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.POLITICS.REPUBUS republican politic 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.POLITICS.REPUBRepublicans 21 77
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.POLITICS.TRUMPThe politics of badas 56 9
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.POLITICS.USA.Ralt.politics.usa.repu 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.PRIVACY 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.PRIVACY.ANON-SPassthru area 3 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.PROPHECIES.NOSalt.prophecies.nostra 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.PSYCHOLOGY alt.psychology 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.PUB.CAFE-BOB 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.RADIO.TALK 4 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.RELIGION.CHRISArea automatically ad 0 8
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.RELIGION.CHRISArea automatically ad 0 3
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.RELIGION.CHRISArea automatically ad 1 7
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.RELIGION.CHRISalt.religion.christia 1 1
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.RELIGION.CHRISalt.religion.christia 0 7
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.SEX.STORIES 12 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.SLACK I think its about Sla 34 1
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.SOCIETY.CONSERalt.society.conservat 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.SOCIETY.MENTALalt.society.mental-he 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.SUPPORT.DEPRESalt.support.depressio 5 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.SUPPORT.DIABETalt.support.diabetes 0 4
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.SUPPORT.MARIJUArea automatically ad 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.SURVIVAL Discussing survivalis 9 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.USENET.KOOKS Area automatically ad 6 2
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.WAR.CIVIL.USA alt.war.civil.usa 8 1
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 ALT.WINDOWS7.GENERalt.windows7.general 0 3396
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 CA.GENERAL California general ch 2 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 CA.POLITICS California politics 2 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 CAN.ARTS.SF Area automatically ad 11 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 CAN.CANET.STATS Canadian usenet stats 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 CAN.POLITICS Bob and Doug are a co 21 80
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 COMP.ARCH Computer architecture 29 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 COMP.LANG.C Discussion about C. 22 1
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 COMP.LANG.C++ The object-oriented C 7 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 COMP.LANG.FORTH comp.lang.forth 13 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 COMP.LANG.LISP comp.lang.lisp 4 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 COMP.MOBILE.ANDROIDiscussion about Andr 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 COMP.MOBILE.IPAD Discussion about the 7 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 COMP.OS.LINUX.ADVOBenefits of Linux com 38 2
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 COMP.OS.VMS DEC's VAX* line of co 16 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 COMP.SYS.MAC.ADVOCThe Macintosh compute 8 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 COMP.SYS.RASPBERRYRaspberry Pi computer 13 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 COMP.UNIX.SHELL Using and programming 12 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 DE.COMM.SOFTWARE.NPassthru area added 0 2 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 DE.REC.FAHRRAD Passthru area added 0 13 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 DE.REC.FOTOGRAFIE Passthru area added 0 3 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 DE.TALK.TAGESGESCH 61 11
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 IT.DISCUSSIONI.AUTit.discussioni.auto 25 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 IT.DISCUSSIONI.COMit.discussioni.commer 19 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 IT.DISCUSSIONI.CONit.discussioni.consum 29 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 IT.DISCUSSIONI.GEOit.discussioni.geomet 8 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 IT.POLITICA it.politica 59 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 NEWS.GROUPS Discussions and lists 3 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 NYC.GENERAL Whats happening in Ne 0 74
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 NYC.POLITICS Politics specific to 2 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 OTT.WEATHER Area automatically ad 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 REC.ARTS.DRWHO Discussion about Dr. 19 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 REC.ARTS.SF.FANDOMDiscussions of SF fan 12 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 REC.ARTS.SF.TV Discussing general te 11 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 REC.ARTS.SF.WRITTEDiscussion of written 14 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 REC.ARTS.TV The boob tube, its hi 70 75
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 REC.AUDIO.OPINION Everybody's two bits 1 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 REC.AUDIO.PRO Professional audio re 2 0
    09/18/2024 05:13 2:460/58 REC.AUTOS.DRIVING Area automatically ad 1 0

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Darkrealms@1:229/426 to All on Sun Sep 29 06:19:04 2024
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 MIN_COMP Micronet: Computers 1 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 2 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 MIN_WEATHER Micronet: Weather dis 1 1
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 6 4
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 11 4
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 5 1
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 7 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 CBM Commodore Computer Co 1 3
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 ESSNASA Earth & Space Sci-Tec 2 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 6 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 6 10
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 2 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 MYSTIC Mystic support echo 0 1
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 R50.SYSOP Region 50 / Russian S 3 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 3 7
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 7 13
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 10 28
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 2 4
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 2 6
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 7 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 WEATHER Messages from the nat 6 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 Z2DAILY Zone 1 Daily Nodelist 3 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 2 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 MIN_COMP Micronet: Computers 1 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 2 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 MIN_WEATHER Micronet: Weather dis 1 1
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 6 4
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 11 4
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 5 1
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 7 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 CBM Commodore Computer Co 1 3
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 ESSNASA Earth & Space Sci-Tec 2 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 6 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 6 10
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 2 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 MYSTIC Mystic support echo 0 1
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 R50.SYSOP Region 50 / Russian S 3 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 3 7
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 7 13
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 10 28
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 2 4
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 2 6
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 7 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 WEATHER Messages from the nat 6 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 Z2DAILY Zone 1 Daily Nodelist 3 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 2 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 MIN_COMP Micronet: Computers 1 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 2 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 1:396/45 MIN_WEATHER Micronet: Weather dis 1 1
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 6 4
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 11 4
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 5 1
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 7 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 CBM Commodore Computer Co 1 3
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 ESSNASA Earth & Space Sci-Tec 2 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 6 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 6 10
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 2 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 MYSTIC Mystic support echo 0 1
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 R50.SYSOP Region 50 / Russian S 3 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 3 7
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 7 13
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 10 28
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 2 4
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 2 6
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 7 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 WEATHER Messages from the nat 6 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 Z2DAILY Zone 1 Daily Nodelist 3 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 3 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 MIN_COMP Micronet: Computers 1 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 2 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 MIN_WEATHER Micronet: Weather dis 1 1
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 ALLFIX_FILE Allfix automated file 6 4
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 BBS_ADS ADVERTISE and Promote 11 4
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 BBS_PROMOTION The BBS Promotion "Te 5 1
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 BEL.CHARTER97.EN Not sure 7 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 CBM Commodore Computer Co 1 3
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 ESSNASA Earth & Space Sci-Tec 2 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 FDN_ANNOUNCE File Distribution Net 6 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 FIDO-REQ Some sort of file-req 6 10
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 IPV6 The convoluted mess t 2 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 MYSTIC Mystic support echo 0 1
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 R50.SYSOP Region 50 / Russian S 3 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 RBERRYPI Support for the Raspb 3 7
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 STATS Echomail Stats & Info 7 13
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 SYNCDATA Synchronet Distribute 10 28
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 SYNCHRONET Rob Swindell worship 2 4
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 SYNC_SYSOPS Synchronet Multinode 2 6
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 UKRNEWS Some sort of Ukraine 7 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 WEATHER Messages from the nat 6 2
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 Z2DAILY Zone 1 Daily Nodelist 3 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 AGN_HUB Agoranet: Hub stats 4 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 MIN_COMP Micronet: Computers 1 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 MIN_GENAN Micronet: General ann 2 0
    09/29/2024 06:05 46:1/100 MIN_WEATHER Micronet: Weather dis 1 1

    --- MPost/NT v1.21
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)