The ARRL New England Division Convention, hosted by the Northeast HamXposition[1] at its new location in Marlborough, Massachusetts, has been postponed until November 6 - 8 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The show had been scheduled for July. HamXposition Chair Bob DeMattia, K1IW, said many logistical problems exist with holding the convention in July, even under the most favorable scenarios.
"We believe it is unlikely that [Massachusetts'] ban on large gatherings will be completely lifted by the end of July," he said in an April 10 announcement. "Even if it were, we believe attendance will be severely impacted due to lingering - and quite appropriate - caution." DeMattia said nearly all exhibitors indicated they were unwilling to commit to any date earlier than June.
"The convention is subject to penalties for cancellation," he continued. "The penalties increase as we get closer to the convention date. By moving to November, we move out the schedule on these penalties. This will allow us to reassess the viability of the convention in early August. By then we will have further insight into prevailing conditions."
DeMattia said the November weekend was the only alternative for the show.
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