Amateur radio is featured in the publication, ITU Guidelines for national emergency telecommunication plans[1], published by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Development Sector (ITU-D). The publication notes that radio amateurs have supported communication in emergency situations on a voluntary basis since the dawn of radio.
"They are experts in radio communications and have the equipment, skills and necessary frequencies allocated by ITU to deploy networks in emergency events quickly and efficiently," the publication says. ITU-D said amateur radio support offers "great coverage due to the large number of amateur radio stations available;" training programs and exercises have been developed for emergency communication; "qualified temporary volunteers who provide skills and experience essential for emergency telecommunications;" problem-solving skills and an ability to work with "often very limited resources," and the ability to work with alternative power sources.
Past ARRL President and IARU Secretary Rod Stafford, W6ROD, represents the International Amateur Radio Union at ITU-D meetings. - Thanks to Southgate Amateur Radio News; IARU
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