International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 (IARU-R1[1]) Youth Working Group Chair Lisa Leenders, PA2LS, said young operators (age 26 or younger) in Region 1 (Europe and Africa) have been invited to participate in the Youngsters on the Air (YOTA[2]) Youth Contesting Program (YCP[3]).
"Youth members from IARU Region 1 member-societies are invited to take part in a contest from so called 'Top Gun' stations," she said. "These young hams will learn how to operate the contest station, improve their contest skills, and aim for the best results together as a team." Leenders said long-time YCP partners 9A1A, ES9C, and 4O3A are already on the schedule of host stations, and additional stations are welcome. LX7I will join the roster during the ARRL International DX Contest (SSB), and LZ9W, OZ5E, and DP9A will be available for other contests later this year.
More information[4] and an application form is available on the YOTA website.
Inspired by the YOTA YCP, the unrelated Young Amateurs Radio Club (YARC[5]) Youth Contesting Program (YCP[6]) wants to match groups of enthusiastic young contesters with top contest stations to gain operating experience during the CQ World Wide WPX SSB Contest[7] over the March 30 - 31 weekend.
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