• Denmark’s EDR Offers Award for World Amateur Radio Day Contacts with 5P0WARD

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Mon Apr 16 19:27:40 2018

    World Amateur Radio Day is Wednesday, April 18, and EDR, Denmark's International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Member-Society, is sponsoring the 5P0WARD Award for working 5P0WARD/xx stations between 0000 and 2400 UTC.

    Stations in Europe qualify for a gold award by contacting 12 different 5P0WARD/xx stations on at least four different bands. For silver, work 10 different 5P0WARD/xx stations on at least three bands, and for bronze, contact six different 5P0WARD/xx stations on at least three different bands. For stations elsewhere in the world, participants qualify for gold by working five different 5P0WARD/xx stations on at least three bands; for silver by working four different 5P0WARD/xx stations on at least two bands, and for bronze by working two different 5P0WARD/xx stations on at least two bands.

    Details[1] on the 5P0WARD Award are on QRZ.com. In addition to free downloaded awards, printed and laminated certificates are available for $10. Deadline for award request is December 31, 2018. Contact[2] Carsten Gjessing, OZ4CG, with any questions. - Thanks to Henning Andresen, OZ1BII, EDR Contest Manager 

    [1] https://www.qrz.com/db/5p0ward
    [2] mailto:oz4cg@live.dk

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