Subject: ARRL Seeks Nominations for 2017 ARRL Bill Leonard Award
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ARRL is seeking nominations for the prestigious Bill Leonard Award[1]. Created as a tribute to the late CBS News President Bill Leonard, W2SKE, an avid radio amateur and advocate for the service. Each year, the award honors three professional journalists whose outstanding media coverage highlights the enjoyment, importance, and public service value of Amateur Radio. Awards are given for audio, visual, and print/text journalism.
The ARRL Public Relations Committee judges nominations, and the ARRL Board of Directors makes the ultimate decision, announced at its January meeting. The award consists of an engraved plaque, and a $250 contribution made in each recipient's name to a charity of their choice.
Recipients will receive the award based on their work, in English, covering Amateur Radio topics in an audio format, such as broadcast radio or podcasting; a visual format, such as television, movie, or other video media, and print and text format, such as newspapers, news websites, magazines or journals. The scope of the work nominated may be a single story or series. The work for which a nominee is considered must have appeared between December 4, 2016, and December 1, 2017.
Only one submission per entrant will be accepted, and only one award will be granted for a team effort. Copies of the work for which the journalist is nominated must be submitted with the nomination.
Submit entries to ARRL PR Committee, c/o Communication Manager, ARRL, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111. Entries are due by 5 PM EST on December 1, 2017.
For more information about the award or to obtain a nomination form[2], visit the ARRL website or contact ARRL Communication Manager, David Isgur at[3] or call 860-594-0328. The Official Nomination Form[4] is also available to download.
[3] mailto:
■ Synchronet ■ Whiskey Lover's Amateur Radio BBS