• Radio BBS

    From Gladius@VERT/CRAZYW to All on Mon Nov 9 20:00:01 2015
    Hello everyone. I see there has been some talk here about packet radio. I
    think packet radio is highly overrated due to the extremely limited speed.
    What I'd love to see is some kind of digital radio link with channel speeds of 256-512+ kbaud, with at least 16-32 channels available. Is there something out there like this already? Maybe using the 900 mhz spectrum or even SHF over 1 g? hz? Would anyone be willing to put in the time/resources to develop open
    source hardware/software for this idea? I want it to be possible to set up a BBS over radio with high speed data transfers and message relaying between nodes in a mesh network, with full encryption. How can we make this happen?

    ■ Synchronet ■ Crazy World Bbs - crazyworldbbs.com
  • From Deuce@VERT/SYNCNIX to Gladius on Mon Nov 9 21:51:10 2015
    Re: Radio BBS
    By: Gladius to All on Mon Nov 09 2015 08:00 pm

    What I'd love to see is some kind of digital radio link with channel speeds of 256-512+ kbaud, with at least 16-32 channels available. Is there something out there like this already?

    There's 802.11af (available now), and 802.11ah (Coming very soon) which more or less fit what you describe. Is WiFi suitable, or did you want more of a multicast setup?

    http://DuckDuckGo.com/ a better search engine that respects your privacy.
    Mro is an idiot. Please ignore him, we keep hoping he'll go away.
    ■ Synchronet ■ My Brand-New BBS (All the cool SysOps run STOCK!)
  • From Greystripe@VERT/VHACKER to Gladius on Tue Nov 10 13:18:36 2015
    Re: Radio BBS
    By: Gladius to All on Mon Nov 09 2015 08:00 pm

    In terms of packet radio, it still holds interest as it is incredibly cheap to do in terms of computing and hardware required these days - You can now use a £25 handheld radio and a computer of the same cost as a complete packet station hosting a BBS, Node and soft TNC functions. It might be slow, but it is cheap, simple and reliable.

    There's something not dissimilar to what you're proposing using more or less off the shelf hardware on 2.4GHz - check out the FEEDNET[1] Project. They're doing long distance, multi-megabit communications in a mesh setup, with `internet class` services on the network - VoIP, audio/video streaming and others, alongside more traditional amateur radio hardware (analog voice repeaters and the like) all connected to the same network.
    They've built on top of broadband-hamnet[2] concepts, but I'm less familiar with that.

    I want it to be possible to set up a
    BBS over radio with high speed data transfers and message relaying between nodes in a mesh network, with full encryption. How can we make this happen?

    I'm unsure about other jurisdictions, but in the UK encryption is disallowed on amateur radio (section 11(2). There is an exception (when transmitting on behalf of a User Service) but the chances of that applying to a BBS and IP mesh network are slim. As such, this wouldn't be able to happen in the UK, however the meshnet is interesting at least!


    [1] http://feednet.org.uk/
    [2] http://www.broadbandhamnet.com/

    ■ Synchronet ■ Virtualhacker.net BBS [under test]
  • From Gladius@VERT/CRAZYW to Greystripe on Wed Nov 11 14:44:08 2015
    Re: Radio BBS
    By: Greystripe to Gladius on Tue Nov 10 2015 13:18:36

    Thank you gentlemen. I will do some reading up on feednet. I guess off the shelf 2.4 ghz wifi equipment could be used, though the hardware/firmware
    would need to be modified to suit my purposes, at least to increase the radio power level. I don't think multicast is the right word; I'm thinking
    something where a single station can transmit/receive data simultaneously
    from multiple remote nodes, with TDMA multiplexing so that multiple nodes can also simultaneously access data on a single node/channel. Not sure what
    scheme wifi 802.11 uses for channel access. Much research required.


    Re: Radio BBS
    By: Gladius to All on Mon Nov 09 2015 08:00 pm

    In terms of packet radio, it still holds interest as it is incredibly cheap do in terms of computing and hardware required these days - You can now use £25 handheld radio and a computer of the same cost as a complete packet stat hosting a BBS, Node and soft TNC functions. It might be slow, but it is chea simple and reliable.

    There's something not dissimilar to what you're proposing using more or less off the shelf hardware on 2.4GHz - check out the FEEDNET[1] Project. They're doing long distance, multi-megabit communications in a mesh setup, with `internet class` services on the network - VoIP, audio/video streaming and others, alongside more traditional amateur radio hardware (analog voice repeaters and the like) all connected to the same network.
    They've built on top of broadband-hamnet[2] concepts, but I'm less familiar with that.

    I want it to be possible to set up a
    BBS over radio with high speed data transfers and message relaying betwee nodes in a mesh network, with full encryption. How can we make this happe

    I'm unsure about other jurisdictions, but in the UK encryption is disallowed amateur radio (section 11(2). There is an exception (when transmitting on behalf of a User Service) but the chances of that applying to a BBS and IP m network are slim. As such, this wouldn't be able to happen in the UK, howeve the meshnet is interesting at least!


    [1] http://feednet.org.uk/
    [2] http://www.broadbandhamnet.com/

    ■ Synchronet ■ Crazy World Bbs - crazyworldbbs.com