• Ravne's Vulgarity Stats

    From RavneBot to All on Mon May 27 15:57:20 2024
    As an informational service, information about Ravne's vulgarity has been collected from DOVE-Net and is presented below.

    This is a simple statistical analysis of Ravne's vulgarity on DOVE-Net since 2024-05-24 10:17:29 MST.

    Words & phrases (6 in total), in order of most to least used:
    Term # Percent
    ---- - -------
    Straight white men 4 66.67% (+4 new since last time)
    Old straight men 1 16.67% (+1 new since last time)
    Straight white man 1 16.67% (+1 new since last time)

    A most-used term (4 times): Straight white men
    A least-used term (1 times): Old straight men

    In DOVE-Net - General, Ravne to MRO on 2024-05-25 10:39:48 MST (subject: Re: BBS community improvements):
    How did I do that, by assuming you're a straight white man? The level of entitledness you display tends to be indicative of straight white men. I mean, I've seen racial minorities turn on other minorities, but it always baffles me. Minorities of all types would be best off sticking together.
    I kinda wish I had time to troll properly with you, but I lead a busy life. I spend lots of time at work, or taking care of my family, or with my partner keeping me "busy". Besides, it's only a week until Pride month, I have way too many lesbian antics to take part in to waste my time on old straight men.

    In DOVE-Net - General, Ravne to kk4qbn on 2024-05-25 14:02:48 MST (subject: Re: BBS community improvements):
    You may be right on some level. To clarify, I don't think all straight white men are a problem. I also don't think that other demographics can't be a problem, but I do think (rough guesstimate) 4/5 times this kind of behavior comes from straight white men.

    In DOVE-Net - Synchronet Discussion, Ravne to Denn on 2024-05-24 10:17:29 MST (subject: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p):
    We talk here about wanting to appeal to more people, but then we allow people to make it feel hostile. The days of you older straight white men being the majority are ending, we need to appeal to those that are becoming the majority. If I hadn't been into BBSing in the mid 90s & had other women helping me feel welcome back then, there's probably no way I'd be here now.

    In DOVE-Net - Synchronet Discussion, Ravne to Denn on 2024-05-24 12:03:17 MST (subject: Re: BBS community improvements):
    As a (presumably) straight white man, I think you underestimate the effects bigotry has on minorities.
    I did a poor job of phrasing my thoughts here. In this point, I'm talking about the world in general, not specifically BBSing. I also misspoke saying that some other demographic would take over as the majority. My meaning is more along the lines of old straight white men becoming less & less dominant of a majority.