• Funeral Quest is Back

    From Operations@VERT/SECTONE to All on Sat Jan 26 16:16:06 2019
    I don't know how many of you remember Seth Abel Robinson's flash game of "Funeral Quest" but it was a pretty good one. I lost a lot of time playing it and alot more money running a server. And then Seth took it down.

    Well it's back up and I'm running my own server again. It's over at the BBS site. If you remember it, join back in and play. And if you haven't played it, what are you waiting for? Give it a try. You can reach us at www.funeral-quest.com

    (Sorry if this is a repeat message. I thought I had posted it before, but could not find it)

    ■ Synchronet ■ Section One BBS - www.section1bbs.com