• RetroDigital BBS Welcomes Center of Awareness!

    From Deepend@VERT/RDBBS to All on Sat Dec 19 14:33:14 2015
    RetroDigital.net BBS

    Telnet: telnet://bbs.rdnetbbs.com/
    Main Website: https://retrodigital.net/
    BBS Website: http://rdnetbbs.com/

    Message Networks:

    Fidonet: 1:342/11
    Gatornet: 57:57/28
    DoRENET: 44:100/7
    WhisperNet: 316:403/2
    Dove-NET, DeveloperNet, MusicalNet, Starnet

    37 Usenet Newsgroups - Topics from Sports to Jukeboxes.

    Max Nodes: 10
    Messages: Over 582318
    Files: Rebuilding our file section to better serve our users.

    Center of Awareness Games:
    Barren Realms Elite, Bubble Boggle, DiceWarz 2, Falcon's Eye, FatFish, Global War, Kannons and Katapults, LORD, Maze Race, Planets: TEOS, Synchronetris, The Pit, Thirstyville, Top Rank Boxing, Uberblox, Usurper

    BBSLink InterBBS Games:
    Lord, Lord2, Planets: TEOS, Operation: Overkill, Trade Wars 2002, Pimp
    Wars, Lunatix, BBS Crash, Global War, DoorMUD, Mega Slots.

    What's New!
    Would like to welcome the Center of Awareness (http://www.centerofawareness.net/) to our BBS, a huge thanks to echicken for helping us get all setup. The games and message boards are all online including games such as Barren Realms Elite, LORD and many more.

    Lets put our resources to some use. Work together and grow things once and for all! =============================================================================== ====

    We are all about preserving everything Retro, Including BBS related websites/services. If you have any great ideas to help preserve or bring back some interest in BBS's or Retro related stuff please drop us a line! It would be a shame to see all of this great computer history end up just as history. Anything we can do to improve things we will attempt.

    Hope to talk to you all soon!

    ■ Synchronet ■ RetroDigital BBS - rdnetbbs.com