OFN Message Gateway
Telnet://tek1systems.com http://ohiofreenet.org
UseNet newsgroups A message-based bbs
FidoNet 1:226/410 Cleveland, Ohio
Survival Prep Net
Over 2.1 million messages in hundreds of newsgroups
Keeping information free for all
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| Message Gateway |
For those who like to read...
OFN is a message-based public web and telnet system.
* a Synchronet telnet/web BBS
* A message-based bbs in Cleveland, Ohio USA
telnet://tek1systems.com -
* Java telnet
* Modded web interface
* UseNet newsgroups-DoveNet-Fidonet 1:226/410
- Newsgroups are mainly technical/scientific groups
* Hundreds of CD's via PHP/AJAX FTP at our interface at
* Walnut Creek CD's: Scientific files, Windows utils.
* Telnet portals to metropolitan systems in U.S., China, and Canada
* Games: just added the Sunrise door collection
* Legend of the Green Dragon server
* Weather Underground Telnet weather for stats anywhere in the U.S.
* ascii Star Wars - for nerds only
* IRC to freenode, sychro, aNoN, and 2600
OFN is powered by Microsoft, Ubuntu, and Oracle VirtualBox ______________________________________________________
OFN Message Gateway
Telnet://tek1systems.com http://ohiofreenet.org
UseNet, FidoNet 1:226/410, DoveNet.
Cleveland, Ohio
■ Synchronet ■ OFN Message Gateway -
http://ohiofreenet.org telnet//tek1systems.com